Chapter 321

Seeing that Yin Ziying had ideas, Aunt Zheng didn't say anything else.

"Ziying, since you know what's going on in your heart, it's good. Many people in the village are telling about this matter. I really don't like hearing it in my heart."

To be honest, isn't the life of every household in this village getting better?Isn't it because Yin Ziying made these workshops or vegetable greenhouses that they have a good life now?
It's better now, they are living a better life at home, but they come to chew on the tongue of their benefactor, how can such a thing happen?
"Don't worry, Auntie, I will not let Lu Xiuyu succeed."

"Okay, Ziying, since you know what's in your mind, then I'll go back first. Auntie can tell you, this matter should be resolved as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, let the old village chief come forward."

Faced with Aunt Zheng's concern, Yin Ziying was very grateful, until she sent Aunt Zheng away with a smile, her face sank.

In the room, Gu Yunxuan ran out and hugged her: "Sister Ziying, look, I just said that someone said bad things about us."

"Sister Xuan, don't worry, let Sister Ziying handle it."

Gu Yunxuan pouted very dissatisfied:

"I didn't expect that it was Lu Xiuyu who caused these things. No, I must tell my elder brother when I come back. I can't marry Lu Xiuyu whoever I marry."

Hearing her childish words, Yin Ziying was both moved and sighed.

Sister Xuan didn't know it when she was young, but she, Yin Ziying, who was used to watching so many movies and novels about life and death, love and hatred, love and hatred in her previous life, did know it.

Getting Gu Yunyan to give up Lu Xiuyu is more difficult than going to heaven.

As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, no matter how bad Lu Xiuyu is, she is a sweet potato in Gu Yunyan's eyes.

"Sister Ziying, what are you going to do then?"

"Of course I slapped her in the face severely. Let's go, let's go out."

After finishing speaking, Yin Ziying found a sunshade tool and took Gu Yunxuan's hand out of her door.

Perhaps because of sending Gu Yunyan to the imperial examination today, most people in the village who didn't go to the workshop came out, chatting in twos and threes under the shade of the trees.

Originally, everyone was chatting enthusiastically, but they all shut their mouths the moment they saw Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan, and then changed to other topics.

Of course, some of them took the initiative to say hello.

"Hey, Mrs. Yin, sister Xuan, where are you going! Are you going to the workshop?"

Yin Ziying pretended not to hear what everyone said before, and said calmly: "Go to the workshop and see if there are any trucks from the county today."

Hearing this, not only the woman who spoke just now was surprised, but also the others.

"Madam Yin is going to the county again?"

"Yes! Didn't you just come back a few days ago? Are you going again this time?"

Yin Ziying smiled and said: "No! I heard that there is a lot of gossip in the village recently, and I am thinking about inviting the officials from the county to the village to see who is the most gossip."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone under the shade of the tree had colorful expressions on their faces, and they all froze in place.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying snorted softly, and then led Gu Yunxuan towards the workshop in a leisurely manner.

Although these people said that they were not as hateful as Lu Xiuyu, but when she was not approaching just now, she heard these people speak ill of them unscrupulously.

She, Yin Ziying, thinks that she has never treated any family badly since she entered the village. Now every household in the village has someone working in the workshop. Next year, every household will be able to grow rice. This is the answer.

I never thought that these people would not be soft-spoken when they took advantage of her and spread bad things about her. If so, of course she beat everyone up.

Don't think that I don't know about those little Jiujiu in your heart, you should be vigilant in your own heart, otherwise don't blame me, Yin Ziying, for being ruthless.

Seeing Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan's unhurried pace, the people under the shade of the tree were a little panicked.

One of the women said: "What did Lady Yin mean by that just now? Why do I look like she is talking to us?"

"It's like, it's obvious that he was talking to us. I see, Mrs. Yin has just heard what we said."

"I told you not to say it, don't say it, it's over now, Mrs. Yin is not happy anymore, now I have to go to the county to find the official!"

Someone worried: "We can't really find the official, can we? We just broke our mouths."

The other person stood up straight away: "I can't talk nonsense like that anymore. I can't talk about this matter after I have said it. We have all owed the kindness of Mrs. Yin! I will go back now."

As soon as he left, the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone followed suit.

The last two women left in the crowd, you look at me and I look at you.

"Do you think our money should be returned to that little girl of the Lu family?"

The woman on the other side curled her lips, "Why pay? She told us to do this. Besides, Lady Yin really wants to invite the official to come? It's just to scare us."

Seeing this, the woman frowned and stood up:

"Forget it. If you don't go, I will go. My son and husband are both in the workshop. I can't lose their jobs."

"Eh! Eh!"

When Lu Xiuyu saw that the woman he ordered returned the silver, she immediately frowned.

Seeing this, the woman hurriedly said:
"Girl Lu, don't say that your aunt won't help you. This matter is chewing on Lady Yin's tongue. We all work in the workshop, so we can't offend Lady Yin."

"Tell me what happened? Yin Ziying came to see you?"

Lu Xiuyu raised her eyebrows, she didn't believe that this woman was suddenly not willing to help, she was very quick when collecting money a few days ago!

Speaking of this, the woman slapped her thigh, with a sad face on her face: "That's right! Girl Lu, let me tell you, Mrs. Yin said that she is going to report to the police, you can think about it for yourself!"

Report to the official?Lu Xiuyu's complexion changed slightly, Yin Ziying really has the guts to report to the official?Wasn't she really captured by Pat Hanako?
She was flustered for a moment, and quickly regained her senses: "Report to the official! Report to the official! Whether what I said is true or not, the official will know when he comes."

She got the news from Gu Yunyan, and there was absolutely no chance of a mistake. The reason why Yin Ziying told the villagers this was just to scare them.

"Auntie, take this money and continue talking. Let me tell you, Brother Gu told me this personally. Even if the official comes, I won't be afraid."

The woman slapped her thigh: "Girl Lu, you are not afraid of me being scary, my whole family can work in the workshop! I won't talk about it, you can find someone else!"

Lu Xiuyu frowned: "You won't listen to me? Wait until Big Brother Gu comes back..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the woman: "Let's talk about Yan Ge'er when he comes back! Girl Lu, not to mention that Yan Ge'er has not won the exam yet.

Even if he wins Juren, will he be happy to learn that you have spread and corrupted the reputation of Sister Xuan and Girl Liu?At that time, whether you can marry into the old Gu's family or not is up to you! "

Speaking of this, the woman seemed to have just realized it, and she yelled 'ahhh': "Why didn't I think of this before!"

"Girl Lu, I won't tell you anymore, anyway, don't look for me about this matter, I'll go back now!"

After finishing speaking, the woman turned her head and left without giving Lu Xiuyu a chance to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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