Chapter 318

A Tao said: "When the girl asked her name just now, she kept her mouth shut. When she talked about Miss Yin, she would talk endlessly. I think she made a special trip to speak ill of Miss Yin."

"However, tell me, sister, why did she come to tell us? We are not familiar with her either!"

A Tao couldn't figure it out, so what if the girl said bad things about Yin Ziying to them?Now that they are under the control of others, even if they know that Miss Yin is not good, can they still laugh at her?
What's more, this girl Yin is really not bad to them, at least she is much better than what they imagined before, and the older ones of them can go to the workshop to help work and earn money!

If it weren't for the fact that the family members on the other side of the village were under control, A Tao felt that it would be fine if they stayed in the village forever.

There is money for working here, and when the time comes, the money can be saved and taken back to the village for the villagers to use. This is better than the previous activities.

Hearing this, A Xing curled her lips and smiled: "Because of Mr. Wu's family."

"Wu Dong's family? That man?"

"Miss Yin didn't tell these people about our identities, so they all thought we were the confidantes of that Dong Wu's family. The girl who came here just now probably wanted us to put eye drops on Miss Yin in front of Dong Wu's family."

A Tao frowned and said: "Then this woman is really bad enough to do this, Miss Yin is such a good person, and she is in the same village as her, how can she ruin her reputation like this?"

A Xing shook her head: "Anyway, I know what I hear in my heart, so don't say it outside, this matter is not our business."

"Sister, that girl said that about Miss Yin, why don't we tell her? Miss Yin is kind to us, I don't think what the girl said is true!"

The rest of the people nodded when they heard A Tao's words. That's right, although they just arrived today, they really had a good impression of Miss Yin.

In fact, long before going up the mountain that night, when Yin Ziying was willing to take them down the mountain, they had a good impression of Yin Ziying in their hearts.

In addition, when they came to this village today, everything Yin Ziying said and did made them feel taken care of.

A Xing nodded: "I still have to talk about it, let's talk about it when I meet Miss Yin someday!"

"Oh, then we didn't ask the girl's name clearly just now, so it doesn't seem to be of much help!"

A Xing snorted coldly: "Don't worry, Miss Yin probably knows such a person, we just need to do our own things well."

Hearing this, everyone let go of their high-hanging hearts.

"Sister, what do you think will happen to our village this time? That Mr. Wu's family... Do you think he will really do what he promised us?"

That night after the Wudong family found their villagers, they didn't know what to say to them afterwards.

In short, they only knew that the ten of them were still not staying with the villagers. They wanted to come to Baijia Village to find Miss Yin, and they could not go back to visit their relatives in the village without the man's permission.

However, the old people in the village told them that as long as they cooperate to come here, all the people in the village will be fine except those from the juggling troupe who will be imprisoned for several years.


Ah Xing's voice was very calm, and there was no emotion on his face when he mentioned this matter.

Seeing her sister like this, A Tao stomped her feet: "Sister!"

"Okay, okay! Let's not talk about this, A Tao, you have to remember, whether it is true or not, this matter can only be true. This is our village's last hope."

Hearing this, not only A Tao was stunned, but also the expressions of the other children were also stunned.

Afterwards, one of the children covered his mouth and cried: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L Lv L

Ah Xing stepped forward to hug the child gently, and said in a low voice: "Little Leopard, don't cry, as long as you are obedient, you will see your parents soon."

"Sister A Xing, are you lying to me?"

"Do you think when sister A Xing lied to you?"

Seeing the child laughing through tears, Ah Xing's heart sank. She only hoped that that person could really solve their village's problems.

Grandpa said that the man's identity must be very unusual, and it might be their only chance in the village, so even if he was used as a flag, they would be happy.


On the way to the capital, in a low-key but luxurious carriage.

Xiao Yi looked at the young man riding a horse outside through the slightly see-through curtain, with a smile in his eyes.

"My lord, look, what a good child our Mausoleum is, and his demeanor is exactly the same as yours back then."

Wei Ting glanced at the young man outside and snorted softly: "Although it's good, it's still far from what I was back then."

"Screw you!"

"Okay, okay, Madam said it looks like it! After all, this child is my seed?"

After the two laughed and quarreled, Xiao Yi said to Wei Ting in a low voice: "My lord, you said that this time we went out of the fief without permission, will the Holy Majesty be furious?"

"It's not impossible, ma'am, don't you think that the Holy Majesty doesn't know about the fact that we have been traveling around looking for children for so many years? Not to mention the Holy Majesty, even many dignitaries in the capital know about it. The Holy Majesty just turned a blind eye to it." Just eyes."

Xiao Yi frowned lightly: "Why don't I know about this? Last time the eldest princess asked me a few words, but this private action is still a bit different from being exposed in person.

I was worried that His Majesty would take this opportunity to detain Ling'er in the capital.Lord, we found Ling'er with great difficulty, I don't want to..."

Although they are kings in Zhennan Palace, they are not members of the royal family. They are kings with different surnames.

Since ancient times, there have been countless things that have been feared by the emperor after a king with a different surname or a founding general made great achievements. She was really worried that she would become one of them.

It was fine that they had been childless before, but now that the child has been found, I don't know if the Holy Majesty will take this opportunity to let their son stay in the capital and become a proton.

Hearing this, Wei Ting tapped the coffee table in front of him with his finger, and said: "Based on my friendship with the Holy One, it shouldn't be. Besides, Ling'er was just found by us, even if he really has that Thoughts, I probably wouldn't do it at this time."

Xiao Yi said bitterly: "After all, it was our noise this time that alarmed Geng Shan."

Wei Ting patted Xiao Yi's hand to comfort him.

"Ma'am, don't worry, I still have some respect in front of the Holy One, and the Holy One must not have the heart to separate our family of three."

Xiao Yi paused, of course she knew that they still had some affection in front of the Holy One, but the world is still considered peaceful now.

As kings with different surnames, they still hold heavy soldiers in their hands. At this time, others are eager to have a chance to catch them, so how can they give up so easily?
She knew very clearly what military power meant to her husband.

(End of this chapter)

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