Chapter 353 Cultivating Feelings
When Gu Yuelan heard it, she immediately knew what Yin Ziying was referring to, she smiled at Yin Ziying and said:
"Ziying, you don't have to worry, my father and Dafang are not biological brothers, and they separated long ago, and they only moved to the county in the past few years."

Seeing this, Yin Ziying didn't say anything, anyway, as long as Gu Yuelan knew it well, she would never ask in depth about this kind of family matter.

What's more, after all, she is her own daughter, even if Master Gu Er is really angry, he can't do anything to her, after all, it's just such a baby bump.

The two entered the Gu's house while talking, then went to Mrs. Gu's yard to pick up Gu Yunxuan, and then thought about going to the shop while the sun was not too high.

Over there, Mrs. Gu chased after her: "Lan Lan, Miss Yin and Sister Xuan finally came here, why don't they invite you for a meal?"

Just as Yin Ziying was about to say that it wasn't time for lunch yet, Mrs. Gu ignored them and went to make lunch.

Gu Yuelan glanced at the sky and said to Yin Ziying and Gu Yunxuan with a smile, "Ziying, what my mother said is right, let's stay and have a meal!"

"I didn't tell them that I would not go back when I came out today, and they will be anxious in a while."

"What's the matter, just ask someone to run back to deliver the letter. In this way, we will go out to look at the shop after eating later, and take you back after shopping for a while."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuelan signaled Chunya, the maid next to her, to report the news, and then talked to Gu Yunxuan with a smile.

And Yin Ziying saw that although the two of them didn't speak, they were quietly staring at the big maids beside Gu Yuelan. She had noticed in the morning that some of these maids might have ulterior motives.

It seems that after going out in the afternoon, she needs to find a chance to talk to Gu Yuelan.

If Gu Yuelan didn't have the eyeliner of the eldest lady of the Gu family, Yin Ziying couldn't believe it.

It's just that she couldn't figure it out, judging from the performance of Gu Yuelan and everyone else, it was obvious that the second wife of the Gu family was more powerful, so how could the girl next to Gu Yuelan be bought by the eldest lady of the Gu family?
Because Mrs. Gu didn't know that her daughter sent her sister-in-law to the county government in person, the lunch was lively and lively.

Especially she likes the little girl Gu Yunxuan very much, and Gu Yunxuan is a sweet talker who can coax people, so Mrs. Gu is very happy.

After lunch, everyone sat and chatted for a while before coming out to look at the shop.

In the end, they decided to choose Zhou Laoqi's shop, which was located on the main road of Middle Street in the county town, the most central place.

Yin Ziying was also very satisfied after seeing it. The shop is about 40 square meters. Although it is not very big, they can add a second floor.

It's just that, after all, it's not my own shop, so it's not worth adding a second floor just for decoration.

Besides, Yin Ziying also had other worries in her heart. The things they sold were not cheap, and it might not be so if Zhou Laoqi started to raise prices in the later stage.

As soon as she mentioned this method, Gu Yuelan heard the elegant meaning, and immediately said: "That's not easy, I'll ask Zhou Laoqi to sell the shop to me."

Yin Ziying nodded: "Alright then, let's see how much money I have, and I'll settle it with you."

Of course she doesn't have much money in her hand, after all, she has always spent money lavishly, almost every month is full of moonlight.

But Uncle Gu and the others must have a lot of money in their hands, and they must have money in their hands when they bought shares in the workshop in the past two years.She can borrow some from the two of them first, and then pay back slowly.

Gu Yuelan grinned and said, "Ziying, why are you being polite to me? You guys are in charge of everything else, I can't really just have a name, can I?"

When she said this, Yin Ziying didn't refute anymore, anyway, it's impossible to make a decision today.

After talking to Gu Yuelan, she quickly led Gu Yunxuan to her home.Just now, she and Gu Yuelan have already divided the work. Gu Yuelan is responsible for finding Zhou Laoqi to buy the shop, and she is responsible for the decoration and construction of the shop.

Although she was not a designer in her previous life, she was proficient in drawing. Even if she didn't know how to decorate, she just drew the appearance first and asked the masters to follow suit.

As for how to find a decoration master, she also thought of the candidate, and just entrusted this matter to Yan Feng. Anyway, the relationship between the two families is very close now.

Moreover, after the shop opened, Gu Yunliu was supposed to take care of it, and she was in charge of the decoration, later operations and painting. Gu Yunliu must be in charge of other daily management.

Yan Feng, as a county magistrate, often patrols the streets, and Gu Yunliu is the shopkeeper's wife, which is just complementary.

In Yin Ziying's view, this also let those people know that not everyone can come to collect protection fees in this shop.

In the next few days, she was obsessed with the decoration of the painting shop and the construction of the attic on the second floor. When the painting was finished, Gu Yuelan also sent a letter, saying that the shop was in hand.

Therefore, on this day, Yin Ziying asked Gu Yuelan to come over with the store deed, and then brought along Gu Yunliu, Yin Jingjing, Yin Jiajia, and sisters Yin Sisi.

She had drawn up the contract early in the morning, and after letting everyone read it without any objection, they each signed their names with their fingerprints.

These deeds are in duplicate, except that everyone keeps their own one in their hands, and the other one is to be sent to the county government for archiving.

Gu Yuelan's eyes sparkled: "Let me send these to the county government! I'm familiar with the county government."

After listening to Yin Ziying's words for the past two days, Gu Yuelan has not been idle. She found a very precious ginseng plant from her warehouse. It is said that it can be more than 200 years old and sent it to the county magistrate. This also made the county magistrate feel a little regretful. My heart is happy.

Yin Ziying nodded, glanced at Gu Yunliu at the side and said, "Sister Liu will go with Yuelan in a while, just in time to recognize someone."

"Ziying, this is not good!" Gu Yunliu hesitated.

Gu Yuelan didn't care so much, and directly agreed. After all, she knew Yin Ziying's plan, so she also knew that Gu Yunliu would be the person who would be in contact with her in the county in the future.

And two days ago, she also found out about Gu Yunliu's engagement to Yan Feng, and she was also happy for Gu Yunliu.

"That's it, Sister Liu, here is the decoration plan of that shop, you take it to Yan Feng and ask him to help find a mason who can build a house, we are in a hurry to use it!"

Now the county is considered to have a small relationship, so it is not necessary to use it for nothing. Of course, Yin Ziying will not let the existing relationship go without using it.

After all, Yan Feng is not an ordinary relative, Gu Yunliu already has a share in this shop, and Gu Yunliu will be here to watch in the future, just to cultivate a relationship between the two of them.

Seeing what Yin Ziying said, Gu Yunliu just thought it was a serious business and couldn't be delayed, so she didn't refuse immediately, and directly took her over.

On the other hand, Gu Yuelan and Yin Jingjing sisters knew that Yin Ziying did this on purpose, so they covered their mouths and giggled.

Yin Ziying glanced at a few people, and her tone was calm: "The shop is about to open, why don't you rush to work? What if there are no goods to sell?"

Having said that, Yin Jingjing and the others couldn't care less about laughing, even Gu Yunliu looked at Gu Yuelan anxiously, thinking of going to the county government office as soon as possible, and going back early to catch up with work and make dolls.

(End of this chapter)

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