Chapter 342 Why Don't You Want To Give It A Try?
"Are you worried that something will happen to the Wu family?"

Seeing Gu Yunliu's expression, Yin Ziying knew that she had guessed right, so she snorted softly.

"Sister Liu, the Wu family was ruined at that time, even if they were hot-eyed or said gossip, when did you see someone believe it? Don't everyone listen to it as a joke?"

"Don't you want to wrong yourself for the feelings of the Wu family? You can marry in the county, and no one in the village dares to criticize you. I'm afraid it's too late to be happy for you!"

Uncle Gu's family is kind to others in the village, and they are in charge of the main matters in the workshop. The villagers really respect them very much.

Seeing that Gu Yunliu was still a little worried, Yin Ziying was not in a hurry:
"Sister Liu, I can see that you are also interested in Yan Feng, and he is also interested in you. If so, why not consummate this marriage? Is it possible that you will be afraid of all men in the world after meeting Wu Junhao?"

Where did Gu Yunliu think that Yin Ziying would say this so directly, she wanted to step forward and cover Yin Ziying's mouth: "Ziying, why are you talking about this!"

Yin Ziying grabbed Gu Yunliu's hand, and then said with a smile:

"Sister Liu, when you meet your own happiness, go for it. I believe neither the county nor the village will say anything. As for what those people from other villages say? When the time comes, your natal family will be able to do it, and Yan Feng will be an official. Who dares to say more about the identity of the master?"

Gu Yunliu still shook her head: "Ziying, anyway, I don't think this is good, so let's push this marriage!"

Yan Feng's identity doesn't match her at all, if it wasn't for Yan Feng's age and not having a wife, they would have been impossible.

How could she climb up to him?She can do nothing but farm.Thinking of this, a look of loneliness appeared on Gu Yunliu's face.

"Sister Liu, do you think you are not good enough for Yan Feng?"

Hearing this, Gu Yunliu looked at Yin Ziying in surprise, her complexion turned pale, but she did not deny it.

Yin Ziying chuckled lightly, "Sister Liu, do you think that you only know how to farm and nothing else, and Yan Feng is an official post, eating public meals, and Mrs. Yan runs an inn, so you think you are worthy of it?" Not Yan Feng?"

"Ziying, you..."

Gu Yunliu wanted to say something, but didn't say it, she knew that Ziying was the most transparent, even if she didn't say it, she could still think of it.

"Sister Liu, aren't you just jumping on the edge of a dead end?"

Yin Ziying smiled and looked at Gu Yunliu: "Now there are three workshops in the village, and the uncle and auntie have a lot of dividends, so you can be regarded as the noble girl in the village, why can't you be worthy of Yan Feng? "

Gu Yunliu shook her head solemnly: "Ziying, I know you want to comfort me, but you bought them with them, and they belonged to your two younger brothers, so I can't take them."

Although her father had said before that the family property would be divided into three and given to their siblings, how could she have the nerve to ask for it?

She didn't participate in those things, they were all earned by her parents and two younger brothers with Ziying, how could she come to pick them up for nothing?

The two younger brothers are going to get married soon, and if the new daughter-in-law comes in and finds out about it, it will be because the house is in trouble.

Yin Ziying: "Sister Liu, you know what kind of people Uncle and Auntie are, and you also know what kind of people Brother Li and Brother Jie are. There's no need to go into a dead end by yourself."

Given how much Uncle Gu and Shi Yu loved Gu Yunliu, it was impossible for them to let her marry without anything.

Seeing that Gu Yunliu still shook her head and didn't want to mention this matter, Yin Ziying sighed, and then said:

"Well, since sister Liu doesn't want to mention this, then I won't say it. But sister Liu, you believe me, even if you don't have uncle's support, you still have the confidence to marry here."

Gu Yunliu raised her head and glanced at Yin Ziying in surprise, she smiled lightly and shook her head: "Ziying, don't try to persuade me, I don't have such thoughts now."

"Sister Liu, do you believe me?"

"How come, I believe you, Ziying, you are the most powerful, but I also know what I am. If you say that you are capable and capable, then I will believe it, but I really don't have this ability."

Yin Ziying got up and went to the side, picked up a doll and stuffed it into Gu Yunliu's arms, "Sister Liu, do you still remember what we are here for?"

Seeing the doll stuffed into his hand, Gu Yunliu was stunned, this doll?Could it be that Ziying meant...

Seeing her coming over knowingly, Yin Ziying nodded: "That's right, Sister Liu, what I'm talking about is the doll business, which is what we're here for.

You also know that the experimental site in the village cannot do without me. If a shop really opens in this county, then naturally we will leave one or two people waiting here. I prefer you and Jingjing here. "

"Ziying, didn't you invite that ancient girl..."

"Gu Yuelan is a partner. She is only in charge of helping us find a shop and promote it. I found her mainly to take advantage of their Gu family's influence. Can you expect her to be a lady in this shop?"

Seeing Gu Yunliu's dazed expression, Yin Ziying said lightly: "Sister Liu, you bring Jingjing here to do these things, you are the master, and Jingjing is the assistant. If this business really starts, you may not Do you have the confidence to marry into the Yan family?"

Gu Yunliu was still a little worried: "But, Ziying, I think..."

"Sister Liu, do you believe me?"

Gu Yunliu shook her head hastily: "Of course not, I believe you."

If you want to say who is the person Gu Yunliu trusts and admires the most in this life, it's not the parents, nor is it the elder brother who has been admitted to the scholar, but Yin Ziying, the former elder brother and sister.

She felt that Yin Ziying had a kind of magical power, which would make people believe that what she said was true.

Moreover, every time Yin Ziying wanted to say something, she did it.

She single-handedly changed their entire Gu family, the entire Baijia village into a prosperous village now, of course she believed her.

Yin Ziying nodded: "Just believe it! Sister Liu, I'll tell Mrs. Yan tomorrow that this matter is settled."

"No!" Gu Yunliu was in a hurry. She said she believed in Yin Ziying, but she didn't say that she wanted to make a marriage!
Yin Ziying turned around and looked directly into Gu Yunliu's eyes, which were unusually bright under the light.

"Sister Liu, look into my eyes and tell me, do you really dislike Yan Feng? Are you really unwilling to marry him?"

Why did Ziying ask such a question?
Gu Yunliu's whole body was shocked, she wanted to turn her eyes away, but she saw Yin Ziying frowned on the opposite side.

"Sister Liu, both women, I treat you as my sister and my family. It's rare in life to have someone who sees you right. I, including uncle, aunt and others, we all hope you will be happy.

How lucky is it to have such a family backing you in your life?Why is Sister Liu unwilling to give it a try?If he hadn't tried it, wouldn't Sister Liu be afraid of regretting it when she dreamed back at midnight a few years later? "

Why is Sister Liu unwilling to give it a try!
Years later, when dreaming back at midnight, isn't Sister Liu afraid of regretting it?

(End of this chapter)

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