Chapter 339 Want to fight her?No way!

Seeing her like this, Gu Yuelan looked down on her even more, she curled her lips: "How do I talk? My parents didn't say anything, why are you so busy?"

"You, you, you girl!"

When Ruan heard her niece's disrespectful words, she became even more angry.

Gu Yuelan walked out after talking to Mrs. Gu, and before leaving, she turned her head and hummed softly at Ruan Shi.

Ruan immediately put on the posture of an eldest aunt and pulled Mrs. Gu aside, "I said brother and sister, you have to teach this girl Lan Lan well, it is really getting more and more outrageous."

"Sister-in-law don't worry, when the child's father comes back, I will ask her father to teach him well."

Mrs. Gu nodded repeatedly. Of course, she was not willing to lift a finger for the Jiaojiaoer born by herself, so in the past, she always blamed the old man for such things.

Ruan's eyes widened when she heard this, who doesn't know that the second child is that daughter slave?He said so many times to discipline his daughter since he was a child, but he didn't see how Gu Yuelan was doing well.

She couldn't help but sarcastically said: "I mean brother and sister, Lan Lan's reputation in the county is not good, if you don't discipline her, just let her go, how will she get married when she looks like this?"

Her own daughter didn't look too bad in her own eyes, Madam Gu nodded in disapproval when she heard this, expressing that she would discipline her.

Seeing Mrs. Gu like this, Ruan couldn't help stabbing her again: "Sister and sister, what I said is true, don't you think that girl Lan Lan is not in good shape now? I think she was kidnapped by Huazi It’s bad to go out and study!”

Mrs. Gu's expression changed suddenly when she heard this, she slapped the table dissatisfiedly and said:

"Sister-in-law, if you say that again, I won't be polite!"

Ever since her daughter was rescued, it was agreed that no one would bring up this issue again. Who would have thought that this sister-in-law would not open any pots and carry which pots?
Seeing this, Ruan curled her lips in disdain, but hurriedly apologized on her face.

She slapped her mouth lightly, and then said: "Sister and brother, you see that I said something wrong, and it's my fault to bring this up."

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Gu didn't want to take Qiao too much, but her face was still a little bit bad: "Sister-in-law, we also discussed at that time not to mention this matter again, isn't this hurting the child's heart?"

sad?Why is that girl who doesn't know how high the heavens and the earth are hurting?

Ruan was dissatisfied in her heart, but she was very serious on her face, "Sister and brother, what you said is that I made a mistake, and I will never say it again next time."

Mrs. Gu then nodded, thought for a while and said: "Sister-in-law, it's not like my Lan Lan doesn't care about anything anymore. Now she is going to open a shop. I think she will be happy for a long time when her father comes back."

"What? Open a shop?"

Ruan felt that she had misheard, that girl had always disliked these things, so she was secretly happy about it, how did she get the hang of it today?

"Brothers and sisters, tell me, what is going on?"

Mrs. Gu happily told Ruan about her daughter's affairs. As a mother, she was very happy that her daughter wanted to fiddle with these things.

After all, their Gu family came from a family of merchants, not to mention the Gu family, but her natal family, which was also a merchant for many years.

Unexpectedly, when Ruan Shi heard this, her complexion changed immediately: "What kind of shop do you open? A little girl, do you really want to open a shop with the boys?"

These properties of Erfang are all owned by their eldest family, so they can't let that little girl Gu Yuelan lose everything.

Mrs. Gu was a little surprised: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? Didn't you always say that Lan Lan is not as sensible as Brother Yuan and the others when she is idle at home every day? It's a good thing that she is willing to learn now."

Ruan's complexion became a little uneasy. When she said this before, it was only because she knew that little girl Gu Yuelan didn't like to meddle in other things, so she could show off her child in front of the second child and take the opportunity Tell them the girls just can't do it.

How could he have thought that Gu Yuelan would take the initiative to open a shop now?

It was not easy to tell the second son's family about the adoption of the second son to the second room. Now that girl Gu Yuelan said that she wanted to open a shop, in her opinion, she wanted to lose all her property. No wonder she was happy.

"Ham, let's put it this way, but brother and sister, look at Lan Lan's accident because she went out to play blindly last time, and now you let her do it, you are not careful as a mother."

She knew very well in her heart that the second child only had a girl like Gu Yuelan, and she would definitely reconsider this matter after hearing this.

Sure enough, upon hearing Ruan's words, Mrs. Gu's complexion also changed. She was only thinking about being happy just now, and she really didn't think about these things.

Ruan hurriedly struck while the iron was hot:

"Let me tell you, my daughter is so old, she must learn some red embroidery or something, so as not to be unhappy when she gets married to her in-law's family. As for this shop, there is a second child, what are you worried about?"

Mrs. Gu said: "Sister-in-law, you don't know. I used to think that this would make Lan Lan marry. Recently, her father's thinking is more inclined to let Lan Lan recruit a son-in-law at home instead of getting married."

"What?" Ruan's expression turned pale. If Gu Yuelan was recruiting a husband at home, how would she adopt him?

She hastily persuaded her, and after a while, she left with a smile after seeing Mrs. Gu repeatedly nodding her head in agreement with her words.

But as soon as she stepped out of the gate of the Gu family, her complexion immediately turned cold.

The second child's family is actually thinking of recruiting a son-in-law, so what can I do?The second room's money is theirs, how can they recruit a husband?

She must give up the idea of ​​the second child's family, but it's a pity that the second child's family is a reckless person, and she can't make the decision after talking so much, she will only wait for the second child to come back.

She sneered in her heart as she got into the soft sedan chair, and said to the people around her, "Pay attention to the affairs of the second young lady recently, and find out where the shop is and what kind of business you want to do."


"Also, remember to tell everyone who has a shop, don't let her rent it so easily."

Want to fight her?No way!


At the same time, the ancient family.

Mrs. Gu looked at the back of Ruan who had disappeared from the door and sighed.

The personal servant at the side couldn't help but comfort her, "Ma'am, don't really listen to Da Furen's words, or the lady will be unhappy."

"I know that, my sister-in-law is also thinking about it, she expects me not to know!"

Mrs. Gu's eyebrows and eyes were cold, since she was able to marry into the Gu family, she was not stupid, but she didn't expect the big house to have such thoughts.

Don't let my daughter go into business, and say what is good for her, but in fact, don't you want to adopt your son?

Seeing that she was clear about her plans for the Ruan family, the maid beside her couldn't help but smiled and said: "That's good, I see that the eldest lady has become more and more out of shape these days, and she didn't even wait for the notification."

Mrs. Gu's face turned cold when she heard that, and she immediately said: "Speak to the concierge, no matter who comes from now on, stay with the concierge and wait until we invite you to open the door."

Although this is also the Gu family, it is the Gu Erye's family. They are separated from each other, so don't think about coming to her to be some kind of master again.

After the servant answered, she walked to her daughter's yard again.

(End of this chapter)

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