Chapter 326
Seeing the old village chief like this, Lu Xiuyu cried and shook her head, suddenly she thought of Gu Yunyan, and immediately cried:

"Grandpa Village Chief, you have to save me, otherwise what will you do when Brother Gu comes back and find out? Grandpa Village Chief..."

She knew very well in her heart that Gu Yunyan was her only lifeline at this time.

After all, Gu Yunyan is the only scholar in the village, and he is still taking the merit test, and the old village head has always been close to him.

As for begging Yin Ziying, she hadn't thought about it, she couldn't hold back her face, and she didn't think Yin Ziying would have such a good heart.

At this moment, she felt Yin Ziying's viciousness even more deeply. If Yin Ziying hadn't provoked her just now, maybe she wouldn't have said those words, and the officials wouldn't have insisted on taking her away.

Hearing Lu Xiuyu mention Gu Yunyan, the old village chief hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything.

He already knew about this incident, and also knew that Yin Ziying just wanted to teach Lu Xiuyu a lesson, but he didn't expect Lu Xiuyu to bump into the window by herself.

Seeing that the old village chief didn't care about her, Lu Xiuyu cried even hoarsely. Unfortunately, no matter what, no one spoke for her again.

Yin Ziying looked at Yan Feng and said, "Master, I wonder if I'm going to go to the county too?"

Since she is the plaintiff, it is natural for her to go to the county for a formality.

Yan Feng nodded: "It is really necessary, please trouble Miss Yin."

Yin Ziying nodded: "Then let's prepare. By the way, the officials haven't had lunch yet, right? Why don't you go to my house to eat?"

"No need!"

Yin Ziying didn't force her, she just said she wanted to go back and tidy up with her sisters, and asked the official to wait for a while.

But the old village chief knew his ways a long time ago and went home to get some dry food for these yamen servants. If they said they didn't want to eat it, they didn't want to eat it?They still have to do what they have to do.

Seeing the end of the farce, Yin Ziying and the others also left. Everyone in the crowd looked at me and I looked at you, and everyone felt terrified.

Fortunately, this matter was only reported by that girl Lu Xiuyu yesterday. Fortunately, they only said a few words about this matter before being ridiculed by Yin Ziying.

Otherwise, these officials will have to arrest them together right now?For a moment, everyone was even more afraid of Yin Ziying.

At this time, someone had already silently sent a letter to the old Lu's house. Although Lu Xiuyu didn't know if she could be regarded as a talented lady, but the neighbors can't be in vain after all these years, right?

Perhaps the last incident cast a shadow over Uncle Gu and the others. This time Yin Ziying and the others were going to the county town, and both Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu would follow.

Although Yin Ziying knew that the two were worried about them, she didn't refuse while feeling ironic in her heart.

She originally wanted to take Uncle Gu and others to visit the county, but this time she also led them to have fun.

Moreover, the doll shop that Gu Yunliu and the others wanted to set up also needed to find foreign aid, and this time, they could also find that girl Gu Yuelan by the way.

Take Uncle Gu and others together. If Gu Yuelan is interested in this, they can definitely confirm the shop first before coming back.

So, this time, Yin Ziying asked Gu Yunliu to take the samples she had made before, one of each.

Afterwards, several people got into the carriage and went to the county seat. With Uncle Gu, there was no need to ask Uncle Gu to go there.

I don't know if she is taking care of them, but Yin Ziying always feels that Yan Feng and other officials in front are walking very slowly.

She opened the curtain and looked at the back of Yan Feng riding a horse outside. As expected, he had been trained. Yan Feng's back was as straight as wallpaper, and he looked like someone who came out of the army.

Thinking of what Yan Feng's sister Yan Sanniang hinted at last time at the Mingyue Inn, she turned her head and clung to Yu Shi's side and bit her ear.

Yu Shi's eyes became brighter the more he listened, and he couldn't help saying: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, can I lie to you?"

Yu's sudden utterance made everyone in the carriage a little puzzled. Seeing everyone looking at them in unison, Yin Ziying smiled and said, "I'm telling my aunt about interesting things in the county town!"

Just kidding, she was talking about Gu Yunliu's marriage. According to Gu Yunliu's temperament, if she knew that she was talking about this, her face might turn red.

Crowd: ...

What can't be said directly?

Haven't you all been to the county seat?
Yin Ziying turned her head and bit her ear with Yu Shi again, and then Yu Shi pretended to be inadvertent, opened the curtain of the car and looked at the person on the horse in front.

The more she looked at Yu, the more she was satisfied. If such a handsome person really wanted to tell their daughter, she would not know how happy she would be!

When she was just at the head of the village, she saw that the leading guy was very nice, but now she heard that he was an older young man, and her sister wanted to introduce him to her daughter, so she immediately accepted it.

This child is handsome and decent, and he is an official servant who eats at the public house!

Moreover, seeing how he spoke and acted in the village just now, he didn't show his official account when he saw them, and he nodded and said hello when he saw the old man, which shows that he is full of courtesy.

My daughter just got rid of her previous marriage, so it's a bit early to say that it's too early to get married, but who doesn't want to go to her house when she meets a good one?

Seeing Yin Ziying and her mother like this, for some reason, Gu Yunliu always felt a little weird.

Especially when her own mother looked at her with a smile from time to time, it made her feel that Ziying had just whispered something into her ear.

Thinking of that brother Yan outside, and thinking of what happened in the county last time, Gu Yunliu instantly lost his mind.

But neither Yin Ziying nor her own mother said anything about this matter, she really couldn't take the initiative to ask, if what they said was wrong, how embarrassing would it be?
At this time, Yan Feng, who was sitting upright in the front of the carriage, felt a scorching gaze coming from behind from time to time.

He was slightly uncomfortable. Once he turned his head and saw that the uncle driving the car thought he was thirsty and wanted to bring him water to drink, so he didn't dare to turn his head back.

Yan Feng knew who was in the carriage behind, and there were still a few girls, not a few of them.

In the words of that girl Yin, the plaintiff's seat is indispensable, and the other is that girl Gu's parents. It sounds like they are worried about the safety of these girls and they want to go with them.

Thinking of this, he sneered in his heart. There was already a problem last time, how could there be another problem this time?

The county master has already said that if this Miss Yin wants to come to the county with her, they will escort her every step of the way, and when she goes to the county, there may be someone secretly protecting that Miss Yin!

After all, this is the girl that the very high-status Mr. Wei valued, and I heard that she is also a friend of the Dingyuan Houfu's son, which is even more important.

However, what can the girls say about him in the carriage?Do you have any doubts about this matter?Or just because of him?
He felt that the gaze behind him was getting hotter and hotter, and he didn't have any intention of shifting to other people.

Thinking of his sister's confinement last night, his ears turned red for a while.

Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly found the sound of horse's hooves coming from the front, and then a carriage appeared in his sight.

It's just... why does this carriage look familiar?

(End of this chapter)

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