Chapter 349 A Misunderstanding

In the county yamen, Ding Laosan, Zhou Laoqi and Qian Pozi were all escorted by the yamen.

As soon as these people came in, they were escorted and knelt down, screaming for grievances: "My lord, please forgive me, what did you do wrong to be arrested?"

"My lord, please enlighten me, the little one was wronged!"

Gu Yuelan, who was sitting next to Yin Ziying, saw these people and wanted to rush up and give them two slaps, but just now she had asked someone to invite them, but she hadn't been able to invite anyone yet!

Everyone said that they were going back to take care of their sick mother, so why did the government officials come one by one?
It can be seen from this that the reason why they didn't come out just now was to avoid her on purpose.

Yin Ziying pulled her hand sharply and said in a low voice, "It depends on how the adults arrange it."

If we go now, we will have to fight with them, and we have to kneel in front of the county magistrate, so why not watch how the county magistrate handles the case here.

Anyway, Gu Yuelan had already said all she could and knew just now, presumably the county magistrate should be able to give them some preferential treatment for Wu Ling's sake.

Sure enough, the county magistrate over there took a look at Yin Ziying and Gu Yuelan, and saw that one of them was as still and steady as a mountain, while the other didn't move forward although there were small flames in his eyes.

Seeing Yin Ziying holding Gu Yuelan's hand again, the magistrate immediately understood Yin Ziying's meaning, it was for him to watch the trial!

The county magistrate sighed inwardly. He thought he had nothing to do today, but he didn't expect this aunt to take the initiative to get involved in this kind of case.

No trial?Unfair treatment?

Then he didn't dare, what if that girl Yin wrote a letter to her boss, what would he do?
Thinking of having to focus on work in the leisurely days, he suddenly felt uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but feel a little resentful when he looked at the three kneeling down.

Jing Mutang rang: "Bold! The three of you can be convicted!"

The three people who were kneeling down were startled. First, after seeing the official, one of the men with mustaches said: "My lord, I don't know why you want to arrest us? We have always kept our law and order, and have never committed any violations of laws and disciplines." things."

With his opening, the other two also said: "Yes, my lord, we didn't do anything! Why did you arrest us?"

"My lord! We have always behaved according to our duties, but we have never done anything harmful to nature!"

The county magistrate snorted coldly: "You guys are still doing your duty? The things you agreed to do don't follow the rules, but you have to be opportunistic..."

"My lord, we don't have any!"

"My lord, we are innocent! Someone must have made a false accusation!"

"My lord, our business has always been clean. If you don't believe me, you can ask our customers and our buddies!"

"Huh!" A heavy cold snort sounded, the county magistrate took a look at several people, and then said: "Ding Laosan, Zhou Laoqi, and Qian Pozi are in the hall?"

Seeing the three people shouting yes, the magistrate snorted coldly again: "That's right, I have someone here to sue you for maliciously influencing the market of the mall, and maliciously delaying people's time and deposit."

Hearing this, the three of them were taken aback.

Qian Pozi only felt a light flash in his heart, but before he had time to think clearly, he heard two people on both sides shouting for grievances, and he followed suit.

"My lord, it's clear! The villain must have been wronged!"

"My lord, please be enlightened! Xiaomin has always done things according to his duty, and has never done anything illegal!"

In short, there are just a few words of car wheels back and forth.

The county magistrate got impatient and patted Jing Mutang again: "What are you doing! Quiet!"

Seeing that the voices of the three of them were quieter, he slowly picked up a few purses and a letter of apology beside him.

"Look, are you familiar with these things? How dare you come to me and cry for injustice? Why don't you say it when you waste other people's time?"

The three of them looked at each other and immediately knew which case they were talking about. Just as they were about to speak, a girl walked up to them.

"Hmph, didn't you guys tell me that your mother was seriously ill and rushed back home to take care of her? How can I still see you here?"

Seeing Gu Yuelan who jumped out, Qian Pozi and the others immediately settled down in their hearts. It turned out that it was really this young lady of the Gu family.

"Miss Gu, today's matter is really a misunderstanding! It's really flooding the Dragon King Temple, we are a family..."

Gu Yuelan didn't wait for him to finish speaking and immediately spat: "Damn! Who is with your family, our Gu family does business in an upright manner, so we don't take chances like you!"

After finishing speaking, she bowed to the magistrate of the county: "Your Excellency, please be the master for the women of the people. If everyone in Shangshan County is like these bastards, then our Shangshan County is in danger!"

Seeing her like this, the county magistrate pouted in his heart, wondering if there was such an idea?Why is Shangshan County in danger?
Even if there is, isn't it that you business people are too cunning and cunning?

Even though he thought so in his heart, he would not say so on the surface, after all, that girl Yin was still sitting beside her with bright eyes!
Since this Miss Yin came here with Gu Yuelan, no matter what the evidence in Gu Yuelan's hand, he will help to finish the trial.

What's more, the evidence brought by Gu Yuelan is sufficient and reasonable?It can only be said that the luck of these few people is not good, and it happens that they are going to fight with Gu Yuelan.

He nodded, then looked at Qian Pozi and others who were kneeling below, and said, "This is Miss Gu, do you know her? Now that there are all the witnesses and evidence, how do you want to play tricks?"

Seeing that several people obviously looked like they didn't expect Gu Yuelan to report the crime, the magistrate also felt a bad breath in his heart.

He thought in his heart that these unruly traders had brought a little bad influence to Shangshan County, and they should be dealt with properly.

"My lord, I've been wronged, I've been wronged! That's not the case!"

"My lord, there is something strange about it, it's really not what Miss Gu said!"

Gu Yuelan's apricot eyes widened, she looked at the people angrily and said, "You mean that I wronged you? A few days ago, you said well that you should leave the shop to me.

At that time, the contract was signed and the deposit was paid. Why did you return the deposit today?Bullying me that the ancient family didn't open a shop in Shangshan County? "

Qian Pozi waved his hands again and again, looking at the county magistrate above with an angry expression on his face, he even said sharply: "Miss Gu, there was a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! We didn't mean to refund the deposit to you."

The other two also nodded.

Gu Yuelan glared at the few people and said dissatisfiedly: "What do you mean? Let's forget about the good things. Can you blame me? Could it be that your mother is really seriously ill and needs this money?"

It was fine if she didn't say that, but the county magistrate frowned immediately when he said that, not for anything else, because his own old mother was really sick.

When he thought that these unscrupulous people would rather lie about the safety of the old mother at home in order to earn so little money, he became even more dissatisfied.

He patted Jingmutang, and said to several people: "What's the proper way to make a fuss?"

(End of this chapter)

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