Chapter 348
At this time, in the big room of the Gu family, Ruan was leading her daughter to have her body tailored by a tailor.

People's mansions like theirs buy two new clothes every season, and now that August [-]th is over, it's time to buy autumn clothes.

When Ruan Shi was leading her daughter to discuss the pattern with the tailor of the tailor shop, she heard a little girl outside come in and report: "Ma'am, Second Miss has something to report."

The eldest house of the ancient family has only Ruan family as the main wife. Although there are several concubines in the mansion, the Ruan family is well controlled, and there are no concubine sons and daughters.

Therefore, there is only one eldest lady, Gu Yue'e, in the mansion, and the rest of the main family are all sons. Where did the second lady come from?
The so-called second lady, of course, refers to Gu Yuelan, the second roommate of the Gu family.

The Ruan family arranged eyeliner on the second room of the Gu family, so it was natural to know that the news came from there.

Before she could respond, Gu Yue'e curled her lips and said, "Mother, don't you ask us to do something again?"

For this cousin of the second room, she was not used to it since she was a child. Not only was the second uncle of the second room only the second aunt, there was not even a concubine in the backyard, and the child had only such a younger sister.

There is only one, there is only one, and she is spoiled like a baby bump, which makes her, a young lady who was born in the big house, very upset.

Because she knows that most of her family's property will be given to her two brothers in the future, and she won't be able to share much.

But the second room is different. Some time ago, the second uncle said that he wanted to find a husband for that younger sister. That means that the second room's property would be left to Gu Yuelan alone, so how could she be happy?
Parents have already said that as long as that stinky girl Gu Yuelan is married, the second wife will have no sons, and their family business will belong to the first wife.

At that time, even if I get married, I can have one or two more shops. How good is that?
Of course Ruan knew what her daughter was thinking, she lightly smiled and patted her hand: "Okay, it's okay, you continue to look at the clothes, I'll go and see what happened."

As she spoke, she got up and walked out. When she reached the flower corridor, she saw a little girl waiting there anxiously. When she saw her, she came forward excitedly.

"Ma'am, you are here."

Ruan took a look at the little girl, and said proudly: "How about it, is there a commotion over there? Do you know that you can't do business?"

"Ma'am, no, no, it's not a big deal!" The little girl was very anxious.

Ruan frowned all of a sudden: "What's the matter, what's wrong with being so flustered?"

The little girl said anxiously: "Ma'am, sister Xia Mo just sent a letter saying that Miss Gu has gone to report to the police."


Ruan's body shook for a while and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, the personal servant girl came to help her in time.

"what happened?"

There was a hint of panic in Ruan's voice. She thought it would be an easy thing to make the little girl in the second room fail to do business. How could she have thought that she would dare to report to the government?
You must know that people who do business with such methods often encounter them. If they have power and power in their hands, it will be easier to check.

The reason why she thought of such a method was only because the second master of the Gu family was not around so she dared to do so.

As Gu Yuelan's elder, she leaked rumors that people would not be allowed to rent a shop to Gu Yuelan, which is equivalent to sending a signal to others that what Gu Yuelan is doing is just children's stuff, and the adults of the Gu family do not support it. of.

She would never let that little girl Gu Yuelan set up any kind of shop. What else would that girl Gu Yuelan do since she was a child, besides being a prodigal and spending money?
She would never allow that little girl Gu Yuelan to take the money of the second room and ruin it like this. After all, in her eyes, the property of the second room belonged to their eldest family.

Didn't expect that girl Gu Yuelan not only didn't give up on opening a shop after this incident, but also directly sued the government?
The little girl hurriedly said: "Madam, according to your instructions, Ding Laosan and Zhou Laoqi returned the letter of apology and the deposit early this morning. The second lady was very angry when she saw it, and she wanted to take this A few people invited over, and it turned out..."

Ruan felt dizzy for a while, meaning that girl Gu Yuelan has gone to the government now?How about that?
Thinking of being found out by the government as a hindrance, and that she had to confront that little girl Gu Yuelan in court, so that the second master Gu would have opinions on her, Ruan felt that she was about to faint.

She doesn't know about other people's families, but she knows how much this uncle loves Gu Yuelan, a daughter. If the uncle knows that she secretly obstructs Gu Yuelan's business...

Thinking of this, she trembled and felt cold all over her body.

The person on the side hastily reminded: "Madam, don't worry, there is still the magistrate!"

Ruan's eyes lit up!
correct!There is also the county magistrate, my master often goes around to manage the county government during the New Year and holidays, and they can talk in the county government.

She hurriedly said to her maidservant: "I heard that the old lady at the magistrate's side is seriously ill. Didn't you just get an old ginseng from the second room? Hurry up and get ready."

After the personal servant girl agreed to leave for the rest of her life, she looked at the little girl in front of her and said sharply, "Who is that girl Yin you mentioned just now? Which family's lady is she from? Why did you let her go to the county government office?" ?”

"Ma'am, I don't know when Miss Yin met. Sister Xia Mo said, maybe she met when she was kidnapped last time, because since Miss Second was sent back, she often mentioned Miss Yin." .”

Who did you know when you were kidnapped?
A ruthless look flashed in Ruan's eyes, where did the little girl dare to spoil her good deed?This girl Yin, she must not let it go.

She hurriedly said: "Do you know which family she came from and what is her background?"

"Sister Xia Mo said that this girl Yin seems to be from the countryside."

Ruan's eyes widened suddenly, and anger flashed on his face: "What? Are you fooling me?"

The little girl trembled in fright: "Ma'am, Ma'am, I don't dare, I don't dare! Sister Xia Mo said that, not my servant."

From the country?Ruan didn't believe that people from the countryside dared to say that they would sue the officials, not to mention that girl Yin was also kidnapped before?
"What did Xia Mo say?"

"Sister Xia Mo said that some time ago, the second miss often clamored to go to the countryside to see that girl Yin, saying that she was from a village at the bottom of our county."

Is it really from the countryside?How dare a country girl dare to sue the government?Isn't it embarrassing enough to be kidnapped by Pat Hanako?

Although Ruan Shi curled his lips in disdain on his face, he believed most of it in his heart.

In her eyes, Gu Yuelan, the second bedroom, was an unscrupulous person, and she was different from ordinary ladies from rich and noble families, so she wanted to find another way to show her specialness.

Just for a while, the maid who had just stepped back came up: "Madam, all the presents have been arranged, we can go now."

Ruan looked at her worriedly: "It's not true that you only prepared a gift for the old lady, right?"

The county grandpa's family has a lot of people, there are old people and young people, and although the backyard is considered clean, there are also two concubines.

She has always been adhering to the principle of either not doing it or doing it well, especially when it comes to small things like gift giving.

The personal servant girl hurriedly said: "Madam, don't worry, everything has been prepared, and nothing has been missed."

Hearing what the maid said, Ruan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and told the little maid to go back and tell Xia Mo to tell Mrs. Gu, the second room, about this, and then she was ready to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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