Chapter 338
Gu Yuelan nodded excitedly: "Yes, mother, I told you when I came back. That girl's name is Yin Ziying, and her sister's name is Miss Xuan. Let me tell you, I met them again today... "

Mrs. Gu hurriedly said: "Lan Lan, didn't I tell you not to associate with them anymore! Why are you still looking for them at this time?"

This matter is not glorious, although her family doesn't mind, but Mrs. Gu is worried that her daughter will be wronged when she thinks about it, so she usually suppresses this matter as much as she can.

Gu Yuelan frowned and said: "What's wrong with this? Mother, to be honest, Ziying can be regarded as my savior. If it wasn't for her, no one would have saved us. "

If the man wasn't worried about Ziying, why would he go to rescue him himself?Gu Yuelan was very clear about this matter, and she was also grateful to Wu Ling and Yin Ziying in her heart.

When she said this, Mrs. Gu also remembered that after her daughter was rescued back then, her master had indeed gone to the county government office to seal the silence, but the county magistrate had said that someone had sealed the matter and asked him to Don't worry about your daughter's reputation.

At that time, it was said that a noble son with a very high status borrowed soldiers to save one of the girls, but he kept his mouth shut afterwards. Isn't it this friend?

Seeing this, Gu Yuelan also whispered about Yin Ziying taking care of her in the cottage at that time, and about Yin Ziying's relationship with Wu Ling.

After she finished speaking, she said happily: "I was very happy to see her in Buzhuang today, and then I will send someone back to tell you to visit her house. Her sisters, sisters and aunts are all very skilled. I ate a lot!"

Hearing that her daughter got along well with Miss Yin and she was rescued because of her relationship, and now she heard that Yin Ziying's family treated her daughter well, Madam Gu felt relieved.

"Didn't that Miss Yin say she was from the countryside? Why did you come to the county today?"

Mrs. Gu murmured in her heart, logically speaking, people rarely come to the county after such a thing happened, why did that girl not only come by herself, but also brought her sisters and sisters with her?
Mentioning this, Gu Yuelan beamed with joy: "Mother, this is a good thing, Ziying came to me because she wanted to do business with me."

Gu Yuelan was delighted, thinking that the uncle's family had laughed at her because she hadn't managed the shop for so long!

Now it's all right, she doesn't need to think about anything else, just do Ziying's business directly.

Mrs. Gu was startled when she heard the words: "I want to do business with you? What kind of business? Lan Lan, did Miss Yin approach you on purpose?"

Gu Yuelan frowned: "Mother, don't talk nonsense, how could Ziying be this kind of person! We were saved because of her!"

"You child!" Mrs. Gu pointed her finger on her daughter's forehead, and then said angrily: "It was the same as now? What is your identity now? What is the identity of Miss Yin? Our family has a great career..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Gu Yuelan. Gu Yuelan frowned and said in dissatisfaction: "Mother, what are you talking about! Even if Ziying depends on me, does she need to rely on me? My father didn't tell you about that Is it a powerful young man?"

Gu Yuelan also had her own judgment about Yin Ziying finding her partner to do business this time.

She thinks that Yin Ziying is just because she is familiar with her and these things are because it is better to find a woman in the county. She is also a businessman, so naturally she knows that sometimes these female relatives themselves are living signs.

If Yin Ziying wanted to scheme against her, she felt that it was unnecessary. Although Yin Ziying was from the countryside, she felt that she was not short of money.

She even faintly felt that Yin Ziying's knowledge and vision were higher than hers.

If someone is looking for a backer, the young master with a very high status was so close to her last time, isn't that considered a backer?

She was very sober, no matter how powerful the Gu family is in the shopping mall, there are still more powerful people, and her father has already revealed that that young master is a noble person who must not be offended.

Mrs. Gu also thought it made sense when she heard it. If you really want to say that Miss Yin is plotting something, their Gu family really has nothing to plot.

The last time after my daughter came back, the old master went to the county government to ask who the young master was. At that time, the county magistrate once said that this young master was extremely expensive, and that the reason why this young master made a move was for one of them. girl.

Next, Gu Yuelan and Mrs. Gu had a good talk about the business, and finally said: "Mother, I have gone out to sublet a shop for a few days, and then I will go to Ziying. When my father comes back, I will Just give him a surprise!"

The old master has always wanted her to go out and set up a shop to sharpen her skills, but this time is really just right.

Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. Gu was also very happy. Apart from being nervous at the beginning, now she doesn't have the idea that Yin Ziying is approaching her daughter with ulterior motives.

"Then invite that Miss Yin back to our house as a guest when you have time, she can be regarded as our family's savior!"

Gu Yuelan smiled and agreed, and the mother and daughter talked for a long time. Just as Gu Yuelan was about to return to her yard, she heard the report from the little maid outside: "Ma'am, miss, the eldest lady is outside. Woolen cloth!"

Gu Yuelan curled her lips when she heard this: "Why is she here again? Just say that my mother and I have gone out and are not in the mansion."

"What nonsense are you kidding!"

Madam Gu nodded to her daughter, and then said to the little girl: "Go and invite Da Furen in!"

After she finished speaking, she took her daughter's hand again: "Lan Lan, if you don't want to see your aunt, you can go back to your yard, and mother will entertain her by herself."

Gu Yuelan curled her lips again and said, "Mom, why did you invite her in again? Every time you do this or that, it's amazing to have a son in your family!"

She remembers that her uncle and aunt urged her parents to adopt the eldest son's son while she was missing!
Faced with her daughter's accusation, Mrs. Gu was a little helpless, and hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, if you are impatient to see her, go back to the yard first, and mother will come and receive her."

Just as the two of them were talking, they heard a slightly raised voice from outside: "Listen, listen, what is this called? Are you still impatient to see me? Is there such a thing as disrespecting elders?"

Hearing this voice, Mrs. Gu's face turned pale. After all, no one expected people to come in so quickly.

Gu Yuelan on the side curled her lips in disdain.

"I said auntie, how did you break in without our invitation? It's not easy to say, you call it breaking into a private house, don't you know?"

A tall woman flashed in by the door. The lady had a long face, and she was fairly good-looking, but her hair was full of pearls and emeralds, and she was also wearing silk and satin. She looked as if she was afraid that others would not know her good family background.

Ruan's finger pointed at Gu Yuelan, with anger on her face: "You girl, how can you say that about elders? How can a girl's mouth be like this?"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head to look at Mrs. Gu who was embarrassed on the side: "I said brother and sister, you can't spoil Lan Lan like this. If outsiders find out about this, it will not only poke you and the second child's spine, but also poke your elder brother and your brother." Where are the backbones of your nephews!"

(End of this chapter)

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