Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 345 Please Tied Up If You Don’t Come

Chapter 345 Please Tied Up If You Don’t Come Back
When everyone arrived, Gu Yuelan couldn't leave him alone, so she hurriedly invited them in.At this time Chunya ran to Gu Yuelan and whispered the matter, Gu Yuelan stretched her brows.

It turned out that the person who was going to invite Yin Ziying just now saw her at the entrance of the alley not far outside, so he simply invited her in, but Chunya bumped into her as soon as she went out, so it was hard to invite someone back.

At the same time that Gu Yuelan understood, Yin Ziying had already walked in at the door.

"Miss Gu, I'm bothering you today."

"What is Ziying talking about? Come in quickly, alas, sister Xuan is here too, quickly let my sister kiss."

Several people chatted and laughed for a while, then Yin Ziying looked at Gu Yuelan and talked about the business, "I heard that you have taken a fancy to some shops, can you visit them today?"

Gu Yuelan's face froze. Originally, there was really such a happy event today, but it just happened that today, she couldn't speak.

Seeing that Gu Yuelan's expression was different, Yin Ziying couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? But you're not ready?"

She was thinking that today she just went outside to buy something, but the maid in the ancient mansion knew her and invited her in, and she was talking about the preparation of the shop, why is Gu Yuelan still like this?
Could it be some accident?
Just as she was about to ask a question, Gu Yuelan sighed and said directly: "To tell you the truth, I was happy about this fifteen minutes ago, but now I am really angry."

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Only then did Gu Yuelan tell Yin Ziying about the matter, so she took out the deposit and a few letters of apology.

"Look, Ziying, how can there be such a reason? Could it be that the deposit is only used to restrain me? They changed their minds temporarily but lost my time."

Yin Ziying took a few pieces of letter paper and looked at them, her face was also a little suspicious, the current deposit rules are similar to the modern ones.

The buyer pays a deposit first for something he likes. If he does not buy the item in the end, it is equivalent to breaking the contract, and the seller does not need to return the deposit.

And the seller who has received the buyer's deposit can no longer sell this item to others during this period, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract, like the situation that Gu Yuelan encountered now, it is a breach of contract.

In this case, the seller often needs to give the buyer an apology letter to explain the reason, and then refund the double deposit.

Generally speaking, very few people would do this. After all, being a businessman is all about integrity. Without integrity, no one would be willing to patronize his business anymore.

Yin Ziying frowned: "Would you use your family's reputation when you go out to look at the shop?"

Logically speaking, since Gu Yuelan is so loved by her family, many merchants in this county must know her, so naturally no one would dare to offend her.

But if these few people dared to do this, it would be very suspicious, maybe someone intentionally manipulated Gu Yuelan.

Gu Yuelan nodded: "Of course I did it under the name of the Gu family, but logically speaking, no one in the county would oppose my Gu family."

She understood Yin Ziying's meaning, in fact, she herself suspected that she was being manipulated by others this time.

It's just that she couldn't figure it out. Although the Gu family has no business in Shangshan County, it is well-known in the shopping malls. For example, among the merchants in the county, who doesn't have a good relationship with them?

"Have you ever made an enemy?"

Yin Ziying thought, Gu Yuelan was spoiled by the family, maybe someone knew that she did this and deliberately tripped her up.

Originally, she was thinking of using Gu Yuelan to open up the situation in the county, but she didn't expect that it would cause a little more trouble.After all, all three shops refunded the deposit this time, she did not believe there was such a coincidence.

Gu Yuelan made a bitter face and said nothing, Qiu Guo on the side hurriedly said: "Our young lady has always been kind to others, and in this county, only Miss Xu's family and Miss Zou's family have some issues with our young lady."

Yin Ziying: "How are the families of those young ladies? And how did you celebrate the festival with your young lady?"

Only then did Qiuguo tell the story one by one. The industries of the Xu family and the Zou family are concentrated in Shangshan County, which can be said to be the opposite of that of the Gu family.

However, although the Gu family has no property of their own in the county, they have a very wild way to the outside world. Because the Zou family and the Xu family rely on the Gu family for some businesses, they respect them more.

Gu Yuelan has a lively personality and can chat with anyone, but she doesn't like the young ladies of the Xu family and the Zou family.

One of them is Xu Jiajia, and they have a sharp temper.One is Zou Wan'er, who has a soft and weak temper, so she can't get into Gu Yuelan's eyes.

These two people knew that their family depended on the strength of the Gu family, and they both liked to join Gu Yuelan. Gu Yuelan once satirized the two of them at the tea party of the county ladies.

After that, Xu Jiajia couldn't help pinching her tongue when she saw Gu Yuelan, and Zou Wan'er wanted to hide and be a quail when she saw Gu Yuelan, and Gu Yuelan was also happy not to get along with these two.

Apart from this incident, it can be said that Gu Yuelan did not have any conflicts with other girls.

Even if she speaks straightforwardly on weekdays, others would not dare to say anything to her because of her father's face.

Yin Ziying asked again: "Can the Zou family and the Xu family intervene in the daughter's business?"

Gu Yuelan sneered: "It would be strange if it could, there are several sons in the Xu family, let alone let her intervene, they can't even give her much dowry. As for Zou Wan'er, her family doesn't have many brothers and sisters, but Zou Wan'er usually doesn't care about these things. Hobbies, all like female celebrities."

"I don't think it's likely to be them. Do you have anyone else who has offended you?"

Gu Yuelan nodded: "Actually, I don't believe it's them, but I offended someone..." As she spoke, her voice stopped abruptly.

"what happened?"

It's been a long time since Gu Yuelan responded. Yin Ziying raised her head and looked at her. Seeing her strange expression, Qiuguo covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Miss Yin, our lady thinks that she usually offends a lot of people. Where can I find it!"

Chunya at the side shook her head: "I don't think it's a big deal. Although our lady speaks a bit more straightforwardly, there are many wives who like our lady's temperament."

Yin Ziying nodded, she felt that Gu Yuelan had a good temper, and she didn't offend others, but she was a little arrogant when she first met, but she was eccentric and quite lovable.

If it is true that someone is against her for these things, that is impossible, and there is only one possibility, that person is the opponent of the Gu family.

As soon as she told Gu Yuelan her thoughts, her eyes widened.

"Ziying, can't you? Our family has no interest in opening a shop in the county, and everyone in the county knows about it."

Their family is mainly engaged in the jewelry business, and generally the shops are opened in Fucheng, and there are very few in the county.

Yin Ziying shook her head: "That's hard to say, why don't you go and meet those people who returned the deposit, do you remember who they are?"

"That's easy, I know who they are!"

Gu Yuelan nodded, she also wanted to visit these few people who refunded her deposit.

Generally speaking, ordinary merchants would not dare to offend her family. Now that this kind of thing has happened, of course she must find out, otherwise it will spread to other merchants in the county, and they might think their Gu family is easy to bully!
She beckoned to Chunya who was beside her: "Chunya, you and Xia Mo go invite him personally, and invite him back to me. If you don't come back, you will be tied up."

Dare to slap her in the face in Shangshan County, that is to slap the Gu family in the face. If she doesn't handle this matter well this time, not to mention her, even her father's prestige will be affected.

(End of this chapter)

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