Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 344 How can there be such a coincidence?

Chapter 344 How can there be such a coincidence?

With the letter of Gu Yunliu's willingness, Yin Ziying shared this matter with Yan Sanniang when she accompanied Gu Yunxuan to Yan's house the next day.

Yan Sanniang was overjoyed when she heard the words, and seeing that Yin Ziying was much hotter than before, she immediately told Old Lady Yan about it after Yin Ziying led Gu Yunxuan away.

Hearing this, Mrs. Yan was also very happy, and kept yelling to ask Yan Sanniang to help Yan Feng buy good things quickly so that he could make a marriage with his daughter.

After getting along for so long, the old lady likes Gu Yunliu's calm and reserved personality more and more, and she thinks of her as a daughter-in-law every day in her heart, so she is not happy to hear that the girl is happy now.

Yan Sanniang smiled and said: "Mother, don't worry, since their family came to the county, I have already gone to find the Iceman who promised to marry, and I will wait for the things here to be arranged and ask the Iceman to make a decision."

Speaking of this, Mrs. Yan was a little worried.

"Afeng doesn't know about it yet, does he? Do you think that Afeng is not happy this time?"

This time, because they were not sure whether the Gu family would agree, they didn't tell their son at all.

Yan Sanniang smiled and said: "Mother, what are you worried about? Do you think that kid Afeng really doesn't know?"

With my younger brother's temperament, it would be strange if such a big matter could be hidden from him, I'm afraid it's because I found out that I was secretly happy.

"Could it be that Afeng knew about this?" Mrs. Yan was a little surprised.

Yan Sanniang patted her old lady on the shoulder: "Mother, don't think about it. Anyway, whether Afeng knows about it or not, he will be happy. Let me tell him."

When Mrs. Yan heard it, she said happily, "That's a good relationship!"

The mother and daughter wentssiping again, discussing what to buy, and then Mrs. Yan drove her daughter out to buy things.

In the afternoon of the same day, Yan Feng received a message from Little Six, the staff of Mingyue Inn, asking him to go home for dinner.

In the evening, at the dinner table.

Yan Sanniang said to Yan Feng: "Afeng, please take a leave in two days, we are going to Gu's house to collect prizes."

Na Cai?Isn't that just for marriage proposal?Yan Feng was stunned for a moment.

Yan Sanniang winked at Mrs. Yan: "Look, mother, Afeng is so happy."

Mrs. Yan nodded cheerfully and ate: "It's time to be silly. Miss Gu's family is such a good child, isn't it a blessing to be able to marry here!"

"You told me about marriage?"

Yan Feng looked at his mother and sister in disbelief, seeing that they were both nodding, and wanted to get angry like before, and then thought of the past of the girl Gu who was squatting in the corner and heard that night, and stopped for a while.

Before he could open his mouth, Yan Sanniang took the initiative to say: "Stinky boy, it's really cheap for you. Miss Gu is such a good girl? Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu are also considerate. If I didn't ask for it, the Gu family specified that they couldn't agree to this." A family affair."

Mrs. Yan also cooperated and said:

"Yeah! If the marriage is broken again this time, look at how I will deal with you. How can you succeed at such an age without a daughter-in-law? Don't dislike Miss Gu who married once, she is considered married..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Feng said: "Mother, don't talk nonsense, I don't." How could he dislike such a considerate girl?

Seeing him like this, Yan Sanniang let out a "puchi" laugh, and Mrs. Yan couldn't help laughing too.

Both of them laughed so shamelessly, Yan Feng was a little embarrassed, and said dryly: "I'm getting older, I can just let my mother and sister arrange it, and there are still things in the yamen, so I'll go back now."

As he said that, he put down the bowl and turned to go outside. Yan Sanniang called from behind to remind him to ask for leave in two days and come back.

He paused for a moment before leaving.

After he left, Yan Sanniang and Yan Laoniang laughed happily for the first time.

When I was in a good mood, I felt more comfortable eating reflexively. Mrs. Yan ate half a bowl of rice more than before, which made Yan Sanniang very happy.


Besides, the affairs of Yan's family and Lao Gu's family are in full swing, while Gu Yuelan is also busy looking for a shop outside.

In the past two days, she has just confirmed several shops and paid deposits, and she is about to invite Yin Ziying to come and have a look.

When I talked to Yin Ziying at that time, I said that if the shop was selected, Yin Ziying had to go to see it before making a decision.

In the early morning of this day, she had just sent someone to deliver a letter to Yin Ziying, when someone came into the courtyard and shouted loudly: "Miss, it's not good, it's not good!"

Gu Yuelan frowned: "What's so bad about it early in the morning? I'm doing really well!"

In the past few days, looking for shops has been very smooth, and those shops are all in line with Yin Ziying's requirements. She plans to go and order today. What's wrong?
The personal maid Qiu Guo rushed in, and when she saw her, she hurriedly said, "Miss, what do you think this is?"

Qiu Guo handed over a small stack of papers in her hand, Gu Yuelan reprimanded her in a panic, and then pulled out a piece of paper to read.

After seeing the above content, she was furious: "When did these come?"

"Miss, it was delivered just now, and this." Qiu Guo said, took out three purses from her bosom and handed them to Gu Yuelan.

Gu Yuelan knew what was in the purse without looking at it. It was the deposit she had given to others when she was choosing a shop, but she didn't expect it to be refunded now.

She hurriedly looked at some of the papers, which were mostly an apology, saying that their family had urgent business to leave the place, and the shop was sold without renting out, so the deposit was refunded to her.

"Is there any reason for this? How can the deposit be used like this? Since I have already made a decision, why should they sell it? If you look at it this way, what is the deposit for?"

She discovered this when she was looking at the shops, but at that time she still thought that these shops were suitable, so she paid a deposit and waited for Ziying to come and have a look!
Unexpectedly, before she went to see them, all of them just sold the shop and returned the deposit to her. How can there be such a coincidence?
Qiu Guo had a bitter face: "Miss, what should we do? Has someone plotted against us?"

"Does it even need to be said?"

Gu Yuelan sneered, she grew up in a merchant's family, although she didn't do business with her, her intuition in this area is keen.

She hurriedly ordered: "Chasing back the person who went to Ziying's side, don't invite her here yet."

What she said at the beginning was to invite Yin Ziying after she finished the shop here, but the shop hasn't been finished for a while, how could she have the nerve to invite someone here?
Qiu Guo responded and wanted to go down to call for someone, but Gu Yuelan waved her hand: "Let Chunya go in person."

There are four pretty big maids beside her, namely Chunya, Xiamo, Qiuguo and Dongmei.

Now that she wants to let Chun Ya go, she naturally attaches great importance to this matter.

Qiu Guo froze for a moment, then nodded and continued.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a while, someone over there reported: "Miss, Miss Yin has arrived."

Arrived?How can it be so fast?Didn't you just send someone out to let Chunya catch up?

Gu Yuelan glanced at Qiuguo, who also shook her head in bewilderment, she really didn't know, she just called Chunya out!

(End of this chapter)

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