Chapter 380 Making Good Relationships
So, when Yin Yueshan led the very close clan elders and the head of Yinjia Village to arrive, what he saw was the Gao family talking with many women and daughters-in-law in the village. There was also his daughter-in-law at the head, her face turned black, and she hurriedly waved her away, "What are you doing here? Why don't you go home?"

At this time, the people in the courtyard had just regained their senses, and they realized that they had been listening to Gao for so long without knowing it?
However, some people have not forgotten the purpose of their visit, thinking that the old Yin's family has so much meat, and their own family will have no meat until the Chinese New Year, so they still refuse to move.

Seeing that the person refused to leave, Gao twitched his lips and did not chase him away. Instead, he turned his head and smiled at the clan elders and said, "Don't the clan elders know? They all plan to have dinner with us today?"

Seeing several clan elders frowning, she hurriedly added: "Everyone is from the village, knowing that it is not easy for my family to entertain several clan elders, so I have to bring a basket of eggs or a chicken to my family. Lie!"

Hearing this, not only the elders of the clan opened their eyes wide, but even the women around here also opened their eyes wide, all looking unbelievable.When did they say they would send a chicken or a basket of eggs to Lao Yin's family?They are not stupid, a basket of eggs!How long do you have to save?
Gu Yunxuan, who was lying by the kitchen door listening to the conversation in the yard, couldn't help squinting her eyes with joy, and turned her head to talk to Yin Ziying who was cooking.

In fact, she didn't need to say, the news of people talking in the yard was not whispered, Yin Ziying could hear them all, but she didn't expect Gao to come up with this move, it really was a one-shot attack!

Isn't it just one move to control the enemy, as soon as Gao's voice fell, many daughter-in-laws hurriedly confessed their crimes and went home, fearing that several clan elders would seriously agree to this matter.

They are not stupid, there are at least twenty or thirty eggs in a basket, and one egg is enough to improve their own meal. How much can a basket of eggs improve?It's not worth it for a meal with meat.

So not long after, the villagers in the yard dispersed, leaving only Yin Yueshan and his wife and the invited elders and village chiefs.

Of course, the clan elders knew that Gao's words were to drive people away, so they didn't say anything, and even nodded with a smile.Today they are going to eat at Yin's house, if there are more people eating, then there must be less food for them.

When the elders of the clan entered the main room accompanied by Yin Yueshan, Gao smirked and closed the door and went into the kitchen to help. Today, when her daughter came back, she just saw her!

Seeing Mrs. Gao come in, Yin Ziying smiled and called her mother, and then asked Gu Yunxuan and Yin Ruilin to call her, and then continued with the action in hand.

Gao Shi came in and took over the work in his hands while muttering: "Those people are really arrogant, don't they really think that they have made a lot of achievements? They even want to come to eat at my house."

Yin Ziying smiled, but didn't reply. Seeing that Gao took over the work, she went to open the lid of the small pot beside her, and poured oil and salt into it.

As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, a strong fragrance came out. Gao Shi sniffed and glared at Yin Ziying, "You prodigal son, what are you going to buy?"

"Two days ago, the pork ribs were distributed in the workshop. I thought that these ribs are very good for making soup, so I brought two pieces."

Hearing Yin Ziying say that she didn't buy it with money, Gao breathed a sigh of relief, then curled her lips and said: "You are also stupid, since you are sharing pork, you don't choose some fat, but you still have to take this bone. But it’s a long way from the boss.”

Although Yin Ziying told her before that she had no real power in the workshop, but after so long, Mrs. Gao has already come to terms with it.Not to mention the workshop, if something big happened in Baijia Village, the old village head might still discuss it with her daughter.

Therefore, regarding this matter of pork, in Gao's mind, Yin Ziying must be able to pick a place in advance.

Yin Ziying curled her lips, and did not reply to Gao, but took out the dried bamboo shoots from the basket beside her, intending to take them out and wash them for a while to stew bacon.

Seeing this, Mrs. Gao complained while stirring the pork in the iron pot: "Eat, eat, eat, I just want to eat. See how many meat dishes you have prepared? Do you really think our family is a big family?"

In addition to the fried meat and bone soup in the pot, there is also a plate of bacon, a slaughtered fish and a plate of chicken. Isn’t it a lot of preparations!Ordinary people don't eat like this even during Chinese New Year.

While washing the bamboo shoots in her hands, Yin Ziying said indifferently: "I come back once a year, so what's the matter with the better food at home? Besides, you even invited the clan elders to come to your door today!"

"It's almost enough to prepare a meat dish. Why do you prepare so much? Don't look at the elders of the clan, their appetite is not much worse than that of me and your father."

Yin Ziying rolled her eyes, "Mother, our family's life is getting better now, the younger sisters are filial, and you and your father can make money from greenhouse vegetables, so there's no need to be so frugal."

If you want her to say, you have to eat what you have to eat, and there are only a few days of this opportunity throughout the year?
Mrs. Gao said angrily: "It's easy for you to say, the spring will come soon, and then the greenhouse vegetables will not be able to sell much, so let's talk about your younger sisters, and some time ago they said they would save money for your younger brother Buying a house, how could I have the nerve to ask them to show more filial piety?"

Yin Ziying: I'm sorry, but don't accept it!
But she only dared to complain about it in her heart. She had seen Gao's combat power just now, and she was just sitting silently at the moment.

Gao shi looked at the cooking distressedly and kept praising Yin Ruilin for being considerate and sensible. If it was the time when all the girls were at home, why would she be so tired and have to go into the kitchen by herself?
If she hadn't known that Yin Jingjing and her sisters could earn a lot of money doing jobs in the county this year, she would have called people back as in previous years.

Gao Shi and Yin Ziying worked together, and the two younger ones kept lighting the fire, so the food in the kitchen was finished in a short time.

Even the elders of the Yin family village did not expect that the food of the old Yin family could be so rich. They thought it would be good to have two meat dishes and an egg. Is it here in Jiacun?

Unexpectedly, the old Yin family paid so much attention to them clan elders, and this was considered a way of giving them face. Therefore, the smiles on the faces of several clan elders and the old village chief were even more warm.

Yin Ziying saw it in her eyes, and nodded with satisfaction in her heart. In the past, the old Yin's family was poor, so naturally they had no conditions to have relationships with these elders, but since this year, they can take their time.

Now she is resident in Baijia Village, and although her younger sisters are not married, they are not in her natal family, so if something happens to Yin Yueshan and his wife, they need someone from the clan to take care of them, not to mention that this will also pave the way for Yin Ruilin in the future.

The shadow of a person's famous tree and the reputation of a scholar are very important, so the old Yin's family must establish a good relationship with the village.

(End of this chapter)

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