Chapter 368 Good husband and son-in-law

in the library.

Wei Ting looked at Wei Ling and said, "Since you are a student of Mr. Liu, you should know these things in the capital, and you have already guessed what the Holy One is thinking."

Seeing that his son remained calm, he said again: "Our Zhennan Palace has too much military power in our hands, and the frontier is not as chaotic as it used to be, so I can guess what His Majesty is thinking.

Originally, your mother and I were worried that Gengshan would use this incident to sow discord with His Majesty, and finally asked me to surrender military power or keep you in Beijing as a hostage. Unexpectedly, they made a stupid move at the beginning. "

Wei Lingyi: "What you said is in line with the situation, and it is the case now. Although the Seventh Princess is the daughter of the Holy Majesty, she is also favored by this uncle Geng Shan. What they want is to recruit first."

"Are you sure that the person the Holy Majesty is going to tell you is the Seventh Princess?"

Wei Lingyi shook his head: "The Seventh Princess is waiting outside the hall. I noticed her clothes before I went in, so I guessed her identity. When I refused, I deliberately provoked her, and she came in. Tell me, isn't it her?" ?”

If it is said that the father of an ordinary family loves his daughter very much, he will naturally let his daughter hide behind the screen to watch.

In the palace... Naturally, it is more likely, after all, the current emperor has long been fascinated by Concubine Geng.

In addition, the seventh princess is outside, who is that person next to the emperor?How is it possible that no one knows and no one finds out?That is naturally allowed.

Wei Ting was silent, and then said: "That's the case, there is no need to use such a radical method, have you ever thought about what will happen to them next?"

"Zuo is nothing more than something that was expected. Don't worry, father. There is a long princess who can be stable there. We only need to solve Gengshan."

Wei Ting nodded, "You're right. With the contribution the eldest princess has made to His Majesty, even if His Majesty is not happy in his heart, it is impossible to refute what the eldest princess said. It's just..."

He sighed as he spoke, and his eyes were not easy: "It doesn't matter whether the princess is the princess or Geng Shan, it is very difficult to get the princess to help, and it is difficult to catch Geng Shan's fault..."

Wei Lingyi gave him a weird look: "Isn't it easy to catch Geng Shan's fault?"

The uncle of the country, Geng Shan, can be said to have a slam of notoriety, and even three-year-old children in Beijing know about it.

Wei Ting choked, and then said: "The Holy Majesty knows all these things, so what if we find out? Don't you think that the Holy Majesty knows what he did? Unless we have conclusive evidence, it must be a big case."

Wei Lingyi: "I have!"


Wei Lingyi: "It's nothing, I just said, whether it's the eldest princess or Gengshan, I have a solution."

Speaking of this, he thought of the majestic woman he saw today, and the girl he had seen before, and his heart moved slightly.

Wei Ting really wanted to have a long talk with his son, but it was a pity that Wei Lingyi didn't buy it, and after only saying a few words, he excused himself to write a letter and left to his study.

When he came out, Xiao Yi was sitting outside. Seeing his son coming out, he wanted to ask something, but he walked so fast that Xiao Yi couldn't catch up.

"This child!"

Xiao Yi stomped on the spot, "I still don't know how Ling'er rejected the Holy Majesty in Beijing!"

Wei Ting, who was inside the door, had just come out, and said angrily when he heard this: "He said he already has someone he likes, and the Wu family has already gone through half of the process for him."

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then said: "Ling'er is the same, the Holy Majesty can also be fooled? If the superiors know about this, then it is not deceiving the emperor!"

"Who said he was going to deceive the king?"

Xiao Yi: "My lord, what do you mean..."

Wei Ting glanced at his son's back, and then said: "He wants to use this to marry that girl into the family, as for the Wu family..." Isn't that brat the one who has the final say?

As early as many years ago, Wei Lingyi was in charge of the affairs of the Wu family. It can be said that Wei Lingyi has contributed a lot to the survival of the Wu family until now.

Xiao Yi had also reacted, and hurriedly said: "My lord, what do you mean, Ling'er used that Yin girl as an excuse?"

If this is really the case, then this parent will succeed if he succeeds, and if he fails, he will succeed, even if they are unwilling parents.

Otherwise, if the superiors pursue it, they will not be able to hide it.

Wei Ting let out a breath through his nose. Seeing his beloved wife staring at him with wide eyes, he smiled and patted her hand: "Madam, don't worry, he's an adult now, so he naturally has his own plans."

Although Wei Lingyi didn't tell him how he was going to deal with these things, he knew that his son was no worse than the carefully cultivated heirs of the rich and powerful families just by looking at his performance during this period of time.

Since he has a way to deal with it, he, as a father, will naturally not obstruct it. This is also an excellent opportunity for his son to practice.

In the study room, Wei Lingyi folded the paper with dried ink, put it in an envelope, and then carefully sealed it with wax.

Originally wanted to call Lai Pingan to take the things out, but after thinking about it, he paused again.

At this time, there was already a commotion outside.

Xiao Yi's voice came closer, "Ling'er, the doctor is here, come out and let the doctor see."

Wei Lingyi did not object, he obediently opened the door of the study and followed Xiao Yi, and the doctor invited outside hurriedly followed.

Not long after, the news that Wei Lingyi, the eldest son of Zhennan Prince's Mansion, put on the jade plate and was personally ordered by Li Zhi, a big celebrity next to the Holy One, spread widely.

The sharp-eyed people of course noticed the few doctors who came in and out of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and there were many people following these doctors at the moment.

Afterwards, a gossip spread among various mansions that Wei Lingyi, the eldest son of Zhennan Prince's Mansion, returned from the palace with injuries. The injury was not simple.

At present, some girls who admire Wei Lingyi will inevitably be beaten by the elders in the family. Wei Lingyi seems to be a good husband and son-in-law, but it is not good news to go to the palace and return with "both grace and power".

Such a powerful family like theirs naturally had to seek stability. If there was such a son-in-law, it would be better to find a gentleman who had no achievements and no faults of equal status to promise to his daughter.

Of course, some people with bright eyes think that this matter is not simple, so let the eyes and ears in the palace investigate.

In short, because of this incident, the calm and calm since Zhennan Wang and his party entered the capital disappeared, and many people could smell the air.

Soon, there was an uproar in Beijing.

First, the uncle of the country, Geng Shan, directly pointed out that Zhennan Wang Weiting had bad intentions in the court hall, and he left the fief privately.

Only then did everyone know that Zhennan Wang and Zhennan Wangfei did not come to Beijing to announce the good news on their own initiative, but were summoned by the Holy Spirit.

At that moment, some people curled their lips. It would have been fine if Zhennan Wang had been caught when he first came to Beijing, but if you pursue it after a month, wouldn’t it imply that the emperor of the world did something wrong?

(End of this chapter)

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