Chapter 369 Rumors
Of course the emperor was a little annoyed by this, but the person who said this was the elder brother of his favorite concubine, counting as his old brother, so what could he say?
With Concubine Geng beside him blowing the pillow wind, he couldn't say anything even if he wanted to, so he had no choice but to pretend he didn't hear.

Who can enter the court as an official is not a smart person?

Seeing that the emperor himself didn't pursue it, they naturally couldn't bring it up. After all, who wants to offend the powerful and bad-tempered Zhennan King?

On this day, in the Jiayi Palace where Concubine Geng lived, her own elder brother Geng Shan was welcomed.

Seeing that her elder brother didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, Concubine Geng couldn't help but frowned: "Brother, haven't you already said this and don't bring it up? If you really want to deal with Wei Ting, there is no need to hold on to it." this matter."

Apart from this matter, there are obviously many things that can be used to catch the King of Zhennan, so why are you so obsessed with this matter?

Seeing his sister's displeasure, Geng Shan was also a little dissatisfied, "Sister, I already said that I would deal with Wei Ting as soon as he came to Beijing. If you hadn't said to stand still, Wei Ting's end would not be so easy now." .”

Thinking of Wei Ting's happy life in Beijing for the past month, he was filled with anger and always felt that he was shooting himself in the foot.

After all, according to the normal situation, if King Zhennan wants to return to Beijing, he will have to wait until the end of the year at the earliest. How can he come back now and still communicate with those dignitaries in Beijing?
Some time ago, when he learned that the Zhennan Palace intends to choose a wife for Wei Lingyi among the noble ladies in Beijing, he was so angry that he almost passed out.

If it wasn't because his sister reassured him that he had things to arrange, it would be impossible for him to let Wei Ting and the others live so comfortably in Beijing.

Concubine Geng stretched out her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, "Didn't I want Wei Lingyi to marry Xuanyue!"

Hearing this, Geng Shan opened his eyes slightly. He looked at Concubine Geng in disbelief and said, "Sister, what are you talking about? You want Xuan Yue to marry Wei Ting's son?"

As he said this, his chest was heaving and he felt so angry that his whole body was uncomfortable.

Knowing that he has a grudge against Wei Ting, she wants Wei Ting's son to marry his niece?What does it mean?Isn't this not giving him the face of his own brother?
Seeing her elder brother so angry, Concubine Geng also had some headaches, she stood up, and a comforting look flashed across her beautifully maintained face.

"Brother, it's not like you don't know Xuanyue's temperament. She has a crush on Wei Lingyi herself, and His Majesty loves her so much. Can I stop her?"

Geng Shan's eyes widened slightly, "You mean, Xuanyue herself fell in love with Wei Lingyi? When did it happen?"

"The day before Zhennan Wang and others entered Beijing, what happened when they were on their way to Tianjin Mansion."

Geng Shan was dissatisfied, "Just after seeing each other, Xuan Yue fell in love with Wei Lingyi? What's so good about Wei Lingyi? Isn't it because he has a good skin?"

Concubine Geng glanced silently at her elder brother, and said to herself, do you also know that Wei Lingyi has a good skin?

Although there are not a few talented people in Beijing who have a good skin, there are not many such as Wei Lingyi whose temperament matches his skin, not to mention Wei Lingyi's dazzling family background.It's not surprising that Xuan Yue can fall in love with him.

Concubine Geng didn't think it was strange, but Geng Shan really felt it was very strange, "No, sister, Xuanyue is so old, don't you know that Wei Ting and I are not getting along? Why do you still want to marry? Doesn't that make me Is it difficult?"

Geng Guifei: "What's the use of you telling me this? When Xuanyue saw them, she was reminded of their news by the long follower by her side, and went back to the palace to find His Majesty. Now that His Majesty has agreed, I can't say anything more." what."

As she said that, she continued, "Brother, Your Majesty also wants you and Wei Ting to take this opportunity to reconcile the old relationship. When Xuanyue is married, it will be easy to take back the military power."

Geng Shan was dissatisfied, "You knew about this matter so early, but you didn't bother to tell me? Besides, what's so good about Xuanyue marrying Wei Lingyi? The consort Princess Shang is not the same as the previous dynasty. How can I take back my military power?"

When the princess is courted, the position and the titles of the family members will not change, and it will even be more glorious. Therefore, many aristocratic families want to be the princess.

After all, marrying whose family's woman is not marrying!
If you marry a princess, the help you get will be quite different.

Even if they were descendants of aristocratic families, the comparison between the two would give more help to Princess Shang.

It was different for Princess Shang, the consort of the previous dynasty. After marrying a princess, not only did the whole family have to respect the order of the princess, but even her position as consort had to be implicated, so she could only do some idle things.

Even after the princess died, she was buried in the royal tomb, and the son-in-law got nothing.

Therefore, many people know that being a son-in-law was a hard job in the previous dynasty, but it is a beautiful job in the current dynasty.

Geng Guifei sighed quietly: "Your Majesty wants to follow the example of the previous dynasty..."

Although she only said this sentence, Geng Shan reacted immediately. He was stunned, then stood up and said: "If this is the case, what about the eldest princess? Don't say it didn't work out, even if it is If it’s really done, it’s impossible to carry on.”

Geng Shan knew how prestigious Princess Changyue was among the veterans, and this was why he absolutely did not dare to provoke Princess Changyue.

If this is really what Concubine Geng said, then once this decree comes out, before the princesses express their dissatisfaction, the first ones to refuse to agree will be these important ministers in the court.

Concubine Geng fiddled with her slender jade fingers that were dyed bright red Kodan, and said with a bored face, "Anyway, this matter is not done now, Your Majesty has already mentioned it to Wei Lingyi, but that kid doesn't agree."

So, what difference does it make if the important ministers in the court and the central government agree to this matter?
Anyway, this matter was originally just one of the ways His Majesty wanted to take back the military power. Since this way is blocked, the important officials in the court will naturally not know.

Hearing what Concubine Geng Guifei said, Geng Shan immediately thought of the rumors in Beijing during this period, and immediately said, "Since that kid doesn't agree, why does Your Majesty still give the jade plate?"

It was all discussed, first to seize the matter of Wei Ting leaving the fief privately, and then withholding the matter of Wei Lingyi's jade plate, then we can hold Wei Ting in his hands.

Why did you give the jade plate when you couldn't get married at this time?Isn't that the same as stealing a chicken but not losing money?
Mentioning this, Concubine Geng's complexion was also a bit unsightly.

"Since elder brother has heard the rumors outside, he should also know that Wei Lingyi is injured."

"Of course I know, but Wei Lingyi was injured because he disobeyed the emperor's order and was punished, who can..." At this point, he turned his head and looked at Concubine Geng in disbelief, "You don't want to say, This injury was not caused by His Majesty, right?"

"of course not!"

Concubine Geng shook her head, feeling a little annoyed at this matter, "Speaking of which, I am too used to Xuanyue, this is Xuanyue who heard Wei Lingyi's refusal to marry outside the palace, and Xuanyue slapped her in front of His Majesty. .”

"Xuanyue smoked it?"

Geng Shan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, "So what? Although Xuanyue is used to carrying a whip, she has never learned it in an orthodox manner, and it is impossible to pull out such a serious injury as rumored outside and die."

Concubine Geng Gui said: "Of course I know this is the case, but at that time, the Eldest Princess happened to come in and ran into this matter..."

Geng Shan: ... Well, he finally understood why Wei Lingyi got the jade plate to rectify his identity despite clearly rejecting His Majesty's refusal to marry him this time.

(End of this chapter)

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