Chapter 354
Gu Yuelan glanced at the sky outside, then at Yin Ziying, thinking about how hard it was to come here, she immediately said to Gu Yunliu: "Sister Liu, it's too hot now, let's go there later! Don't worry, it's time Can catch up."

Seeing this, Gu Yunliu nodded, and hurriedly followed a few younger sisters back to the house to catch up on work.

Now they stay in the house all day long playing with dolls, even Mrs. Yu has been helping with it!

Seeing that everyone had left, Yin Ziying glanced at the smiling Gu Yuelan, "What happy event made you so happy?"

Gu Yuelan is usually an optimist, but this is the second time she sees her hair and brows full of joy like today.

The first time was when Wu Ling rescued them from Shuitou Village.

"Nothing can be hidden from you!"

Sitting next to Yin Ziying, Gu Yuelan said affectionately: "Ziying, fortunately, thanks to your reminder, I have pulled out the eyeliners of the big families in my house."

"Oh? Really? How many are there?" Yin Ziying wasn't surprised at all. After all, she felt a little strange when she saw the big maids around Gu Yuelan that day. It would be strange if she couldn't find them out!

"Ziying, you haven't reminded me that I haven't checked it carefully yet. Now I'm really shocked to check it. There are eight of them in total, and two of them are hiding beside me, and they've even taken the position of big maid. !"

Speaking of this, although Gu Yuelan was still smiling, her eyes were a little cold.

The four big maids around her all grew up with her when they were young, and they don't know what great benefits the big house promised them to make them like this.

Yin Ziying stretched out her hand and patted her on the shoulder to express her comfort: "It's good to find out, I'm afraid they will hide in the dark if they don't find out!"

Gu Yuelan nodded: "Ziying, you are right, I also persuaded my mother in the same way."

This time, so many things were found out, but she was still prepared. It was her mother who couldn't accept it. After all, her mother always thought that their second room was not bad compared to the first room.

Yin Ziying nodded, and didn't ask any further questions, she just looked at Gu Yuelan and said, "I heard that your father is back, you haven't been punished, have you?"

Last time, Gu Yuelan sued the Gu family's eldest lady at the county government. Two days ago, Gu Yuelan's personal maid, Chun Ya, came to report the letter, saying that after the Gu family's eldest lady went back, the Gu family's eldest lady and the Gu family's eldest family's couple A young master came to the second room and cried, the Gu family was not quiet at all.

Gu Yuelan shook her head, with a smug smile on her face: "No, my father asked me the detailed reason, but he didn't say a word to me when he found out. Instead, he went to the eldest room to have a talk with my uncle. Anyway, the eldest room is gone now. Dare to come to the door."

"That's fine, it's fine."

Seeing that Gu Yuelan was not implicated by what happened last time, Yin Ziying was even more happy for her. After all, there are not many parents who can be so reasonable in this era.

Gu Yuelan: "Ziying, don't worry! My father didn't blame me, and he thinks the shop you mentioned is very good, and he also agrees with me to set it up together!"

Of course, what the old man said at the time was not only such a small matter, but also muttered a lot, but she would not confide in Ziying.

The two talked for a while, and Yin Ziying saw that she did not look sad at all, so she urged her to take Gu Yunliu to the county government office to make connections.

Counting it, she has been in the county for a long time, and it is time to go back to the village for the first time, after all, there are many things that need her in the field.

Time passed quickly, on this day, Yin Ziying got into the carriage, accompanied by Uncle Gu and Gu Yunxuan.

The shop had been opened two days ago, and Yin Ziying controlled everything from decoration, placement to pricing.

With Miss Gu Yuelan here, this doll is naturally very popular in the county, and because the purchase quantity is limited and the purchasers are limited, it can be said that there is nowhere to buy it.

During this period, Uncle Gu had already returned to the village and brought up all the dolls that Gu Yunliu and others had made before, and that was not enough to sell.

Therefore, only Yin Ziying brought Gu Yunxuan back to the village today, while Gu Yunliu and Yin Jingjing were rushing to work.

As for Uncle Gu, he has to go back to deal with some workshop affairs. After all, he has a name in the workshop, so naturally he can't stay away from home all the time.

Here in the county, Yin Ziying planned to have Gu Yunjie or Gu Yunli replace Uncle Gu at that time.

Although it was said that with the Yan family and Gu Yuelan around, there would be no accidents for Gu Yunliu and the others, but this is not certain, it is better to have a man at home.

When the carriage returned to Baijia Village, it was around three or four o'clock in the afternoon. Because this is the Northland and it was approaching late autumn, it seemed that the sky was about to get dark.

Seeing that it was Uncle Gu driving the car, the old village chief standing at the entrance of the village smiled and said hello: "Changqing, are you coming back today to get things by yourself or what?"

He knew that Yin Ziying led Gu Yunliu to open a shop in the county, but it was something made by girls, so they didn't run it in the village.

Uncle Gu smiled and said, "Uncle Village Chief, not only me, but Ziying and Sister Xuan are also back."

"Oh, that's great." The old village head was very happy when he heard that. Originally, he was doing the same work as Uncle Gu in the workshop, but it all fell on him when Uncle Gu left. Now that Uncle Gu came back He can also rest for a few days.

Yin Ziying lifted the curtain of the car and said hello to the old village chief, and then she saw Gu Yunxuan poking her head out and said to the old village chief: "Grandpa village chief, is that woman back yet?"

The woman she was talking about was of course Lu Xiuyu. After all, the reason why they went to the county was to meet the court.

The last time it was said that Lu Xiuyu was spreading rumors, so he had to be locked up for half a month. Now that half a month has passed, Lu Xiuyu must have returned.

Unexpectedly, the old village chief shook his head: "Not to mention, no one in Lu's family is willing to make contact. Brother Yan only picked him up this morning, and he probably will be back tomorrow."

Uncle Gu said excitedly: "Uncle Village Chief, Brother Yan is back?"

"I'm back, and I just arrived two days ago."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, it seems that tomorrow, when brother Yan comes back, we will have a running banquet, uncle village chief, what do you think?"

The old village chief nodded happily: "After all, he is the first master in our village, so of course it has to be done, and the public will pay for it."

Gu Yunxuan pursed her lips: "What should I do? My eldest brother didn't even visit me when he went to the county seat. Instead, he went to pick up that bad woman who framed us."

Seeing Gu Yunxuan's childish appearance, Yin Ziying reached out and patted her head, and said a few words to the old village chief, and the carriage began to move.

She had already expected about Gu Yunyan's Zhongju, not to mention that Yan Feng had told them before that when Uncle Gu came back a few days ago, the village had already received a letter of good news.

Yin Ziying nodded Gu Yunxuan's little nose: "Sister Xuan, you can't talk like this, after all, your elder brother should fulfill his responsibilities now that he won the exam."

(End of this chapter)

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