Chapter 379 A rare opportunity
As she was busy with her work, Yin Ruilin ran back outside, grinning when she saw Yin Ziying, "Elder Sister, Mom and Dad are in the shed, and they will be back soon."

After he finished speaking, he looked around and didn't see Gu Yunxuan, so he asked strangely: "Where did Sister Xuan go? I still want to take her to play!"

Ever since he went to study at his sister's house, the friends in the village liked to play with him every time he came back. Before coming, he had promised Gu Yunxuan to take her to play.

Yin Ziying didn't say yes or no, she just smiled and said, "Sister Xuan is helping to light the fire in the kitchen!"

As soon as the words fell, Yin Ruilin turned around and ran to the kitchen, "I'll help Sister Xuan light the fire."

Yin Ziying looked at his back and shook her head helplessly, sorted out the things she had brought, and then went to the kitchen with the meat in the basket. Even if she didn't stay overnight, she still had to eat at home.

Just as he was talking, he saw the half-hidden door pushed open, and a woman poked her head in, and happened to meet Yin Ziying's eyes.

Yin Ziying hadn't found out who this person was from her memory, so she didn't speak.

The woman was not embarrassed at all. Seeing Yin Ziying's eyes, she opened the door openly and walked in, "Ziying, it's really you! You're back."

Yin Ziying didn't remember who this person was at this moment, so she could only nod her head in embarrassment, and when she was hesitating to invite people to sit in the room, more people rushed in from outside the door.

"Ouch! Is Ziying really back?"

"This is the first time I've returned to my mother's house since I got married! What good things did you bring?"

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze..."

Yin Ziying: ...

Looking at the villagers rushing in, she narrowed her eyes slightly, then smiled faintly, and continued to walk quickly towards the kitchen.

Just kidding, it would be fine if one or two people come in and she entertains, but if so many people come in, if she entertains, it will take away all the gifts brought today.

Just now she has seen all the main rooms of the old Yin's family, not to mention dim sum, there is not even a handful of melon seeds.
Moreover, she didn't have much memory of these people. Even if there were one or two familiar people in the crowd, they were people who were not close to them before.

Everyone thought that Yin Ziying finally went back to her natal family, and when they met them, they would definitely have to share a handful of candy or two pieces of snacks, or a handful of melon seeds would be good, but Yin Ziying looked at them and nodded and went to the kitchen up.

Crowd: ...

Someone sharp-eyed saw the basket full of meat in Yin Ziying's hand, and his eyes lit up, "Ziying is really filial, why did she bring so much meat to the family?"

Everyone's eyes immediately followed the basket in Yin Ziying's hand, and when they found that the fruit was really full, they couldn't help swallowing.

Meat!They haven't had it for a long time.

Someone reacted, and immediately stepped forward with a smile, "Ziying, are you going to cook? How can you do it alone, let auntie help you!"

"Yes, yes, we will help you, Ziying, you haven't come back for a long time, let's have a meal together at noon."

As soon as someone interrupted, someone came in immediately with a smile on his face, "Yes, yes! Let's have a meal together, there is so much meat here! I will ask my boy to bring radishes over in a while. "

Seeing this, Yin Ziying was speechless for a while, did she ever say that she wanted to keep food?

She opened her mouth and was about to speak, when she heard a familiar voice from outside, "Why don't you go home and cook around my house? Go, go, my family is going to invite the clan elders to eat at noon, so don't stay Rice!"

It was Gao's voice, and Yin Ziying relaxed, seeing the faces of the women who wanted to come forward to help.

At this time, Mrs. Gao had already entered the yard through the crowds. Seeing that everyone was staring at the basket in Yin Ziying's hand, and seeing the basket full of meat, he put his hands on his hips and snorted coldly: "Why? Are you really serious?" Do you want to stay at my house for dinner?"

Those in the crowd who had clashed with Gao knew immediately what Gao meant, and immediately took a step back secretly.

Some people want to retreat, but there are also some people who want to stay for a while because of their seniority or face. At that moment, someone said: "I said Yueshan's daughter-in-law, it is a great thing for our village that Ziying has a future." , it’s not your family’s business, why don’t we listen here?”

Immediately, someone responded: "Yes, yes! Ziying is promising! I heard that the rice grown in Baijia Village was produced by Ziying. I heard that it was in cooperation with the imperial court. If it becomes , can you get a lot of silver?"

"If this matter is handled in our village, life in our village will be much easier!"

Hearing this, even those who wanted to retreat at the beginning stopped. Yin Ziying's actions in Baijia Village were not small, not to mention that it passed Chaotingming Road. Now several households in the village are in Baijia Village Working in the workshops in my family village, I know more details.

Yin Ziying, a girl, has been in trouble since she got married. She said she got involved in some kind of workshop, and later she made up with her again, and now she even settles down in Baijia Village.

At the beginning, they were glad that Yin Ziying settled down in Baijia Village. After all, the reputation of the girl who had passed away was naturally not good. If you cooperate, how much money will you earn if this is done?

It's fine if Yin Ziying doesn't come back normally, and it's not easy for them to come to tell Yin Yueshan and Gao Shi about this, but isn't she back now?This is a rare opportunity!

Therefore, as soon as many people heard this talk, they immediately started talking around Gao.

Yin Ziying didn't care about these things, she went into the kitchen to prepare meals a long time ago, with just this kind of woman, ten more would not be a match for her pungent mother.

Sure enough, she was cutting the meat in her hand, when she heard the Gao family outside saying to the crowd angrily: "Go, go, do you need to discuss this matter with you? My Ziying has long thought about the village. Next year Baijia Village The experimental field is [-]%, and it will be our village's turn next year."

Although not all the people in the village know about this kind of news, because every household has some relatives, someone already knows about it.

Therefore, when Mrs. Gao said this, some people were still a little dissatisfied, "Why do we have to wait in our village? We should let Baijia Village wait."

"Auntie, we can also grow that rice in our village? Is it true?"

Gao first waved away the dissatisfied woman, "Why don't you figure it out yourself if you're so capable? If it weren't for my daughter's affection, our village wouldn't be able to do it! If you are dissatisfied, when the time comes Just don't get involved with your family."

After finishing speaking, she said to the young daughter-in-law refreshedly and asked if it was true: "It's normal if you don't know, and now this matter hasn't been spread. I wanted to see the harvest in Baijia Village before spreading the word." .”

Mrs. Gao is not stupid, knowing that everything should not be too full, immediately said: "This is conditional, the harvest of rice in Baijia Village is good, if it is not good, our village will not be able to take care of it." Come on, you don't know..."

(End of this chapter)

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