Nongmen Blessed Wife: The elder sister-in-law has space for farming

Chapter 359 Who else is more beautiful than her?

Chapter 359 Who else is more beautiful than her?
After all, Gu Yunyan did not let Lu Xiuyu stay in the empty room alone on the wedding night, and he returned to the new room in the middle of the night.

Because he knew that his aunt Yu would come to restrain Bai Xipa the next day, and if he saw that there was nothing on the Bai Xipa, he was afraid that his aunt would be dissatisfied with Lu Xiuyu again.

When the parents passed away, the uncle's family treated their brothers and sisters very well, even better than the children born to him. Gu Yunyan had long regarded them as his second parents.

After finally getting Gu Yunyan back, of course Lu Xiuyu didn't dare to mention the things that made Gu Yun angry before. She begged for mercy softly under him, but her mood was not as wonderful as imagined.

Afterwards, Gu Yunyan looked at the tears in the corner of her eyes, and felt pity in his heart. He kissed her forehead lightly, and then said softly:

"Sister Xiuyu, go to sleep."

Lu Xiuyu looked at him with big eyes full of mist: "Brother Yan, what do you call me?"

Seeing that her face still had an intoxicating deep red color, Gu Yunyan felt his heart tremble. He leaned over and kissed her crystal earlobe, and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Lady."

"Husband... um..."

Her voice was pressed between his lips and teeth, the red candles in the house were flickering, and the red curtains were fluttering.


In the early morning of the next day, Lu Xiuyu got dressed before Mrs. Yu came, and then followed Gu Yunyan to the main house.

Although Gu Yunyan's parents are no longer alive, Gu Yunyan's uncle and aunt are both present, and they have always treated Gu Yunyan's brothers and sisters as if they were her own. Naturally, her new daughter-in-law will serve tea to them.

In the main room, Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu had already sat down, and all the brothers and sisters of the Gu family stood aside except for Gu Yunliu.

Among them, Gu Yunxuan was holding a small tray with two cups of tea on it.

Gu Yunyan led the people in, and immediately knelt down first: "My nephew serves tea to my uncle and aunt, and I wish my uncle and aunt good health and all the best."

Lu Xiuyu on the side hurriedly followed, then took the tray from Gu Yunxuan's hand and held it high: "My niece and daughter-in-law serve tea to my uncle and aunt, and wish my uncle and aunt good health and all the best."

On such a happy day, even if they don't like Lu Xiuyu, the nephew and daughter-in-law, the two of them will naturally not make things difficult for Lu Xiuyu.

Mrs. Yu and Uncle Gu both took a sip of the tea, then took out the red envelopes from their pockets and put them on the tea tray, indicating that this was a gift from their elders to their nephew and daughter-in-law.

"Hope you two are having a good time."

Looking at the two thin red seals, a trace of contempt and dissatisfaction flashed in Lu Xiuyu's eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

Everyone didn't notice her actions, and immediately after, Gu Yunyan said: "Thank you uncle, thank you aunt."

Then he pulled Lu Xiuyu up.

Logically speaking, on the first day a new wife entered the house, she was asked to make breakfast, but Mrs. Yu thought that the young couple would still be noisy in the middle of the night, so she made breakfast early in the morning.

After the meal, Lu Xiuyu was very witty, and took the initiative to clean up the dishes, then went into the house and took out the presents she had prepared for several uncles and sister-in-laws.

Everyone's gift is the same. They are self-made shoes and socks. The workmanship is fine and the stitches are fine. It looks good.

Yu Shi was satisfied, and after letting the children put them away, she walked towards the new house. After taking the white Xipa from the new house, she was even more satisfied on the face.

Thinking that it was the second day of marriage for the young couple after all, and she was not a serious mother-in-law, so she simply didn't care so much, and led the children back to their own home.

Only Gu Yunyan and Lu Xiuyu were left in the yard. Lu Xiuyu cleaned the yard diligently, and checked to see if there were any unwashed clothes at home, and then she had the chance to sit down.

She walked to the study, looked at Gu Yunyan who was reading and said, "Husband, are you okay the day after tomorrow?"

Gu Yunyan was stunned, and then realized: "Isn't the day after tomorrow the day to return home? Naturally, if there is something to do, it should be free for you."

Seeing that he remembered, Lu Xiuyu was instantly satisfied. She smiled and said, "Since that's the case, how about we go to the town tomorrow to buy some things? I don't think there are all the things in the house."

They just got married, Gu Yunyan naturally agreed, he nodded, took out a small wooden box from the other side of the study and handed it to her: "This is the money in my hand, I will give it to your housekeeper, and go to town tomorrow The money for buying things also comes from here.”

Lu Xiuyu took it with a happy face, and then opened it. Finally, she counted carefully, and there were nearly 40 taels of silver.

"You let it go, you just take it back."

Lu Xiuyu didn't hold back, thanked her and went back to her new house with the small box in her arms.She first took out from her bosom the five taels of silver at the bottom of the box that Mrs. Lu gave yesterday, and then took out the two red envelopes that Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu just gave.

Before putting it in, she opened it and took a look, and found that although the red envelope was thin, there was a 20 tael silver note in it, and the two bills added up to 40 tael.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Gu and Mrs. Yu were so generous, she just thought there was only a little copper in it!Later, even after receiving it and knowing that it was not a copper plate, she thought that there was at most five taels, but she did not expect to have 20 taels.

She carefully hid the money, then turned around and went to the study again: "Husband, I want to go out for a walk."

She finally married Gu Yunyan, and now she is the wife of Juren in the village. Naturally, she wanted to use this opportunity to let everyone see her beautiful side.

She wants to show those crappy women who usually gossip about her secretly how beautiful she is.

Even though Gu Yunyan couldn't guess her very thoughts, he could still guess seven or eight points.

Thinking that she was really wronged last night, she didn't refuse immediately, "Okay, then you go! Wear an extra thin shirt, so you don't catch a cold."

"Husband, you are so kind~"

Lu Xiuyu was very happy, she went up and kissed Gu Yunyan before going out.

Looking at her cheerful back, Gu Yunyan bent his lips and smiled. In this life, he can finally save a regret from his previous life.

Lu Xiuyu went back to the room and put on a light-colored thin shirt, and then picked up makeup powder to smear on her face. She is now a lady, and she can't be negligent at all.

Looking at the beauty in the bronze mirror who looks like a peach and plum, and has a different style compared to before, she couldn't help but smile.

Whether it's the clothes or the makeup powder, they were all bought from the county, and the husband paid a lot of money to buy them.

She wanted to see, who could be more beautiful than her in the village dressed like this?
Yin Ziying?That's just a widow. She has been to the town so many times, how has she ever bought decent clothes and makeup powder?
Thinking of this, Lu Xiuyu walked out of the gate of Lao Gu's house happily and walked into the village.

Along the way, everyone saw her and they only praised her, which made Lu Xiuyu very satisfied.

Now she is no longer the little girl of the old Lu family with a bad reputation, but the highest-ranking lady in the Baijia Village. Who can't respect her when she sees her?
She didn't go to the field to look around like before, instead she just walked around the village, and then she went in the direction of the workshop.

She thought simply, she felt that the workshop already had a share in the old Gu family, whether it was Gu Yunxian's three brothers and sisters or Uncle Gu, she, the eldest son and eldest daughter-in-law of the old Gu family, should go and have a look. .

Thinking of this, she kept walking, and soon walked towards the latest workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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