Chapter 358 I Never Agree!
Inside the bridal sedan chair, Lu Xiuyu had a gentle smile on her face when she heard Gu Yunyan's voice. No matter what, she was firmly grasping this man.

So what if Yin Ziying has money?Is she not wanted?And she, Lu Xiuyu, is Juren's wife from now on, the highest-ranking woman in the village.

In the future, she will follow Gu Yunyan step by step, from being a lady of Juren to a wife of a Jinshi, and then to a wife of an official.

Sooner or later, she will leave that woman far away.

Thinking of this, she felt relieved again, and thought about stabbing the woman in the eyes after two days.

It's night, red candles are flickering.

Gu Yunyan, who lifted the bride's hijab, had a flash of surprise in her eyes. She has put on makeup today, and she is as beautiful as a delicate crabapple.

This made him think of her in his previous life. In his previous life, he failed to come back before she got married, and when he saw her again later, she was polluted.

At that time, she was completely different from the unparalleled beauty of Qingshui Furong in front of her.

Seeing Gu Yunyan's Adam's apple rolling, Lu Xiuyu was secretly proud. Her makeup today was very different from her usual plain face, and she knew that it would definitely leave a deep impression on him.

She pretended to be shy and said, "Brother Yan, why are you staring at me like this?"

"Of course it's because you look good, sister Xiuyu, I finally married you."

Gu Yunyan took a step forward, held the woman's soft hand, and wanted to cover her lips.

Suddenly, the woman in front of her suddenly turned her head, he only kissed her black hair, and he said in a thick voice: "Sister Xiuyu..."

Lu Xiuyu could see that he couldn't take it anymore, she pushed the man's chest away with her fingers, and then said: "Brother Yan, I still have something to say."

"What's the matter? Shall we clear up?"

Lu Xiuyu frowned: "Of course not, Brother Yan, you said that I am the only wife you are marrying, so does that mean I can do whatever I want?"

How can Gu Yunyan deny it?He nodded immediately: "Of course, sister Xiuyu, don't worry, as long as it's within my ability, you can do whatever you want, and I'll take care of everything at home."

In the past life and the present life, he has been a human being in two lives, and finally married her. Even though he knew that she had flaws and was not as perfect as he thought, he was still willing to protect her under his wings.

Hearing this, Lu Xiuyu's face was overjoyed, and she immediately said: "Since that's the case, then I will be in charge of the family from now on, and our family can no longer have any contact with Yin Ziying."

Seeing his face pause, she hastily added: "I mean our family as a unit, and you, but I don't care about Sister Xuan and Brother Xian."

She didn't want to care about Gu Yunxuan and Gu Yunxian's siblings.

In her opinion, even if the three of them lived with that woman for the rest of their lives, she would not have any problems, and it would save food for the family!

Seeing that she did not interfere with the freedom of her siblings, Gu Yunyan smiled and nodded: "Of course, you are in charge of this family, and everything is up to you."

Under the candlelight, there was a hint of tenderness in his voice, which made Lu Xiuyu's heart pounding, but she still remembered Yin Ziying's sending her into the cell, so she immediately said, "Brother Yan wants to make the decision for me. "

Gu Yunyan was taken aback for a moment: "What are you doing?"

"Yin Ziying bribed the people from the county government to throw me into jail! Brother Yan, you don't think you can just let it go, do you? My reputation will be ruined after this incident."

She didn't say a word because she first told the villagers that Yin Ziying, Gu Yunxuan and others were kidnapped by Huazi. She only said that she had been wronged in this way.

This time, Gu Yunyan was completely awake, his eyes no longer had hazy affection, but looked at the woman who was pouting in front of him coldly to show his grievance.

Ever since he went to the county to fish her out, she had never said such a thing, nor expressed her dissatisfaction with this matter.

He only thought she was sensible, and he also took pity on her reputation, so he married her as soon as the banquet was over, but he didn't expect that she would still remember this matter.

After thinking about it, he still said, "Sister Xiuyu, forget about it!"

Lu Xiuyu's complexion immediately changed: "What? Forget it? Why do you forget it?"

That woman caused her to be pointed at in the village, how could she forget it?She finally married them, and with a higher status than Yin Ziying, how could she let it go?

Gu Yunyan frowned: "It's good that we don't interfere with her in the future, and she won't affect us anyway."

"Why? She sent me to the prison, she ruined my reputation! Brother Yan, do you think you still miss her?"

At this moment, Lu Xiuyu lost her mind, the resentment accumulated in her heart these days occupied all her mind, she couldn't accept that her man said nothing.

In her opinion, this matter is related to her reputation, how can she bear it?

If she was married to Gu Yunyan and exposed this matter, maybe those slanderous people in the village thought she was afraid of Yin Ziying!

Can't!Absolutely not!
Her hysterical appearance immediately extinguished the fire on Gu Yunyan's body. He stood up straight and looked down at her, and said solemnly: "Sister Xiuyu, let me tell you, this matter ends here."

He still remembers how his uncle and aunt taught him every day, and also how his younger brother and sister seriously told him last night, how could he fight against that woman again?

Even if he didn't think about his family, he wouldn't allow Lu Xiuyu to touch that woman. Now he has confirmed that the woman has a deep friendship with Wei Lingyi.

This time when I went to the county government office, the magistrate of the county told him about it openly and secretly.Moreover, he originally wanted to take refuge under the command of King Zhennan, so how could he offend Wei Lingyi for this?
"End here? No! I will never agree!"

Lu Xiuyu looked at the man in front of her fiercely, he could even fight with her because of this woman in the bridal chamber wedding night, what about in the future?It is absolutely impossible for her to follow his wishes at this time.

Seeing Lu Xiuyu staring at him stubbornly with her neck stuck, Gu Yunyan felt helpless. He reached out to touch her head, but she quickly avoided it.

After all this commotion, how can Gu Yunyan still have the slightest affection in his heart?Immediately said: "In that case, then you should rest well!"

After speaking, he didn't look at Lu Xiuyu, turned around, opened the door and walked out.

Lu Xiuyu was dumbfounded, she was really dumbfounded, she originally thought that as long as she persisted, even if Gu Yunyan felt unhappy, she would definitely agree to her request.

So what if he doesn't like it?Tonight was their wedding night, she could definitely please her on the bed, and she would definitely be able to wipe away his dislike.

But she didn't expect that Gu Yunyan would rather reject her than this bridal chamber wedding night. She was angry and angry for a while, only feeling that her face was hot, which was more embarrassing than being taken away by officials in front of the villagers that day.

"Ahh! Gu Yunyan, come back! Come back!"

If the villagers knew that Gu Yunyan hadn't entered her room the first night, how many jokes would be spread tomorrow!

"Gu Yunyan! Gu Yunyan!"

It's a pity that he didn't show up at the door of Hehe. Lu Xiuyu was so cruel in her heart that she felt her heart and eyes were full of panic.

After a long time, she said word by word: "Yin, Zi, Ying, I, Lu Xiuyu, will never let you go!"

(End of this chapter)

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