Chapter 357 The Big Wedding
She paused here, but Yin Ziying already understood: "The guard didn't come back?"

Seeing Ah Xing nodding, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and she hurriedly comforted her: "Pack up your luggage, and I will change places for you later. Don't go to work in the workshop at that time, I will take care of food and daily necessities." Someone will deliver it to you."

A Xing nodded: "Thank you, Miss Yin."

She came to Yin Ziying, of course, because Yin Ziying could speak well and had a close relationship with that young master.

She came out with her clansmen to take refuge, and the guards were all missing, so she was of course worried that there would be danger.

After this happened, Yin Ziying was not in the mood to go to the experimental field anymore, so she turned her head and walked to the old village head's house at the entrance of the village. She wanted to change places for A Xing and others.

Since Wu Ling entrusted people to her, she couldn't let them have any mistakes. Thinking of this, her feet felt like wind, and she thought about writing a letter to the town to find Mr. Liu later.

The letter was quickly delivered by Mr. Liu, and Yin Ziying also quietly changed places for Axing, Atao and others in the village.

On the surface, the days were uneventful, but Yin Ziying was worried in her heart. It had been several days since she sent the letter and she hadn't received a reply, and she didn't know what was going on in Wuling.

All she could guess was that the entire cottage must be useful to Wuling, but she didn't know whether the usefulness was to solve a certain case or fight against a certain high official.

On this day, she was carelessly playing with the things in her hand, when she heard a suona sound outside, sometimes mixed with the voices of many people.

She froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered that today was the day when Gu Yunyan and Lu Xiuyu got married, and suddenly felt a little boring.

A few days ago, after Gu Yunyan led Lu Xiuyu back, the next day the village set up a running mat for him, and it lasted for three days.

The marriage of the two of them was also on the agenda, and today was their day of great joy. Although they knew she would not go, Gu Yunyan still sent her a post.

Yu Shi had followed Gu Yunli back from the county seat yesterday, but Gu Yunliu was still guarding the shop in the county seat.

Since the day when the store opened, business has been good. In addition, Gu Yuelan, the eldest lady of the Gu family, often brings dolls to banquets, the business is even better.



Lu Xiuyu sat in front of the dowry, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, she said to Mrs. Lu in front of her: "Mother, you are worried about me."

"Our Xiuyu is really a beauty, such a dress looks even more charming, and it will surely make my uncle's fascination."

Hearing this, Lu Xiuyu looked at herself in the mirror, and when she saw that the perfect makeup had covered up her haggardness of the previous few days, her eyes were filled with satisfaction, and then fleetingly, was a hint of cruelty.

She will never forget the dark and damp prison of the county government, and she will never forget the torture and humiliation she has suffered in the past month.

Seeing that her daughter didn't speak, Mrs. Lu thought it was her daughter's reluctance to marry, so she couldn't help but squeeze her hand lightly: "Xiuyu, although you are married, you will always be a part of our Lu family, and you will always be a part of our Lu family." The treasure in the palm of parents."

The daughter is about to marry Master Juren. At this time, she must hold her daughter's thigh tightly.

How could Mrs. Lu know Lu Xiuyu's thoughts?

When she was sent to the county government by Yin Ziying last time, her parents and younger brother didn't even show their faces, and they didn't even visit her once in such a long time.

If Gu Yunyan hadn't raised her hand to rescue her this time, we don't know how long she would have stayed in the county government office.

Thinking of this, she felt hatred in her heart, but she looked at Old Madam Lu calmly: "Mother, I can't bear to part with you and Dad."

"Stupid child, how can a girl not marry when she grows up? To say such stupid things."

Mrs. Lu squeezed her daughter's hand again as she spoke, and after looking outside, she carefully took out a purse from her bosom and put it in her daughter's hand.

"Xiuyu, here are five taels of silver, the silver that mother gave you at the bottom of the box, don't let your father and younger brother know, do you hear me?"

Five taels of silver?Lu Xiuyu sneered in her heart, she never knew how much Gu Yunyan spent to marry her.

Not to mention the betrothal gift, just a few days ago when Gu Yunyan came back from the county, she bought more than five taels of things, plus there was the betrothal gift given to her by Yan Changshou from the town last time, but the family didn't give her a cent. Woolen cloth!

Thinking of her father and mother holding so much money in their hands but refusing to give it to her, she felt a little wronged in her heart.

"Xiuyu, what's the matter? But too little?" Mrs. Lu looked at her daughter with embarrassment.

"Xiuyu, you also know that your father and I can't earn much money, and we have to support your younger brother and send your younger brother to a private school, so we should keep some money in our hands."

Lu Xiuyu was already disappointed in her parents, how could she show it?She shook her head and said with a smile, "Mother, I know everything, thank you mother."

"That's good, that's good, the groom is coming soon, collect the money and put on the hijab, my uncle is coming soon."

Mrs. Lu pushed her daughter down to sit by the bed, looked back at the window, and immediately said: "Here we come, my uncle is here."

She quickly put the red hijab in her hand over her daughter's head, then opened the door and went out to the main room.

Soon, Gu Yunyan led Lu Xiuyu to the main room first, and the two bid farewell to Father Lu and Mrs. Lu, and walked out of the old Lu's house amidst the suona.

Although it was said that it was just a banquet held in the village, Gu Yunyan, who was married to Suona and Jiaozi in clothes, had prepared them all, and because of this, many people were very envious.

"Oh, Master Juren's big wedding this time is the most lively and grand wedding event in our village."

"Isn't that right, the daughter of Lu's family is really lucky, such a wealthy son-in-law actually let her wait."

"Oh, how much money do you think it will cost to do this this time? I'm so jealous."

Some people curled their lips in disdain: "Look, this marriage of the Lu family cannot be the best. It will definitely be more lively when Mrs. Yin gets married!"

"Oh! Speaking of this, Master Juren really doesn't dislike her. The girls of the Lu family are all imprisoned and they still want to marry..."

In the bridal sedan chair, Lu Xiuyu, who was listening to the discussion outside with a smile on her face, suddenly changed her face, and her nails dug into her palm unconsciously.

Why?Why can't that woman be avoided on top of her wedding?These people's mouths are really cheap!

Just at this time, a gentle voice sounded from outside: "Fathers and elders, if you come to congratulate me today, Gu Yunyan welcomes you very much. If you come to add trouble today, I will turn my face."

As soon as these words came out, the people who were gossiping just now dispersed like birds and beasts.

Just kidding, if they used to argue, but who is Gu Yunyan now?That's the master of their Baijia Village, the kind who doesn't have to kneel in front of the county magistrate.

Not to mention anything else, the land in their family still has to be hung on Gu Yunyan to reduce taxes, so naturally he won't be offended at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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