Chapter 337 A Very Powerful Girl
It's not that Gu Yuelan doesn't know anything, she was born in a merchant's family, even if she doesn't learn, she can more or less know a little bit from the family conversations.Therefore, she also understood Yin Ziying's concerns, so she stopped talking.

The two talked about some details, and then Yin Ziying agreed to wait until they found a shop before signing the contract, so they stopped.

When the two stopped, Gu Yunxuan's crisp voice came from outside: "Sister Ziying, Sister Gu, let's eat!"

Yin Ziying stood up and saw that Gu Yuelan was still looking at the pile of dolls helplessly, she bent her lips and smiled.

"When the shop is rented out, this set will be given to you."


Gu Yuelan was overwhelmed with surprise, and when she thought about it, she immediately pointed to the bed and asked how many pieces a set was, and after confirming it, she jumped up and down very happy.

Yin Ziying just laughed and didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Even if she handed these things over to Gu Yuelan, she wouldn't be able to get them back to Xiuniang.

Moreover, she planned to show her these samples at first, but because she was going to eat outside, she didn't show her her notebook, because there are really many things in there.

In addition to some common modern anime characters and common dolls, Yin Ziying also designed some cute and simple dolls by herself.

She plans to sell them in theme series at that time, and then she can play some other tricks to match the theme.

Of course, this is something.

Besides, after Yin Ziying led Gu Yuelan to the hall, Mrs. Yu also went out with vegetables in her hands!

Although it was said that Gu Yuelan was the serious guest, Yu believed that the maids and guards following Gu Yuelan would naturally be entertained, so they all prepared food and brought it to the table in another hut.

The two guards and the little girl looked at Gu Yuelan with embarrassment. Where did you encounter such a thing when you were a guest outside?What they do as servants is to stand by.

However, Gu Yuelan already knew the identities and family background of Yin Ziying and others, and knew that they had good intentions, so she didn't stop them immediately, but waved them to eat.

Over there, Mrs. Yu came out with a smile: "Miss Gu, you are a spoiled guest. I will let your uncle eat in the house. It is more convenient for us to be women."

As far as she was concerned, she originally planned to make a special portion of Gu Yuelan's food, and put it in the room for Yin Ziying to eat with it, but Yin Ziying refused.

Now this is just the time for Gu Yuelan to get to know Gu Yunliu and the others, why bother bringing them into the room again?
Besides, she and Gu Yuelan were friends who had eaten pancakes together in the cave, so she didn't think Gu Yuelan would mind this matter.

Gu Yuelan smiled and thanked Yu Shi, and said that she would invite Uncle Gu to eat together.

Although she came from a wealthy family, she was the only daughter in the family, and the rules were not so complicated since she was a child.

In the end, under Yu's insistence, Uncle Gu did not come out.

Because Gu Yuelan is usually not squeamish, Yin Ziying intentionally recommended it. Under Gu Yunxuan's laughter, the meal was really enjoyable for both guests and hosts.

As soon as Gu Yuelan left, Gu Yunliu and the others began to ask Yin Ziying.

"Ziying, is this Gu girl the one you mentioned earlier who recruited you?"

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile: "Gu Yuelan's family was originally a business owner, and she has prestige in the county, and she is a girl, so it is very helpful for our publicity."

Although I didn't know what Yin Ziying meant by the propaganda, but Yin Ziying had set up this matter in the first place, and everyone was not dissatisfied.

Thinking of opening a shop in the county soon, Gu Yunliu felt a little excited and a little scared: "Ziying, can these things really be sold in the county?"

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "Then what can't be done?"

If she didn't know Gu Yuelan well enough now, she would have let Gu Yuelan carry these dolls back a long time ago. Didn't she see the eager expression that Gu Yuelan looked at the room when she left just now?

It's not that Yin Ziying is being stingy, if she had changed to another partner, such as Wu Ling, she would have given him the samples even if she hadn't signed the contract.

But Gu Yuelan wasn't very familiar with her, and her family was originally a merchant, so maybe it's possible that her family didn't agree. That's why Yin Ziying didn't sign a contract with her today.

The conditions she raised today, the division, etc. can actually be discussed again. Maybe Gu Yuelan will tell her family when she goes back, and the family will give her some advice.

Here Yin Ziying talked enthusiastically with Gu Yunliu and the others, while Gu Yuelan walked happily to her house after leaving the house, and even hummed a little tune.

The little girl Magpie followed the two guards behind and looked at each other, and then they all looked at each other.

It's really rare that my young lady is so happy, because the master hasn't come back for a long time, my young lady hasn't been so happy for a long time.

Gu Yuelan ignored the people's caution, and went back to the mansion happily. As soon as she entered the door, she heard Mrs. Gu's voice calling Jiaojiao'er.

"Oh, mother's jiaojiaoer, you are back. Where did you go to eat? Is the food good? Which friend's house?"

As soon as Mrs. Gu saw Gu Yuelan coming in, she immediately stepped forward to hold her hand, and ordered her servants to go down and bring her the warmed food.

"Mom, I've already eaten, so I don't need to bring it up."

Mrs. Gu frowned: "Mother doesn't know you yet? Since you were young, you don't like to eat the messy things outside, and you like the food cooked by the cook at home. You must not be full when you go back to your friend's house for dinner, so you still need to eat something. Belly."

Gu Yuelan rolled her eyes when she heard the words, there was indeed such a thing in the past, but that was in the past, how could she be like that now?
She has changed since she was kidnapped by Pai Hanako last time, okay?It's just that homemade brew still spoils her so much.

If she usually eats out, she might really come back to eat something to put on the bar, but today she really ate a lot at Yin Ziying's place.

Although those dishes are simple, they also reveal a different kind of delicacy, which is not at all the delicate dishes she eats at home every day.

Although it is not that delicate, it is not simple, let alone, those meals are quite delicious.

"Mother, don't worry, I've already eaten, touch my stomach, I'm full!"

She said that she took Mrs. Gu's hand to touch her stomach, and then she laughed, "Mother, take a look, right? I'm full."

When Mrs. Gu touched her belly, she was really shocked, it really was a round belly!

My daughter won't be so full from eating anything. It seems that either this friend likes it very much, or the food is very delicious.

"Okay, since Lan Lan is so full, we won't eat anything else, but Lan Lan, where did you go today? Which friend's house? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Sitting next to her mother, Gu Yuelan held her hand and said excitedly: "Mother, do you still remember the amazing girl I met last time when I came back? It's her!"

"That girl? Great? Which one?"

Mrs. Gu was a little confused, but when she thought about it carefully, why did her own daughter ever praise a girl for being amazing?I remembered it at that time.

She turned pale, looked at her daughter and said, "Lan Lan, you, you are talking about the girl you met in the next county, right?"

After all, she said that there was only one girl who was great. Thinking of this, Mrs. Gu was taken aback. Since her daughter was rescued, she didn't want her to think about being kidnapped again.

(End of this chapter)

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