Chapter 322 You have to help us decide!
Lu Xiuyu's face turned ugly, not only because the woman returned the money, but also because of what the woman said just now.

Indeed, if Gu Yunyan knew about this matter, he would definitely not be happy.

But before he promised to marry her as soon as he got the first prize, now that he thinks about it, he probably won't break his promise, after all, he also wants to be famous as a scholar.

She stared at the front with a gloomy expression, until there was another sound at the door, and a woman walked in. It was none other than her own mother, Mrs. Lu.

"Xiuyu, look at what you've done!"

The woman held a small piece of broken silver in her hand, and looked at Lu Xiuyu with eyes full of anger.

"Talk about your brain, how can you still do business at a loss? How long is this scrap of money enough for our family? If you save enough money, your brother can go to private school. You are a prodigal! "

"Mom! You too..."

"Me too? How can you be like this? If you want to spread gossip, you can't spread it with your own mouth? If you want to spend money to spread it, I think you are stupid!"

Lu Xiuyu's face sank, with displeasure written all over her face: "Mother, this money doesn't belong to my family, brother Yan bought something for me."

"Your? What Brother Yan gave you, isn't it for the family? Why are you giving all this money to those wretched women? Why are you provoking Yin Ziying?"

Seeing Lu Xiuyu's mouth closed and her face full of displeasure, Mrs. Lu slowed down her voice again:
"Xiuyu, it's not that you don't know the situation at home, because you offended that girl Yin Ziying before, neither the workshop nor the greenhouse was in our family, why are you provoking her again this time?

Do you really think that the rice we handed over is ours?Don't forget that all those rice seeds are in Yin Ziying's hands now.

When the time comes, what should she do with us because of this matter?Haven't you thought about your family? "

Speaking of this, she shook the broken silver in her hand again and said: "This silver is such a good thing, you just took it to those women with broken mouths, tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Mother, I just don't want Yin Ziying to have an easy time."

"Don't make it easier for her? Wait for her to make it easier for us first! You damn girl, think about it for yourself, you hold such a good handle in your hand to threaten her. Let her keep giving our family benefits, let me and Isn't it better for your father to work in the workshop than for you to pass it on?"

Mrs. Lu never doubted the veracity of the rumors outside. Although her daughter is not very smart, she is still a little smart.

She didn't dare to say these words indiscriminately, and some time ago, she brought soup to Gu Yunyan every day, maybe she learned about it from Gu Yunyan at that time.

Lu Xiuyu said nonchalantly:

"What's the use of being in a workshop? How much money can you earn in a day? When brother Yan gets his honor, won't he be popular and hot? Mother, by then you will be the mother-in-law of Master Juren."

Hearing her words, Mrs. Lu was angry and helpless:

"Of course we know that there may be such a day in the future, but Brother Yan has just left now, and you can guarantee that he will pass the exam for Master Juren? What if he doesn't pass the exam?"

Seeing her daughter stunned, Mrs. Lu said again earnestly: "You, you, you don't think about yourself at all, no matter how smart Brother Yan is, can you hit it in one go?
If you don't win, you can see for yourself how your life will be when the time comes.I just heard that Yin Ziying is going to report to the police, you pack up quickly and go to the Yin family with me to plead guilty, we must not offend Yin Ziying. "

As soon as she heard that she was going to make an apology to Yin Ziying, Lu Xiuyu's face changed immediately.

"I don't want it, I won't go, it's a fact, even if the official came, I would win."

Mrs. Lu hated iron but said: "You think I'm really afraid that she will report to the government? I'm worried that Yin Ziying will hate our family. It doesn't matter if we have a good relationship."

"I don't care, anyway, brother Yan is here, even if the official comes, people will respect me, if you want to go by yourself, I won't go."

It is absolutely impossible for her to bow her head in front of Yin Ziying, don't even think about it.

"No, right? You have caused such a big disaster and you want to implicate the family? Xiuyu, come with me!"

"I'm not going! Go yourself."

Seeing her refusal, Mrs. Lu's complexion changed, and she raised her hand to beat her down.

"You hit me! If you dare to hit me, you will never come back again! Don't think I don't know how nice you and dad are to me on the surface, but in fact you still like my brother the most."

Seeing her daughter crying, Mrs. Lu froze for a moment, and put her hands down.

No matter what, what my daughter said is right, and we must maintain a good relationship with our daughter.

Going to make amends to Yin Ziying may not satisfy her, anyway, she has already offended her, and her daughter can no longer really have a share here.

Over there, Yin Ziying led Gu Yunxuan to wander around the workshop, but she didn't find the truck to the county as expected.

But even so, the old village chief and Uncle Gu in the workshop could tell that Yin Ziying had something to do here.

After all, Yin Ziying usually didn't come once every half a month, and she only came when they asked her to watch things, so this time she was too proactive.

The old village chief put down the ledger in his hand and looked at Yin Ziying: "Ziying, what's the matter here today? Is it about the dolls that Sister Liu mentioned earlier?"

"Grandpa, the village chief, I can't hide anything from you. There is indeed something wrong."

Before Yin Ziying could speak, Gu Yunxuan, who was at the side, had already narrated all the things outside, and finally said:
"Grandpa, the village chief, you have to help us decide! Doing so will ruin the reputation of our girl's family!"


The old village chief looked at Yin Ziying in shock: "Ziying, is this true?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise I wouldn't come to you today."

"It's unreasonable, it's really unreasonable, are these people full of food or what are they doing? Instead of doing good work, they are idle and gossiping.

And that girl from the Lu family, I thought she had restrained herself in the past six months, but I never thought that she would still target you like this, no..."

Faced with the old village chief's nagging, Yin Ziying kept her eyes open and did not interrupt, she did not answer until the old village chief asked her.

"Then Ziying, do you have any solution? If it doesn't work, let me gather these people together and have a meeting to beat them. These people are really lawless."

Yin Ziying nodded: "I don't want to bother you, the village head, grandpa. I have an idea, and I think it should be able to bring this matter to a perfect conclusion."

"What is the specific method? Ziying, tell me, let me listen, don't worry, if you have been wronged in this matter, I will definitely help you."

Although he knew that fame was not important to Ziying, but at the same time he also knew that Ziying looked cold-hearted, but in fact she cared a lot for her younger sisters.

This time, the girl from the Lu family not only ruined the reputation of Ziying and sister Xuan, but also ruined the reputation of Jingjing and other girls.

It's strange that Ziying's temperament can bear such a thing.

(End of this chapter)

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