Chapter 336 Rent a Shop

Over there, Gu Yuelan played for a while, then looked up at Yin Ziying with a smile and said, "Okay, Ziying, just tell me, what kind of business do you want to do? You should know, if you want to sell this..."

She reached out and raised the Pikachu in her hand, "If you want to sell this, I guess it might not be very good, and not everyone likes such weird things for a long time."

Yin Ziying stood up and signaled her to follow her out of the room, and the two came to a smaller room.

The room was cleaned very clean, and there were beds in it, but it was not inhabited, but the dolls made by Gu Yunliu and others during this period were neatly listed.

This is a sample specially brought by Yin Ziying. Each doll is placed on the bed in a naive manner. There are common animals and modern cute cartoon characters.


As soon as Gu Yuelan saw it, she rushed forward, hugging and petting, enjoying herself so much that even the little girl who was following her outside couldn't help but cry out in worry.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Ziying stepped forward to open the door and signaled that Gu Yuelan was fine, she just made a sound when she was too excited to play.

The little girl looked in the direction Yin Ziying was pointing at, and saw her young lady lying on the bed, surrounded by strange and colorful things.

Although I don't know what it is, but it always feels fun, what's the matter?
The little girl said in her heart that she also wanted to go in and see what it was, but she didn't dare to say it.

Not long after, Gu Yuelan woke up. She looked at Yin Ziying with sparkling eyes: "Ziying, do you want to sell these?"

"Is it doable? Do you think so?"

"It's doable, it's doable!"

At this time, how could Gu Yuelan say that it was not feasible? She said that it was not feasible just because she thought that Pikachu was too weird. Although it was cute, it was indeed weird.

Of course, it is certain that some girls like it, but not every girl likes it.

But when she got here, she couldn't calm down when she saw these things all over the bed. She didn't notice just one of these things, but when she saw so many of them at once, she felt hot-eyed.

How great would it be if these soft little things could be brought home and placed on her bed so that she could hug and roll around while sleeping?

Yin Ziying looked at her and smiled: "I think this thing is very interesting. I plan to open a shop in the county to sell this kind of thing. Girls should like it."


Gu Yuelan nodded repeatedly, joking, of course she likes such a cute little thing!

Except that the Pikachu she saw at the beginning was a little weird at first sight, but everything else looks cute!

"Ziying, tell me what you want to do with me, and I will help you."

There is no need for any reward, all I need is to give her some of these cuties when the time comes, these things are simply sweetening her heart.

Thinking of her, Gu Yuelan, who has always been favored at home, whenever she is greedy for something, even if she wants something from the south, her father will find it for her.

She really hadn't seen such little things before.

Seeing that she was interested, Yin Ziying closed the door and took her to sit down and have a good chat.

Her idea was very simple, to set up a shop in the county seat in the name of Gu Yunliu, Yin Jingjing and Gu Yuelan.

Gu Yuelan is in charge of the daily patrols and recruiting of the shop in the county. As for the operation, she will figure out how to do it. It would be good to engage in purchase restrictions and blind boxes.

As for Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing, they are sewing this thing, because it is difficult to learn and easy to spread to others. Yin Ziying means not to ask anyone to make it.

After all, this is different from sweet potato vermicelli. They want to make this thing more rare and expensive. Yin Ziying decided to introduce the culture of fried shoes from her previous life.

Since you want to play the culture of fried shoes, you can’t sell this thing cheaply. On the contrary, if you want to develop this kind of atmosphere, you have to be expensive.

Not only is it expensive, but it is also out of stock from time to time, and when it is in stock, you have to make an appointment in advance to limit the crowd, limit the quantity, and limit the theme.

Otherwise, the production speed of Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing and the purchase speed of the people in the county must not be directly proportional.

In the short term, Yin Ziying is unwilling to teach others this skill. If this thing is really hyped up, there will be countless people who are envious.

Whether it's the workers in the workshop or something, it's too easy to leak secrets, so Yin Ziying decided to let Gu Yunliu and others control it in the short term, and even Gu Yuelan, a partner, can't know.

But if the business grows bigger in the future, it doesn't matter at that time, there are policies and countermeasures, and she plans to buy people to do these things.

As for the high price, one is that Yin Ziying comes from modern times, and she believes that handicrafts should have a matching price.

In addition, there were no machines in ancient times, all of which were made by hand, and these dolls were irregular in shape, which was not easy compared with ordinary clothes, so the asking price was very high.

But as for whether there is a market, Yin Ziying is not worried at all. She has been to the county twice and knows the consumption ability of the people in the county.

And with Miss Jiao like Gu Yuelan around, she can easily create this shoe-chatting culture.Even ordinary people can buy the most common ones, as long as they are willing.

Although Gu Yuelan was born in a merchant's family, she had never done business. At this time, hearing Yin Ziying's words, her eyes sparkled, and she felt a surge of battle in her heart.

What Ziying said is right, this job can be done!These things are so cute, not only she likes them, I believe any woman will like them by then.

She just needs to take it with her when she walks around with great fanfare or goes to those tea parties.

Yin Ziying looked at her with a slight smile: "How about it, are you interested in this business?"

Originally, she planned to go to Jiang Chuan for this matter, but later she met Gu Yuelan, so of course Gu Yuelan was more suitable.

Gu Yuelan nodded: "Leave it to me, what kind of shop are you looking for, let's go see it tomorrow."

What a joke, of course she has to participate in such a good thing, and this thing is a good thing for her.

Ziying said that apart from the various expenses of the shop, the remaining bonuses are [-] to [-] cents, and she alone gets [-] cents!
That is to say, she only needs to show off her family's name to frighten those people outside. Yes, by the way, she can be a living sign to show off in front of those ladies and ladies. Isn't that just for nothing?
Yin Ziying didn't expect Gu Yuelan to settle down so quickly, she thought she had to think about it, after all, it was considered a big deal.

Seeing her expression, Gu Yuelan laughed and said: "Ziying, you don't know, my father told me to go out and set up a shop to practice my hands a long time ago, and I have been too lazy to do it."

But today, Ziying asked her to get one of the shops, and the other is that this thing is a good thing, and it is completely in her interest.

Yin Ziying understood, it turned out to be like this, just as she was thinking about it, she heard Gu Yuelan whispering: "Ziying, otherwise, don't rent a shop, I still have..."

She also wanted to say that she still has a free shop at home, but Yin Ziying waved her hand and refused: "Let's rent the shop, first in the short term, and talk about other things later."

Of course she also knew that it would be cost-effective to buy a shop directly, but they didn't have enough money in the short term.

As for using Gu Yuelan's family, the follow-up may involve uneven dividends. After all, Gu Yuelan's father is a veteran in shopping malls.

Just use the name of the Gu family now, and use their people for management.

(End of this chapter)

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