Chapter 346

Now that she came to the Gu family, Yin Ziying simply led Gu Yunxuan to visit Mrs. Gu.

Mrs. Gu is a beautiful woman with a beautiful appearance and a graceful temperament. She is only in her early thirties, and she is very young.

Seeing Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan, Mrs. Gu was very enthusiastic.

"Oh, you are Miss Yin. I still have to thank you. If you hadn't saved our family Lan Lan, she still doesn't know what to do now!"

As she said that, Mrs. Gu wanted to bow to Yin Ziying to thank her, but of course Yin Ziying couldn't respond, she avoided Mrs. Gu's gift and then helped her up.

"What did Mrs. Gu say? That's what I should do, and besides, Yuelan's temperament is always likable."

Hearing Yin Ziying say good things about Gu Yuelan, Mrs. Gu was even happier. When she looked down and saw the sweet Gu Yunxuan, she was even more pleasantly surprised.

"Oh, this is Sister Xuan, right? I often hear your Sister Lan Lan mentioning you!"

Gu Yunxuan didn't look out at all: "Hi Madam Gu, you are so beautiful, Madam Gu!"

"Ouch, this kid can really talk, it's really rare."

Several people chatted for a while and were very happy, especially Gu Yunxuan, who was very fond of Mrs. Gu.

Later, Qiuguo came from outside to call a few people over. Before leaving, Yin Ziying couldn't help laughing at the old and the young who were chatting happily: "Sister Xuan, then you can talk to Mrs. Gu here for a while, and I will talk with you." Sister Lan Lan, will you go outside for a while?"

Gu Yunxuan nodded, the snacks in her cheeks were bulging, and she waved her small hands to signal Yin Ziying to go quickly.

Before Yin Ziying could say anything, Mrs. Gu pushed Yin Ziying's hand and said, "Miss Yin, you can do whatever you want. I finally have a little guest here, and I will definitely take care of it."

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Then please trouble Mrs. Gu."

Gu Yuelan walked out while holding Yin Ziying's hand: "Ziying, don't worry about Miss Xuan, my mother likes children the most, sometimes she pinches my face and says that it would be great if I become a child !"

She wondered in her heart whether Qiuguo had invited someone. If someone had been invited, it would not be appropriate to take Sister Xuan with her. It just happened to be appropriate to ask her mother to help look after the child here!

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled, "How is it? Those people have already been invited?"

Gu Yuelan shook her head: "I don't know either, I'm waiting to go and see with you, Qiuguo just called!"

Having said that, the two of them had already left the gate of the courtyard, and Qiu Guo rushed up to meet her and said, "Miss, Miss Yin, Chun Ya and Xia Mo are back, but no one has been invited!" What? "

Not only Gu Yuelan, but even Yin Ziying's complexion changed slightly. It seems that she came prepared?

The two walked back to Gu Yuelan's yard quickly, and saw Chun Ya and Xia Mo waiting there anxiously, seeing Yin Ziying and Gu Yuelan coming in, they hurriedly greeted her from left to right come up.

Gu Yuelan waved her hand, motioning them to quickly explain what was going on and why no one was invited back.

After hearing the two people's answers, Gu Yuelan sneered: "How could it be such a coincidence that these three people just happened to be sick at home? Could it be the same mother?"

What Chunya and Xia Mo said just now was to invite these three sellers, but all three sellers have returned to their hometowns, and the reason they used was that the old mother at home was sick.

"Ziying, what do you think?" Gu Yuelan looked at Yin Ziying, she knew that Yin Ziying had more ideas than her.

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes: "Since they violated the deposit regulations, let's see the officials to see if they are really all the same mother."

Hearing this, Xia Mo and Chun Ya looked a little worried. Seeing an official at this time is not a good thing, maybe it will ruin the reputation of their own lady?
Gu Yuelan's eyes lit up when she heard this, but she soon became worried. It's not common to sue the officials.

Generally speaking, these merchants are private, and the report to the official is a bit unpleasant.

"Ziying, it's not very good to report this to the officials."

"Why not so good?"

"This..." Gu Yuelan was a little embarrassed.

The maids on the side scrambled to say: "Of course it's not good, our young lady is not married yet, reporting to the official will damage our young lady's reputation."

"It's my first time doing business, how can I go directly to the government? If people find out about this, our ancient family's reputation in the county will be lost."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying felt a little weird. She secretly observed the two people who were talking, one was called Xia Mo by Gu Yuelan just now, and the other was called Dongmei.

She kept her composure, glanced at Gu Yuelan and said: "Don't worry, we are not defendants, and our reputation will not be affected. The main reason is that your father is not here now. If you don't handle it well, then you will really fall. ruined your family's reputation."

When Gu Yuelan heard it, she immediately felt that it made sense. She took Yin Ziying's hand and nodded: "Ziying, what you said is that if I don't sue the officials, I'm afraid they will think I'm easy to bully!"

Seeing that she believed in herself, Yin Ziying also showed a smile, leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

When Gu Yuelan heard this, her eyes lit up: "Yes! What am I afraid of? Ziying, you are the best!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hands to the maidservants: "Where are the apology letters just now? And those deposits, give them to me."

Qiu Guo hurriedly said, "Sister Xia Mo put it away just now."

Upon hearing this, Xia Mo hurriedly said: "Miss, since the deposit has been refunded, I will put it in the cage for you."

"Who said I would put it away?" Gu Yuelan stared, "Hurry up and bring it to me, I'm going to sue those villains who didn't keep their promises."

Hearing this, Xia Mo's face changed, and Dongmei at the side hurriedly persuaded: "Miss, are you really going to sue the government? This is..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Yuelan interrupted: "You mean to make me suffer from being dumb? Zi Ying is right, if I don't go, it will really make people think that our Gu family is easy to bully."

Having said that, Xia Mo also had to take out the apology letter and deposit from her bosom, and Gu Yuelan took it immediately.

"Ziying, let's go, let's go to the government."

Yin Ziying nodded and was about to leave when she thought of something and whispered something to Gu Yuelan, and then the two went to Mrs. Gu's yard first.

Gu Yunxuan was currently eating this and that under Madam Gu's feeding, and when she saw Yin Ziying coming in, she immediately waved to her.

Yin Ziying greeted Mrs. Gu first, and then stepped forward to tell Gu Yunxuan a few words.

"Miss Yin, don't worry, I will let this child eat something last, and I won't give it to her after she has tasted it all, so as not to eat too much and accumulate food for the child."

Yin Ziying nodded: "If that's the case, then please trouble Mrs. Gu. That's why I came here. The child doesn't know how hungry she is. I'm afraid she will eat too much."

"Okay, if you have something to do, go and do it. I'm here for the child!"

Gu Yuelan said: "Mother, you have to take good care of Sister Xuan, Sister Xuan is Ziying's lifeblood!"

"You child, can I still not know? Besides, can you lose it in our house?"

Seeing this, Yin Ziying and Gu Yuelan went out.

(End of this chapter)

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