Chapter 317 The Big Forest Has Any Birds
Yin Ziying waved her hand hastily: "I don't pay attention, it was sister Xuan who told me, and sister Xuan also said, you have discussed things with him this time, haven't you?"

"Ziying, speaking of this, I have to praise Brother Yan in front of you. It's really thanks to him this time..."

Seeing the old village chief start to praise Gu Yunyan, Yin Ziying hurriedly waved her hand to interrupt: "Grandpa village chief, don't say that, I know Gu Yunyan helped this time."

The old village chief was stunned: "Since you know Ziying, what do you think? Brother Yan..."

"It's not what you think. I just want to say that Gu Yunyan did help this time. He is the elder brother of Sister Xuan and the others. If he goes to Fucheng for the exam this time, I will subsidize ten taels of silver."

After finishing speaking, Yin Ziying took out ten taels of silver from her bosom and put it in the palm of the old village chief: "Grandpa Village Chief, I'll trouble you to take it to him, and I won't go."

Looking at the ten taels of silver, Yin Ziying felt that she was extremely confident.

Twelve taels, that's a lot, plus Uncle Gu's subsidy, is it enough for him to participate in Qiuwei?

One must know that Wu Ling rescued her and Sister Xuan, but she didn't give anything!Of course, this is because Wu Ling definitely doesn't like her money.

To say that at the beginning she planned to give 20 taels of silver as Xie Jin, but after thinking about it, Gao Shi came and had to pay a few taels of silver, plus the initial investment in the doll business, it was reduced to ten taels of silver. two silver.

The old village head was dumbfounded. He originally thought that Yin Ziying asked Gu Yunyan because he was moved by Gu Yunyan's help this time, and what was he planning to do!
I didn't expect to give money, and it was a full ten taels of silver.

"Grandpa Village Chief, that's it, you can help me and give it to Gu Yunyan, I'll go back first!"

The old village chief waved his hands anxiously behind him: "Ziying, don't worry about brother Yan Qiuwei not having money to entrust. He is now the only scholar in our village, and the village will definitely send some of them by then."

"I know all of this, but I, Yin Ziying, don't want to owe him anything. The ten taels of silver should be regarded as a buyout."

The old village head saw that there was no one around, and then he said in a low voice: "Ziying, you never thought that if Brother Yan is elected in Qiuwei, you will go back with him?"

Yin Ziying frowned: "Grandpa Village Chief, it's not that you don't know my temperament, so don't mention such things."

Seeing that Yin Ziying was about to get angry, the old village chief nodded quickly: "Hey, okay, Ziying, if you don't want to say it, don't say it, I just think it's a pity."

"Stop it, stop it, the village head grandpa, I'm going back first."

Yin Ziying also bid farewell to the old village head when she fled, and then went to her home.

Seeing this, the old village head sighed and shook his head, too, Ziying had looked down on Brother Yan before, and it might be the same now.

It's just that before he thought that Ziying and Wu Dong's family could be a couple, why did he hear that Wu Dong's family has a very high status after dinner today?
If the identities are too disparate, then this marriage will be hard to say.

It wasn't until the old village head and Yin Ziying left this place that a young girl with delicate features walked out from a corner on the other side.

Lu Xiuyu looked at the old village chief's leaving back with hatred, and gave Yin Ziying a hard look in the direction where Yin Ziying disappeared.

Sure enough, as she imagined, Yin Ziying wanted to post it after Brother Yan's promotion, otherwise how could she explain that she wanted to give a gift at this time?

And brother Yan, he didn't tell her about this before and he stepped in. What does he mean?
Thinking of what the old village head said just now, Lu Xiuyu felt that she was burning with anger, and then the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became.

She thought for a while, and strode towards the direction the two had just come, saying that this house was arranged for the people under Wu Dong's family in Cuixianlou.

What would happen if Dong Wu's family in the Cuixian Tower knew that Yin Ziying had married?
She quickly walked towards the house, thought about it and felt that it was not good to be empty-handed, then went back to the vegetable field at home and picked a few handfuls of vegetables before heading towards the house.

When Ah Xing opened the door, what she saw was a girl with delicate features and a handful of vegetables in her hand.

"Hi, may I ask if this is..."

"Oh, you are the people under Wu Dong's family, right? I'm from this village. I thought you just came here today, so you must have nothing to eat, so I picked a handful of vegetables from my own field for you."

A Xing paused looking at the vegetables in her hand, she shook her head and looked at the smiling woman in front of her: "No need, we have something to eat."

The woman said that the food will be delivered later, and as for the vegetables, Aunt Gu will take them to recognize them later.

"Oh, you're welcome, Dong Wu's family has helped our village a lot. If it weren't for Dong Wu's family, our village wouldn't be able to open a workshop now!"

While talking, Lu Xiuyu stuffed the vegetables in her hand into A Xing's hand, and then stepped into the yard.

"Your house is well repaired now. You don't know that it was urgently repaired by the village. It was still a little damaged not long ago!"

Seeing her stepping in, A Tao, who was following A Xing, was about to scold her, but she saw her sister pulling her hand at random.

A Xing closed the door, and smiled at Lu Xiuyu who had just entered: "Since the girl is here, let's have a cup of tea before leaving!"

"That couldn't be better. I heard that you are members of Wu Dong's family. I don't know what business you do with Wu Dong's family on weekdays? I'm idle in the village, why don't we talk to each other about interesting things?"

A Xing poured a cup of hot tea and handed it over: "Miss uses tea, this tea is freshly brewed, please don't mind."

"How could that be!"

Lu Xiuyu nodded with a smile, didn't take the tea at all, but looked around and said, "What kind of work do you do under Wu Dong's family? Let me tell you, our place..."

An hour later, Lu Xiuyu and A Xing made an appointment to come and play again next time, and then said goodbye to everyone with a smile.

As soon as she went out, her complexion changed.

These people are not at all like the people under Wu Dong's family in Cuixianlou, they all look like people who work on a daily basis, and they are all children.

Obviously, that Dong Wu's family of Cuixianlou didn't arrange his real subordinates here, so it's no wonder he asked Yin Ziying to help.

After thinking about it, she turned her head and entered a house not far away.


And at this moment, in the house where Ah Xing and the others are located.

A Tao looked at her sister with a strange expression: "Sister, don't you think that woman just now is a bit strange?"

At first they thought it was an enthusiastic villager, but after the man came in, they realized that this was not the case at all.

That woman did know a lot of information, but she was actually talking about that Miss Yin's black information, saying that Miss Yin had divorced, and that Miss Yin's reputation here is so bad.

They didn't say any good things, which they didn't expect.

A Xing hooked the corners of her lips: "What's so strange, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds."

For a woman as special as Yin Ziying, it's no wonder that some people are jealous. It turned out that she was divorced before, which was a little unexpected to her.

(End of this chapter)

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