Chapter 327 Renting a House

Yan Feng settled down and looked forward again, no wonder he looked familiar, isn't this carriage the same as that of his sister's Mingyue Inn?
A guest rented a carriage from Mingyue Inn and came here?Can't it?This is the countryside, so it's better to rent a car for such a long journey.

Could it be my sister?He looked straight at the past, and sure enough, he saw the curtain swing, and a familiar face appeared in front of him.

Yan Feng's face darkened, and now he was sure that his sister definitely came with him, otherwise she hadn't moved for several years, why did she suddenly leave the county or come to the countryside?

Seeing her younger brother, Yan Sanniang, who opened the curtain over there, was a little disappointed. Wasn't it just that the carriage was a little slower?
Why did this person turn back?She hasn't had time to see those girls yet!
Yan Feng stepped forward and looked at his sister with dangerous eyes: "Why are you here?"

"Of course I came to the countryside to relax, what do you care?"

"Come to relax?"

"That's right! Don't you often persuade me to come and relax? Why are you unhappy when I come out?"

Yan Sanniang curled her lips, then looked at her younger brother and said, "Why did you come back so quickly? The case is over?"

She was secretly annoyed, it seemed that she really came too late, if she had just told the coachman to go faster, she would have been able to follow into the village.

Now that my brother is back, will it be a bit abrupt for her to go to that village again?

Thinking of this, she gave her younger brother a hard look. This younger brother who has no eyesight is so careless about marriage?

Yan Feng was stared inexplicably. Just as he was about to warn her, his sister's eyes lit up: "Oh, isn't that Miss Yin?"

Inside the carriage, Yu Shi saw Yan Feng in front of him riding his horse forward to talk to a woman, and when he turned around, he had just finished biting Yin Ziying's ear, when he turned around, he saw the woman's carriage driving towards them.

Yin Ziying heard Yu Shi's words and glanced outside.

When he saw the figure on the carriage, he immediately raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "Auntie, that is Yan Feng's sister, she is the shopkeeper of the Mingyue Inn when we went to the county town last time, she is very nice."

When she heard that it was Yan Feng's sister, Yu became even more curious: "Really? That's Yan Guanye's sister?"

Hearing this, the other people in the carriage were also very surprised. Of course they knew Yan Sanniang, and they even received a lot of special care from Yan Sanniang after Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan disappeared!
For Mrs. Yu, she was even more curious. She had just learned from Yin Ziying that Yan Sanniang was going to be a matchmaker for Yan Feng and her own daughter. Wouldn't it be strange to see someone now?
Just thinking about it, the carriage over there was already approaching, and Yan Sanniang lifted the curtain to greet Yin Ziying familiarly.

"Miss Yin, I'm so glad to see you again."

The last time they met was when Qi Qiaojie left the Mingyue Inn, and Yin Ziying disappeared at that time.

Later, after Yin Ziying was found by Wu Ling, she went back to Baijia Village directly, and never went to the county.

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "Ms. Yan, I didn't expect to meet you here. Is this going to the countryside to visit relatives?"

She knew that Yan Feng might come today, but she didn't expect Yan Sanniang to follow her, so she was really curious.

"Ham, why are you visiting relatives? I just came out for a walk. I just heard that my younger brother is coming down to work today. I thought I could go back with him when the time comes."

Followed Yan Feng?

Yin Ziying's heart moved, and then she smiled and said: "Unfortunately, Guanye Yan is done and needs to go back..."

Yan Sanniang followed the good example: "No, since he has turned back here, I will go back too. Miss Yin, you are also going to the county town? By the way, this is..."

While talking, she asked the driver to turn the horse's head, and then she switched to the other side of the car window and looked at the woman who looked at her from time to time and smiled.

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "It's appropriate for my sister to introduce this."

That's all she said, Gu Yunliu thought it was Yin Ziying who introduced it to Yan Sanniang somehow because of her relationship with Gu Yunyan and Li Guo.

After all, it's really strange that Yin Ziying is so close to her ex-in-law's relatives.

"Miss Yan, long time no see. Come, let me introduce you. This is my mother. The driver outside is my father."

Seeing Gu Yunliu, Yan Sanniang was even more surprised: "Miss Gu, it's been a long time, you don't know, I feel a little lonely after you go back! Hello... auntie!"

Yan Sanniang originally wanted to call Yu Shi sweet when she saw that she was young, but she thought that if she really got married with this Miss Gu, she would be a junior in front of the other party, so she might as well just call herself a junior.

But she was in business after all, and quickly found a way for herself:

"Auntie, don't mind if I call you that! I used to call each other sisters with Ms. Gu and the others before, so I'm afraid that my seniority will be messed up!"

Gu Yunliu:? ? ?

Seeing this, Yin Ziying thought, it seems that the most likely is what she thinks in her heart.

She just said, after all, she has lived in Mingyue Inn for so long, and Gu Yunliu is a good person, so how could it be possible not to make Yan Sanniang's heart beat?
The reason why she didn't pay attention to this matter earlier was because she was tied up by Pai Hanako and couldn't take care of herself, but now there is progress!

Mrs. Yu was originally a kind person, and she was not angry when she saw Yan Sanniang saying that, but said with a smile: "Where is it, you look much younger than me, and you are beautiful, and you are a little younger than me." Generations."

"Oh, where is it, it's not the time when the previous address was messed up, I see that you are not much older than me!"

Hearing the two people's glances at each other, Yan Feng in the front couldn't help but feel a little helpless.My sister is really messing around, this is on the way to handle the case, not just hanging out.

But the two carriages in the back talked about it, and the footsteps did not fall behind, so he couldn't open it even if he wanted to talk.

Here, Yu Shi and Yan Sanniang chatted a lot across the carriage.

Yan Sanniang is very talkative, maybe she also had a hard life in her early years, she can even talk about the work in the field that Mrs Yu said.

Seeing that the more you walked, the more lively it was, and the sun had already set to the west. Yan Sanniang looked at Yin Ziying in the opposite car and said, "Miss Yin, this time you have so many people coming, do you stay in the inn or rent a house?"

Before Yin Ziying could reply, she said again:

"Although I just run an inn, I think that if there are so many people and uncle is here this time, it is better to rent a house for a short-term stay. The rent will be much cheaper than staying in an inn!"

Hearing this, not only Yin Ziying, but also everyone in the carriage was taken aback.

Then Mrs. Yu hurriedly asked: "I don't know how much cheaper it can be? How many days can I rent a house at the shortest?"

Yan Sanniang said with a smile: "Look, if you come to live in the hotel, you need four rooms, right? It's six hundred Wen for one night. If you rent a house, there are short-term rents, and it's only five taels a month. Yinzi, if you calculate how long you have been here, it must be a good deal."

(End of this chapter)

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