Chapter 320 The Inferiority of People

"Sister Ziying, people in the village are spreading rumors that we were kidnapped by Huazi when we were in the county these days, and that this is the reason why we haven't come back for so long."

Although this is the truth, Yin Ziying told her since the first day she came back that no matter who asked, she couldn't admit it.

So little Gu Yunxuan was very upset when she heard the news.

Yin Ziying frowned, did the news get out?It shouldn't be so!Not many people in the village know about this matter.

Only the old village chief, Uncle Gu and the others knew, but Uncle Gu, who was in charge of driving them at that time, would never dare to say anything.

"Sister Xuan, what did they say? Who did you hear say that to you?"

Gu Yunxuan said angrily:

"After seeing off my eldest brother, I watched it for a while, and when I came back, I heard several women say that! Some people asked me what I did in the county before. Sister Ziying, how would they know? "

Yin Ziying reached out and touched her head: "Then what did you say?"

"I just said that we have been staying at the Mingyue Inn in the county, and I told them all the places we went to play before, but I didn't believe them when I saw it."

"That's okay, sister Xuan, don't be afraid, even if this matter really gets out, it won't affect you at all, don't worry."

"I'm not worried about myself, sister Ziying, I'm worried about you. My aunt said that this kind of thing is not good for my daughter's family. I'm still young and I'm not afraid. You can't do it, sister Ziying."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying felt warm in her heart.

"Okay, it's okay, if someone really dares to spread this word in the village, then we will soon know who spread it."

Nowadays, almost every household in Baijia Village has entered the workshop. Even if they have not entered the workshop, they will also participate in the greenhouse vegetables in winter and the rice planting project next year. Who dares to offend her?
She guessed that in less than half an hour, someone in the village came to talk to her.

Yin Ziying's guess was right, within a quarter of an hour, there was a door call outside, and the person who came in was an acquaintance - Aunt Zheng, a rich man in the village.

I still remember that the first time I saw Aunt Zheng was when she had just finished arguing with Lu Xiuyu. At that time, Aunt Zheng came up to tell her not to get angry with Lu Xiuyu, and even made excuses for the old Gu family.

She pretended not to know and went up to open the door: "Oh, auntie, what kind of wind is blowing to bring you here today?"

"Ziying, it's good that you are at home, I have something to tell you."

Aunt Zheng dragged Yin Ziying into the house while talking, and after seeing that there was no one outside, she said, "Ziying, I just heard people in the village say bad things about you."

It really is for this!
"Tell me bad things? You can't! Auntie, look at me, I've just been back for a few days!"

Seeing that Yin Ziying was still smiling, Aunt Zheng Zheng said anxiously:

"Why are you so careless, kid! Let me tell you, I heard them say bad things about your sisters. They said that the reason why you stayed in the county for so long was because you met a flamboyant woman during this period. was captured."

Yin Ziying's complexion changed immediately, not because of anything else, saying that she can do it, but after hearing this, does it mean that her younger sisters are counted together?

That can't be done, people's words are terrible!

Now Yin Jingjing and the sisters are at the age when they are about to marry. If this rumor spreads, among other things, it may be difficult to find a good marriage for Yin Jingjing and others.

"Auntie, what's the specifics? Please tell me about it. Also, who spread the word?"

"Ziying, let me tell you, don't be angry, the person who spread the word is none other than that little girl, Lu Xiuyu.

She told how many times Gu Laosan ran back at that time, and also said that one night the old village chief's house came to find people or something. Anyway, she said this matter with a nose and eyes, and many people believed it!

As soon as I heard that there is such a bad reputation for girls, I went up and scolded her a few words, but now she thinks that she might be the wife of Juren because her fiancé is Brother Yan. Brother told her! "

When Yin Ziying heard this, her mind immediately flashed that when A Xing went to A Xing and the others that day, A Xing told her that there was a girl who went and said a lot of bad things in front of them.

In fact, at that time, she thought that that person was Lu Xiuyu. After all, Lu Xiuyu was the only one in this village who was so against her and hated her to the bone.

It's just that she never expected that Lu Xiuyu not only spread rumors in front of A Xing and the others, but now spread these rumors in the village.

Immediately, her face darkened: "Lu Xiuyu is a good person. Now she dares to say anything. Such a bad reputation for my sisters. Do you really think she is the only one in the village who is shameless?"

Furious at the meeting, Aunt Zheng tugged at her sleeve:
"Ziying, they are talking about this matter now, you have to go earlier. By the way, you'd better have some proof, lest you be bitten by Lu Xiuyu, that girl is very sharp."


Yin Ziying changed her mind and smiled immediately.

Isn't it easy to ask for evidence?

It's just that today's matter can't be discussed now, it seems that we still have to call in reinforcements.

She nodded, and said to Aunt Zheng: "I see, Auntie, you should go back first, I'll come up with a solution."

"What? Ziying, why don't you explain it to me now? What's the story over there?"

Aunt Zheng was dumbfounded. Isn't this the way she just heard it and immediately went to someone to argue?Why didn't it go all of a sudden?

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I know this matter well."

A gleam of coldness flashed in her eyes, she was good enough to Lu Xiuyu, I didn't expect her to be like this, so don't blame her for not showing affection.

Didn't Lu Xiuyu want to ruin her reputation?

Now that she has a relationship with Gu Yunyan, no one in the village would want to offend her, besides, it is human nature to gossip.

That being the case, then she will find evidence and give Lu Xiuyu a good slap in the face.

Aunt Zheng said worriedly: "Ziying, if you don't talk about this matter now, I'm afraid the whole village will be full of wind and rain if you spread it."

Her family is a well-to-do family in the village, and the economic conditions have always been good.In addition, at that time, whether it was the workshop or the winter vegetable shed, the Zheng family paid a lot of money, and they also made a lot of money because of it.

Because of this, she has always had a good impression of Yin Ziying.

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, auntie, but don't worry, auntie, I will take care of this matter."

She paused before explaining:
"Now there is a lot of rumors in the village. The reason why everyone follows the news. One is that it is true. After all, the relationship between Lu Xiuyu and Gu Yunyan is there. Everyone thinks that Gu Yunyan knows about it.

The other is nothing more than human inferiority, after all, everyone loves to watch the excitement.Now, my hasty explanation seems like a cover-up, this time I really don't want to let it go so lightly. "

In Yin Ziying's opinion, it's okay to damage her own reputation a little, but if anyone wants to damage the reputation of her unmarried younger sisters, then she is not happy.

Lu Xiuyu thought that her relationship with Gu Yunyan was now settled, but it was only due to Gu Yunyan's courage that he might win the election.

To put it bluntly, isn't it because of Gu Yunyan's name that many people believe her?
Then she will use magic to defeat magic, and make Lu Xiuyu make a big fool of herself, to see if she dares to play against them in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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