Chapter 381

Of course, Yin Ziying is not worried about this point. In addition to rice, she will let Yin Yueshan and his wife get in touch with other things. If they are willing, it will not be difficult for Yinjiacun to get rid of poverty.

Knowing Yin Ziying's ability and the fact that Yin Ziying brought the meal back, there was no distinction between men and women, and everyone sat around the old Yin's kang to eat together.

During the banquet, some clan elders also asked Yin Ziying about planting rice, and Yin Ziying also told them the same as she had told Yin Yueshan and his wife before.

Later, someone asked whether the workshops and other things in Baijia Village would be expanded. Yin Ziying said that the workshops would not expand in the short term.But when the village grows other things, you can come and ask the people in Yinjia Village if they plant them together, such as peppers.

As soon as these words came out, Yin Ziying obviously felt that the eyes of several clan elders lit up, and their attitude towards her became even more enthusiastic.

"Ziying, is it true that you asked us to grow peppers in our village?"

Yin Ziying nodded with a smile, "Nowadays, many people in Baijia Village have planted chili peppers, and we have been collecting chili seeds, so it will be possible next year. But..."

She said with a smile, "This year's item is precious, so it may not be able to have this price next year. After all, rare things are expensive, but they won't be cheap. I will find a market for you."

After hearing her words, everyone's minds immediately settled down, and some clan elders euphemistically expressed the problem of seeds. Yin Ziying said that although pepper seeds are rare, she will try her best to save some for them.

Of course, the premise is that the villagers have to pay.

After all, chili peppers are not cheap, and if it wasn't for Yin Ziying's spiritual spring space, it would not be easy for her to get the seeds.

If people in Yinjia Village can plant for free, how many seeds does she have to have?You must know that she bought all the seeds in Baijia Village this year on credit!

The so-called Sheng Mien fights Mi Qiu, she doesn't intend to make too much profit, and when she has a chance, she thinks it's good to pull them out.

However, despite this, the village chief and several clan elders were still very satisfied with her, and they seemed to have the intention of chatting with her until the evening.

Yin Ziying looked at the sky, but stopped in time.She originally came back to give the New Year's gift and visit her parents by the way, but now it's time to go back, after all, it is inconvenient to bring Gu Yunxuan here.

The new year passed quickly, Yin Ziying's side and Mr. Zhou from the Ministry of Agriculture had just led the villagers to distribute the rice seeds, and led the villagers to finish farming when news came from central Beijing.

This time, the person who came to deliver the letter was not Ping An, who usually came to deliver the boxing gift, but a guard who had never met before.It can be seen that these guards have an evil spirit on them, and they look like they came out of the army.

The letter paper was unfolded, and the familiar handwriting jumped on the paper. Yin Ziying frowned slightly, looked carefully, and then raised her head to look at the man in front of her and nodded, "Are you Guan Yun?"

The standing man stood up with a solemn expression, "Yes, Miss Yin."

He thought it would take a long time to persuade the woman in front of him to agree, but Yin Ziying nodded, "I understand, but it takes time to prepare for going to Beijing. How many people have you brought? Let's stay first." !"

"I brought three coachmen, and there is no one else for the time being, but Miss Yin, don't worry, this is just on the surface."

That is to say, he is the one who is in charge of making decisions, and there are other people who did not show up in the dark. Yin Ziying took a deep look at Guan Yun, and then nodded.

Guan Yun did not stay at Yin's house, but left after making an appointment with Yin Ziying, saying that he would come to pick her up in three days.

After seeing off Guanyun, Gu Yunxuan who was in the room ran out immediately, "Sister Ziying, where are you going?"

Yin Ziying didn't expect Gu Yunxuan to listen to the whole audience, she just reached out to touch her head and said with a smile, "I'm going on a long trip, sister Xuan, can you stay at home?"

"Not good!" Gu Yunxuan shook her head solemnly, "Sister Ziying, I heard what you said, you are not going alone, you have to bring Sister Axing and the others..."

Yin Ziying looked around and saw that there was no one there, and she didn't cover Gu Yunxuan's mouth, she just pulled her to sit on the sofa beside her, "Sister Xuan, do you still remember Dong Wu's house?"

Gu Yunxuan nodded, "Of course I remember that Wu Dong's parents are handsome. My uncle said that Sister Ziying is now engaged to Wu Dong's family. In the future, Sister Ziying will marry Wu Dong's family."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Yin Ziying suspiciously and said, "Sister Ziying, could it be that this letter was sent back by Mr. Wu's family?"

Yin Ziying nodded, "Yes, it was he who sent it back, so I must go to the capital."

"Then why did Mr. Wu's family want you to go with sister A Xing and sister A Tao? Sister Ziying, is Mr. Wu's family going back on their word?"

Thinking of this possibility, Gu Yunxuan's cheeks bulged with anger, she looked at Yin Ziying and said righteously: "Sister Ziying, don't be afraid, even if Boss Wu's family wants to move on, you are engaged to him, are you With a marriage certificate."

Yin Ziying never expected that Gu Yunxuan was thinking about these things in her head, she shook her head helplessly and smiled, then reached out and touched Gu Yunxuan's head, "Sister Xuan, it's not the mess you think, it's the witch Ling has something to ask me to go to the capital."

"Then he also has something to invite Sister A Xing and Sister A Tao to the capital?" Gu Yunxuan's eyes sparkled.

Yin Ziying nodded, "That's right, Mr. Wu's family has something to ask us for help, so they wrote to me."

Gu Yunxuan was a little disbelieving, "Then why didn't the person who came to deliver the letter this time not be Brother Pingan, nor Brother Lin to bring it back?"

"Your Ping'an brother also went to the capital after the new year, and he may be busy now, so the person who comes now is changed."

In fact, this is not the reason, the real reason Wei Lingyi has already written clearly in the letter, it is because Guan Yun's kung fu is better than Ping An, so he let Guan Yun come back.

So this trip was not all smooth sailing, it could even be said to be dangerous, otherwise Wei Lingyi wouldn't have to come back to pick her up with someone else.

Thinking of this, her heart moved slightly, suppressing the strangeness and continuing to appease Gu Yunxuan.

After finally comforting Gu Yunxuan, she got up and went out. She was not the only one who wanted to go to Beijing, but also A Xing and A Tao, so she also wanted to inform them.

I just don't know why Wei Lingyi called them over this time, was it because of the fact that they were arrested and taken into the cottage?

As soon as she thought of this, Yin Ziying shook her head and secretly vetoed it. It couldn't be because of this case. This case would not go to the capital for trial.

Moreover, the key person in this case only called her, and neither asked her to bring Gu Yunxuan nor Gu Yuelan.

With Wei Lingyi's ability, he must know that Gu Yuelan has a good relationship with her now, since he didn't name her in the letter, it was for other things.

Thinking about it this way, when she came back to her senses, she had already arrived at the courtyard where Ah Xing and the others lived.

(End of this chapter)

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