Chapter 362
What the old village chief didn't say was that when Yin Ziying and Uncle Gu didn't come back, there were even some sneaky people in the workshop, and he was required to patrol and warn them every time.

It is also because of this that when Yin Ziying came to the workshop today, the old man immediately rested in the house, an old bone, and it was very hard to patrol every day.

Of course, those people who cheated and cheated were all from their own village, and those people from other villages finally got job opportunities, but they dared not.

He hesitated in his heart whether to bring this matter up to Yin Ziying. After thinking about it, he decided to talk about it, and then said: "Ziying, since you want to rectify it, let's make a big one and steal the usual work in the workshop. Those who are treacherous and tricky will also be dealt with."

Yin Ziying was surprised: "Grandpa the village chief, is there such a person in our workshop?"

When she said this, the old village head immediately felt his face was slightly hot. He covered his face and said embarrassedly:
"Ziying, I'm embarrassed to tell you, but it did happen. Those guys in our village, some lazy people, just sneak around and don't work! I have to go on patrol every day and keep an eye on them! "

Yin Ziying's complexion changed: "These people are so courageous, they don't even cherish the opportunity to work for them."

If it's because the work in the workshop is too tiring or the wages are too little and the distance to work is too far, Yin Ziying may also admit it.

And it happened that the workshop was in the village, and it took those people about ten minutes to walk to the top of the workshop every day. The old village head said that it was all the people in the village who were lazy.

As for whether you are tired or not, you must be tired.But the wages are also high!If it were a year ago, who would have this opportunity to work hard without being happy?Who would want to steal and play tricks?

She thought for a while, and said to the old village chief, "Grandfather, village chief, don't worry, I have a way to deal with them."

In fact, some time ago, she thought about whether to change the way of calculating wages in the workshop, and now she made up her mind even more.

Not working, right?Arrange rotating supervisory teams, each with a turn.

Want to be lazy and want to get high wages?Re-divide work into a piecework model. If you want to get paid, do more, and if you want to be lazy, don't get paid!
She made up her mind, and said to the old village chief and Uncle Gu: "By the way, Grandpa Village Chief, uncle, do you have the current management lists of the three workshops? Let me have a look!"

Each workshop is divided into one piece of management, and each piece has a fixed head, just like Second Aunt An was in charge of the group of people just now.

Yin Ziying is determined to pull down some people who have done nothing and have not taken responsibility. Some people have merit and hard work, but to manage this position, you have to find a suitable talent with both wisdom and courage. Not everyone is suitable To be a manager.

As for Second Aunt An, what she wanted was to arrange a more leisurely job for her, and the wages would not be lower than others.The main thing is to take her down and let someone more suitable take the position of management.

The old village head stood up, took out the key from his pocket, walked to a small wooden box in the corner, opened it and gave Yin Ziying a small notebook.

"This is the list of workshop managers. The people in the first workshop and the second workshop were all appointed by you at that time. For the third workshop, I mentioned Dashu's and Wang Tieshan according to your previous intentions, and the other two are From the next door village."

Yin Ziying took the list and looked at it. The managers of the first workshop were An Dashan, Aunt Fat, Aunt Zhou, and one from the next-door village.

The managers of the second workshop are Mrs. Su, Wang Chunsheng, Liu Dahe, Aunt An, and An Dashu.

After looking at it, he said, "I'll go see how people in other places are doing in a while, and then come back and make a detailed plan."

The old village chief and the others naturally nodded in agreement. Immediately afterwards, they saw Yin Ziying quickly tidy up the things on the table, and then took out a few blank sheets of paper and began to write.

Not long after, Yin Ziying wrote the "Rules for Workshop Employees", another notice "About the New Wage Settlement Method", and finally wrote a notice "New Supervision Team".

Finally, she carefully looked at the three notices in her hand, and then handed them to the old village chief and Uncle Gu.

"Grandpa of the village chief, uncle, please read these notices first, and I will go to see how the people in the workshop outside are doing."

After finishing speaking, she walked out of the office quickly, and then patrolled one by one. When she came back after inspecting the entire workshop, she saw the old village head and Uncle Gu looking at a notice and nodding each other.

"Tell me, Ziying's brain is really good! After such a notice, I'll see who dares to cheat and play tricks."

"That's right, Ziying is really good. I think this notice is very good. We used to be too kind to them before they dared to cheat."

"That's right. Before I changed my job, it would have been good to have a salary of a few pennies a day, but now it's a few tens of pennies a day. It's really outrageous to be cheating like this!"

Listening to this content, Yin Ziying knew which one the two of them were looking at without having to look at it. It must be the notice to adjust the wage settlement method.

She smiled and didn't speak. She walked to the table and sat down. Then she wrote another notice. After that, she dried the ink and handed the notice to the two of them.

"Grandpa of the village chief, uncle, what do you guys think of this notice!"

The two of them took a look at the notice in Yin Ziying's hands, and their expressions changed drastically.

The old village chief looked at Yin Ziying with some hesitation: "Ziying, this..."

"But what's wrong?"

The old village head: "Ziying, you just lost the position of the Dashu family. If you don't come up with a serious name, I'm afraid the first batch of elders will have opinions in their hearts! Especially..."

Especially among the first batch of elders, there are four people from the An family, and Yin Ziying single-handedly promoted them back then, so I'm afraid these people will hold Yin Ziying in their hearts!

Often you are nice to others for a while and they think you are nice, but if you are not good once in the process of being nice to others, then you may be grudged.

The old village head has lived to such an old age, so he naturally has some insights and reasons. Once these things get out, it may endanger Yin Ziying's reputation.

The so-called shadow of a person's famous tree, if a small incident wipes out so much effort before, it would be a big loss.

Yin Ziying naturally understood what the old village chief meant, she smiled and said, "Don't worry, grandpa village chief, since I can promote her, I will naturally have the courage to remove her.

Besides, the position I arranged for her is not bad. Although I can't control people, at least her income is not low, which can be regarded as full of my heart for the old employees.If any of them are unwilling, just let them come to me. "

The old village head said: "Then you transferred Mrs. Su to the third workshop and this is..."

(End of this chapter)

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