Chapter 343 I Treat You As My Sister
For a while, Yin Ziying's two words kept ringing in Gu Yunliu's ears, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

"Ziying, why don't I want to, it's just..."

Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "It's enough to be willing, and tomorrow I will tell Mrs. Yan that this matter is settled."

Gu Yunliu: Huh?
"It's not... Ziying!"

Yin Ziying looked at Gu Yunliu and frowned slightly: "Sister Liu doesn't believe me?"

"No, it's just that this matter can't be so hasty, Ziying!"

"Don't be hasty, I have asked someone to investigate Yan Feng's side, and the people in Cuixianlou are very relieved, what they found must be true. So sister Liu, you can marry Yan Feng at ease!"

Seeing what Gu Yunliu wanted to say, Yin Ziying reached out and patted her on the shoulder:

"Sister Liu, don't be afraid. Since we can jump out of the first swamp, we will naturally not be afraid of the second swamp. As long as you believe in me, as long as you believe in yourself, we will not be afraid of any swamp. You have to remember that you are no more Anyone worse."

After finishing speaking, she just quietly looked at Gu Yunliu who was opposite, only to see that Gu Yunliu was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes filled with tears.

Seeing this, Yin Ziying stretched out her arms to hug Gu Yunliu, and patted her on the back. Although she didn't say anything, she thought that Gu Yunliu understood what she was going to say.

Sure enough, seeing Gu Yunliu's body trembling, he couldn't help crying.

Although she summoned up the courage to reconcile with the Wu family and ruined the Wu family, she still had a little timidity in her heart.

And the matter with Yan Feng, she never thought about it, when Ziying told her about it on the night of the Qiqiao Festival, she felt nervous and her heart beat like a drum.

She didn't expect that they would actually be interested in her later, but she was embarrassed, she was a divorced woman, why would she marry into such a family?
After Heli returned to her natal family, although she followed Yin Ziying all the time, she could clearly sense the difference between herself and Yin Ziying.

Even if they are all married women, Ziying will always be more dazzling than her, she will never be humble, and always have an idea when facing things, this is a height that Gu Yunliu has never reached.

She is also eager to marry Yan Feng, but she is afraid of repeating the same mistakes again. Yan Feng is good, very good, very good, but she feels that she is too bad, she is not good enough for Yan Feng.

But today Ziying told her that since she could escape the first swamp, she would definitely be able to escape the second swamp, Ziying said, she believed her!

Ziying said that she is no worse than anyone else, they are her family, and they have always hoped that she will be better.

Inside the door, Yin Ziying hugged Gu Yunliu and patted her on the back lightly.

Outside the door, Shi Yu, Uncle Gu and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Mrs. Yu winked at Uncle Gu, her face was a little anxious, why did the girl cry after she followed Ziying in?This was supposed to be a happy event, why did you just say it and cry?
Seeing this, Uncle Gu shook his head at her, then pulled her away and went back to the yard, "Don't worry, with Ziying inside, nothing can happen."

The daughter suddenly cried inside, and as a biological father, he was also a little worried, but thinking that Yin Ziying was inside, he felt that there was nothing to worry about.

He thought, the two of them must have talked about the Wu family in the past, so the girl couldn't help crying.

Yu said anxiously: "Tell me, why are you still crying?"

"What are you afraid of? Ziying is inside!"

Just now, Yu Shi was only concerned about it, but now Uncle Gu repeated Yin Ziying in it twice, and she calmed down a little.

That's right, Ziying's girl is in there, is it possible that the daughter-in-law still has something to do?
Seeing this, Yin Jingjing hurriedly took her two younger sisters to pack up the things on the table and went back, Gu Yunxuan also hurriedly followed.

I don't know what my sister said to sister Liu in the house that made sister Liu cry so sadly, but they always felt that it was not a bad thing.

But in front of the parents, Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu, they couldn't say anything, so they had to avoid it.

But at this moment, Gu Yunliu in the room stopped crying, she looked at Yin Ziying a little embarrassed and said: "Ziying, thank you!"

She was grateful from the bottom of her heart, if it wasn't for Yin Ziying, she would not have been able to escape from the Wu family and become like this, let alone meet Yan Feng.

Yin Ziying looked at her and smiled slightly: "Aren't you entangled?"

Speaking of this, Gu Yunliu nodded shyly: "Ziying, you are right, since I can jump out of the first swamp, I am not afraid of the second one, I am willing."

"That's fine. I think Yan Feng is pretty good. Of course, sister Liu, after you stay in the county for a long time, you may meet someone who is more pleasing to the eye! Maybe Yan Feng will not be a big deal at that time..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Yunliu pinched Yin Ziying's hand: "Ziying, what are you talking about!"

Yin Ziying smiled: "Okay, since Sister Liu won't let me speak, I won't speak. Then the matter is settled like this. I'll go and speak to Mrs. Yan tomorrow."

After all, it has been several days since this happened, I guess Yan Sanniang must have been anxiously waiting, when she met Yan Sanniang when she was going out two days ago, her eyes looked bright at her!

Gu Yunliu hesitated a little, but after thinking about it, she said, "Ziying, although I am happy with this matter, I don't want to get married too early."

Yin Ziying nodded: "I can save it, and wait for the shop to operate normally before getting married, but it's time to settle the marriage."

If Yan Feng really wanted to marry Gu Yunliu so soon, she would not be happy!
At this time nowadays, if you fancy a girl, you need three letters and six appointments, and they are indispensable.

And the shop is expected to start soon, and when she asks Gu Yunliu to guard it in the county, it can be regarded as a relationship.

As long as that guy Yan Feng is not stupid, he will know what to do.

After figuring this out, and Yin Ziying's explanation, Gu Yunliu felt lighter all over.

She talked with Yin Ziying for a while, focusing on the shop's problems, and then she left.

Before going out, Gu Yunliu looked back at Yin Ziying who was sitting at the table. She was slender and had a beautiful face, and she exuded a determined and peaceful temperament in the night.

Gu Yunliu sighed inwardly, such a person, it's a pity that Brother Yan is not blessed.

Yin Ziying looked up at her, and raised the corner of her mouth: "Sister Liu, but what else can't you figure out?"

She has become a spiritual mentor tonight!If the help is not finished, she doesn't mind talking to Gu Yunliu again.

Gu Yunliu shook her head: "No, I figured it out. Ziying, thank you!"

"Thank you, I regard you as my sister."

Gu Yunliu was agitated, and then closed the door with a smile.

What she thought in her heart was that since Ziying really regarded her as her older sister, then she should sincerely treat Ziying as her younger sister, and treat Ziying better.

In the yard, seeing Gu Yunxuan coming out, Mrs. Yu and Uncle Gu hurried up to greet her, "Sister Liu, what happened just now?"

Gu Yunliu smiled slightly at her parents: "It's nothing, Mom, I figured it out."

(End of this chapter)

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