Chapter 319
Although the king with a different surname has a fief, the current emperor is not at ease, and often sends the governor down to check.

Now that they have military power in their hands, they may still be feared by the court. If they are weak, then they are the King of Zhennan.

Although in Xiao Yi's view, there is nothing wrong with being a rich and idle person, after all, their Zhennan kings are hereditary, but the end of the kings with different surnames in the past dynasties undoubtedly made them very worried.

"Okay, ma'am, don't worry, Ling'er has been found now, you just have to worry about him, I'm the only one in court affairs!"

Seeing that his beloved wife still looked unprepared, Wei Ting said again:
"Taking advantage of this visit to Beijing, madam, get ready. You can contact your old friends in Beijing and China to hold a flower party and tea party, so that I can choose a satisfactory daughter-in-law for you, isn't it?"

Seeing what Wei Ting said, Xiao Yi's attention was indeed diverted, she showed a smile: "What the lord said is that our Ling'er is not young now, it's time to get married."

A normal man is about to get married when he is sixteen or seventeen, but now their son is eighteen, so he is considered an older youth.

Fortunately, their family has the title of Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and Ling'er is their only child, so there must be an endless stream of people who want to marry Ling'er.

Besides, their family's Ling'er is also handsome and unparalleled. Although he didn't grow up by their side since childhood, his temperament is not very different from that of everyone's son.

"Speaking of this, I think Ling'er has been in a better mood recently. It seems that Miss Yin is really in Ling'er's favor."

Wei Ting smiled and said, "Since that's the case, it's better for Madam to make the decision for Ling'er to be included in the mansion."

Xiao Yi frowned: "How can that be done? That girl Yin has divorced before. Our Ling'er is so outstanding, how can we marry a girl who has divorced before?"

Originally, she also planned to bring the girl Yin whom her son liked so much into the mansion, but it was only later that she found out that the girl had divorced.

How could they marry a woman of this status in a place like Zhennan Palace?Let others know and still laugh out loud?
Seeing that he made Madam unhappy, Wei Ting apologized again and again: "Madam is right, everything is up to Madam!"

He wasn't involved in the affairs of the inner house. He was different from other people who needed to rely on the marriage of his children to stabilize his position. He had real military achievements.

Therefore, even if the Zhennan Palace wants to marry a daughter-in-law, it all depends on which girl's family the beloved wife prefers.

Xiao Yi said: "However, it's a good thing that Miss Yin can make Ling'er miss you so much. If there is a chance to go to Qinan Mansion in the next day, I will of course see her.

As for the daughter-in-law, I have to carefully screen after entering Beijing.Not everyone can be my daughter-in-law, if it is suitable, the side concubine can also be accepted together. "

"Okay, okay, what Madam says is what it is!"

Although the voice inside the carriage was not very loud, but Wei Lingyi was a martial artist, so how could he not hear it?

He frowned tightly when he heard that the two wantonly involved the woman, and even belittled her to that level.

It's just that he didn't interrupt the two of them. He knew very well that the more he cared about the woman at this time, the more dangerous it would be to the woman.

What's more, that woman doesn't seem to like the high family, he hastily involved her, I'm afraid she won't like it.

He looked at the avenue ahead, and there was a cold light in his eyes. The capital city, a place where countless people flock to, is extremely dangerous for him now.

If you want to get what you want, if you want to have a result with that woman, let's wait until he has dealt with the Beijing-China affairs first.

As for the conversation between the two in the carriage, such as marrying him a wife, he didn't pay attention at all.

When they arrive in the capital, they will find out how dangerous the situation they are facing is.

Since it was Geng Shan who brought up their matter in Qinan Mansion this time, he must have been extremely worried that they had grasped what he had done many years ago.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that this trip is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.


Time passed quickly, and it was the fifth day of August in the blink of an eye.

On this day, a major event happened in Baijia Village, that is, Gu Yunyan, their only scholar master, got into the carriage and went to Fucheng to participate in the autumn.

This is a big event in Baijia Village. Even though many people have gone far away from Gu Yunyan because of Yin Ziying's relationship, Gu Yunyan did not forget to send him some dry food or some money when he traveled this time.

This can be regarded as the care of the students in this area since ancient times, and at the same time, I hope that if this student really goes to high school in the future, his village will not be forgotten.

Although Yin Ziying didn't go to see Gu Yunyan off, she also made some portable food at the request of Gu Yunxuan, Chitang, Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui.

For example, she made some instant noodles and jerky, etc., but these were not sent in her name, but for Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui brothers.

Speaking of which, the reason why she did this was to pay off Gu Yunyan's idea when Ah Xing and the others came to test her last time.

Last time, she originally gave ten taels of silver to the old village chief to take to Gu Yunyan, and she originally planned to pay money and goods.

She never thought that Gu Yunyan would come to the door with money that day, she didn't like to argue with him the most, so she just accepted it.

Later, at the request of Gu Yunxuan and others, he made some food that was easy to preserve, such as instant noodles, etc., and the right should be returned to him.

But speaking of it, when Yin Ziying made this thing, she also thought about making instant noodles and pork jerky into products.

Although these things could not be preserved for a long time in ancient times, they were considered hard currency, such as the annual imperial examinations and those escorts who walk the darts must need this very much.

But because Wu Ling was not around, and she didn't know anyone else, she put it on hold for the time being.

After all, this thing is good, but it is different from sweet potato vermicelli, which has a long shelf life. It can only be sold in a suitable restaurant.

In Yin Ziying's view, the Cuixian Tower in Wuling just meets this requirement.

Even so, Yin Ziying was not idle.

These days, she has drawn quite a few pictures of modern dolls at home.

Although the colors of ancient fabrics are not as rich as modern ones, the dolls made under such limited conditions are also uniquely cute.

Not because of anything else, but because there were very few dolls in ancient times, because the ancients themselves were more taboo about human-shaped dolls, and no one thought of making animal-shaped dolls.

She was drawing a cinnamon dog in her hand when she heard Gu Yunxuan's angry voice from outside.

"Sister Ziying, sister Ziying, it's not good."

She put down the paintbrush in her hand and moved the paints forward. These paints are not easy to get, some of which are not available in the market, and she has to go up the mountain to find plants to paint, so she had to accidentally knock them down.

"what happened?"

"Sister Ziying, do you know what the people outside are talking about?"

Gu Yunxuan's face flushed with anger, obviously hearing a piece of news that she didn't like very much.

Yin Ziying hugged Gu Yunxuan and patted her on the back: "Sister Xuan, what's the matter? If you hear something, tell Sister Ziying."

(End of this chapter)

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