Chapter 361
Yin Ziying saw everyone's performance in her eyes, and she made up her mind to clean up this place.If she couldn't manage this small workshop well, she would be ashamed to stay at home every day and not work.

Seeing that someone really dared to fight her, Lu Xiuyu hurriedly pushed and shoved everyone, screaming, "What are you doing, you dare to touch me!"

"Go away, go away! These are my newly made clothes, and you can't buy them in the town. If they get dirty, you will have to pay for them!"

"Ah, Yin Ziying, let them go! I'll go by myself!"

No matter what Lu Xiuyu said, with Yin Ziying standing here, who would dare to say a word?
They could already see Yin Ziying's displeasure, and they only hoped that she wouldn't blame herself for a while.

Seeing that Lu Xiuyu was being dragged out, Yin Ziying nodded and motioned to an aunt beside her:
"Auntie, go to the village to look for the old village head and uncle. If you can't find it in the village, go to the first workshop and the second workshop to look for it. Just tell me what I said, there is something urgent."

Since she wanted to rectify the atmosphere of the workshop, of course she couldn't make a decision on her own, and the old village chief and Uncle Gu had to be involved.

Afterwards, the onlookers dispersed one after another, leaving only Second Aunt An and Yin Ziying in place.

Yin Ziying glanced at Second Aunt An, and said lightly to her, "Second Aunt An, keep working!"

After finishing speaking, she returned to her office without looking back. To be honest, she was a little disappointed with Second Aunt An.

The group of people who followed her at the beginning have basically become the management of the three workshops, and the most outstanding ones are Su Niangzi, Aunt Zhou, Liu Dahe, Wang Chunsheng and so on.

Speaking of it, the four members of An's family are the least intelligent. These people are hesitant to harvest and lack courage, so these few members of their family are the last to be promoted.

At the beginning, Yin Ziying knew that their family was in poor condition, so in order to take care of their family, she arranged good errands for them every time.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, Second Aunt An's courage has not been practiced very much. Although she takes care of her, it is impossible to really support idlers.

She wanted someone who could help her manage the workers below her and obey the discipline rules. Aunt An still looked a little worse.

Thinking of this, she sighed, buried her head and continued to do the work in hand, among other things, she couldn't stop doing the work in hand just because she was angry.

And after Yin Ziying left, Second Aunt An stamped her feet angrily on the spot, feeling extremely flustered, seeing Ziying like that, she must have been really angry.

How can you still be angry!Does Ziying feel that she is not managing well enough?

While she was thinking about it, Uncle Gu and the old village chief hurried outside, they were a little strange when they came in and saw her, "Dashu's family, what are you doing here if you don't go to work?"

Second Aunt An was startled, and hurriedly said: "Oh, well, no, Uncle Village Chief, Brother Gu, Ziying is waiting for you over there, go quickly!"

After she finished speaking, she didn't dare to stay any longer, and she was even more afraid that the two of them would grab her and ask what was going on, so she quickly ran away with oil on the soles of her feet.

Uncle Gu looked at her back and scratched his head a little annoyed: "Uncle Village Chief, what do you think is going on? Why is Ziying, who is so good-looking, asking us to come over for a meeting?"

The old village head said: "Who knows, I guess Ziying made a mistake when she checked the account book. I may be too old to see clearly, and I made a mistake!"

Even though he said so, Uncle Gu didn't believe it in his heart, he knew just now that Dashu's family ran so fast, this matter must not be simple.

If it was really just about the accounts, Ziying would not have told the Dashu family that the courage of the Dashu family would definitely not dare to do anything with the accounts, not to mention that she could not read a single word.

So, there must be another reason for this.

The two arrived at the office with their own thoughts, and saw Yin Ziying sitting at the table extracting the account book.

Seeing Uncle Gu and the old village head coming, Yin Ziying put down the pen in her hand and smiled at the two of them: "Grandpa Village Chief, Uncle, you are finally here, come, sit down, I have something to tell you."

After the two sat down, the old village head looked at Yin Ziying, "Ziying, tell me, what exactly is it? Is there something wrong with the accounts?"

Yin Ziying shook her head: "Grandpa, the village chief, was joking. It is not bad that you have been busy with the accounts of three workshops at once. There is nothing wrong with the accounts. What I want to talk about is another matter."

Uncle Gu said: "Ziying, just tell me, what's the matter? I and you all know, I don't know anything, just listen to you and the village chief uncle."

Only then did Yin Ziying talk about the incident that had happened with Lu Xiuyu just now, and then she observed the reactions of the two without speaking.

Over there, Uncle Gu had already stood up with a livid face: "It's unreasonable, why should she come to the workshop to point fingers?"

Then he looked at Yin Ziying reassuringly, "Ziying, don't be angry, tell Brother Yan after I go back, even if she is married to Brother Yan, she is a member of our old Gu family, and she should be guarded." Rules are also necessary.”

How can there be any reason to break into the workshop like this?

It's fine to say that Brother Yan is a part of this workshop, but everyone in Baijia Village knows that Yin Ziying started this workshop from scratch, so what does it have to do with her, Lu Xiuyu?
Even if there are several Xian brothers in it, can she still want to move as a sister-in-law?This matter must not be used to her.

At the same time, the old village head frowned, he felt that Yin Ziying would not have called them over because of this matter.

After all, with Yin Ziying's methods, it's not difficult to deal with Lu Xiuyu, just the same as before, isn't it straightforward?

He looked up at Yin Ziying, "Ziying, just tell me what's going on, we can bear it."

If it was really only about Lu Xiuyu, then of course there was no need to ask them to come here, there must be other things to talk about.

Yin Ziying pursed her lips and smiled: "You can't hide anything from Grandpa the village chief, that's right, I do have something to tell Grandpa the village chief today."

She told the old village head and Uncle Gu about her views on what happened just now, and then said after deliberation:
"I think so. The style of the whole workshop is the same as the first workshop at the beginning. Everyone abides by the rules, and dare to say no to those who don't follow the rules.

Otherwise, we will encounter more such things in the future, grandpa and uncle of the village chief, don’t you think so? "

The two looked at each other, thinking about what Yin Ziying said in their hearts. After a while, the old village chief nodded:
"Ziying, what you said is right. It is indeed the case. Recently, we have more job opportunities, so these people are a little ignorant of good and bad. They really need to be rectified."

Recently, especially after the opening of the third workshop, people from every household in the village can work in this workshop. This kind of work is not as rare as it was when there was only one workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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