Chapter 356 Gu Yunxian's Abnormality
Gu Yunyan is really a complete outsider to her, so she has always been calm about Gu Yunyan, in the past, and now.

Gu Yunxian was startled, then nodded: "Sister Ziying, I understand." I won't ask again in the future.

In the past, she said that she didn't have feelings for elder brother, and he believed it, but he didn't know why, maybe it was because of such a big matter that elder brother Zhongju could not help asking.

Yin Ziying: "I was just telling the truth. You and Brother Rui worked hard. You and Brother Rui are no worse than your elder brother in brains. You will definitely pass the exam."

Gu Yunxian nodded excitedly: "Yes, sister Ziying, I know, our husband also said that we should work hard."

That Mr. Liu, Yin Ziying, knew about it. After all, such an old man with a lot of background, especially liked Yin Ruilin. I heard that Yin Ruilin had already been accepted as a closed disciple.

On weekdays, Yin Ziying could occasionally learn about Mr. Liu from Yin Ruilin, but later she paid more attention to it because of Wu Ling.

"Listen to what you have to say, sir."

Gu Yunxian thought for a while, and then said: "Sister Ziying, sir, told me to go to the Tongsheng examination next year."

"Tongsheng is going to take the exam? Did Mr. Liu say that?" Yin Ziying was a little surprised. Although she also thought that Gu Yunxian was smart, she didn't expect him to pass the exam after a year of schooling.

Gu Yunxian nodded: "Mr. Liu said it. He said that I have the foundation and I have learned well this year. Let me try."

"Mr. Liu said yes, then it is definitely possible, then you work hard!"

Of course, Yin Ziying would not stop Gu Yunxian. In her opinion, Gu Yunxian's going to take the entrance examination for children is also a means of testing his learning results.

What's more, professional things are left to professional people. Since Mr. Liu said it, it must be that Gu Yunxian's level has reached this level, which is a good thing.

Thinking of this, she was very happy, and immediately pointed to the bacon hanging on the top and said: "This is a happy event. Today we will add a dish to be happy."

Gu Yunxian didn't expect that she would be so happy after knowing the news, even the corners of her brows and eyes were filled with smiles.

This night was bound to be a happy one. Yin Ziying not only called Uncle Gu and Gu Yunli and Gu Yunjie over, but also invited the old village head's family with them.

During the banquet, the old village head, Uncle Gu and others naturally couldn't avoid mentioning the fact that the village had set up water mats for Gu Yunyan.Yin Ziying sat at the table with Gu Yunli and others, and told them about Yan Feng and Gu Yunliu's marriage.

In fact, when Uncle Gu came back last time, he had followed Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunli through the wind, but now everyone was very happy to hear Yin Ziying say it with certainty.

Counting it, Gu Yunliu and Zhou Junhao had only been separated for more than half a year. Now that a satisfactory candidate has been found so quickly, everyone is happy for her.

After saying this, Gu Yunxian looked at Yin Ziying and said, "Sister Ziying, the elder sister's marriage has been settled, and the eldest brother's side will definitely be completed this year, so what do you think?"

In the past, Yin Ziying believed that it was a big deal that he would not get married, and he also felt distressed, but later he discovered that in fact, sister Ziying didn't necessarily have to not get married.

At least, they found that there was a person who was very suitable for Sister Ziying. Even a steady elder like Mr. Liu would ask about it from time to time!
Although he didn't spend much time with Wu Ling, Gu Yunxian could feel that Wu Ling treated Yin Ziying differently from all of them.

And Yin Ziying seems to treat Wu Ling just like everyone else, but in fact, she can't help but care about Wu Ling in daily life.

Yin Ziying was taken aback, she didn't expect this matter to be involved in her, she shook her head and smiled and said, "Why are you so anxious, do you think I'm annoying? After all, I've only been in the village for a year How much!"

When she said this, when everyone thought about it carefully, it was true that Yin Ziying got married around the Dragon Boat Festival last year, and it is only September now, isn't it just over a year?
Regardless of whether they were careful or not, they found it incredible when they calculated it. They didn't expect so many things to happen in such a short period of time.

However, Gu Yunxian still found a loophole in it. Yin Ziying's answer this time was why she was in a hurry, instead of not planning to marry as in the past.

He consciously discovered some secret, and felt sour and astringent for a moment, feeling that his thoughts were dirty and his emotions were difficult to restrain.

Everyone chatted and laughed, but no one noticed Gu Yunxian's abnormality. After dinner, Yin Ziying didn't let Gu Yunxian and others move back. Instead, she said to the two of them: "Anyway, your elder brother didn't come back, and since your elder brother is going to get married, The yard over there will definitely be repaired, so you don't need to move around, so you can live here first."

Uncle Gu felt that what Yin Ziying said made sense, so Gu Yunxian and Gu Yunrui nodded in agreement.

As for Gu Yunyan's running water seat, it depends on whether Gu Yunyan will come back tomorrow. If Gu Yunyan does come back, it will be done the day after tomorrow.

If he doesn't come back tomorrow, then let Gu Yunli go to the county to accompany Yu Shi, Gu Yunliu and others the day after tomorrow. After all, Yu Shi, Gu Yunliu and others are all women, and they are a little worried.

In the early morning of the next day, Yin Ziying had just sent away Gu Yunxian and Yin Ruilin who were going to school, thinking about going to her experimental field.

Not long after she left, she faintly heard someone calling her from behind.

She stopped and looked back, and sure enough, someone called her, it was sisters A Xing and A Tao.

"Miss Yin, you are back."

A Xing led her younger sister forward quickly, and smiled when she saw Yin Ziying.

"A Xing, A Tao, it's you guys, how are you doing in the village recently? Are you still used to it?"

These people have been in the village for a long time, so Yin Ziying asked them as a polite question.

After all, if they said they were not used to it, she would not be able to help them out, after all, that was what Wu Ling meant.

A Xing smiled and said: "Miss Lao Yin misses it, this place is very good, we will go to the workshop to work, and we can save money to buy food and send it back every month."

Seeing Yin Ziying nodding her head, she glanced at the people around her and said to Yin Ziying, "Miss Yin, there is something I want to tell you."


Yin Ziying immediately thought that this matter might be related to Wu Ling, or what Wu Ling wanted to do.She glanced around, and then led the two into a hiding place.

"Tell me, what is it?"

A Xing said: "Miss Yin, when we asked someone to go back to deliver food last time, there was news from the stockade, saying that there are people around there who are looking around recently, maybe it's not from that young master."

Yin Ziying's heart trembled, she nodded, looked at A Xing and said, "Have you told the guards about this?"

When they were sent here, Wu Ling assigned two guards to prevent them from running around.

A Xing's complexion was not very good: "Miss Yin, I came to you because I felt that the situation was serious. One of the two guards was transferred back by the young master some time ago. After we received the letter, we told the guard, and then He went out to check that day, and then..."

(End of this chapter)

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