Chapter 382
Since changing the yard for them last year, there has been no other movement in the village for a long time. Wei Lingyi's letter came back to reassure her that there is nothing wrong with the village, so she let A Xing and others continue to work in the workshop.

At this time, it happened that the workshop was taking a break at noon, and the children who came to open the door saw Yin Ziying, and called her happily.

A Xing's voice came from the kitchen: "Who is here?"

Holding the candy from Yin Ziying in his hand, the child happily replied, "Sister A Xing, it's Sister Yin who is here, she must be looking for you."

Not long after, A Xing came out of the kitchen. Her hair was still messy, and her hands were still covered with flour. She nodded when she saw Yin Ziying, "Miss Yin, you're here."

Yin Ziying also nodded, she glanced at the others, and then said to A Xing: "A Xing, I want to tell you something."

Seeing this, Ah Xing's complexion changed slightly. She knew Yin Ziying, if not for something, she would not be so solemn.

"Okay, Miss Yin waits for me in the room first, let me wash my hands."

After finishing speaking, she walked to the well platform to wash her hands and said to Amei and the others in the kitchen: "Miss Yin is here, let me entertain you, you can cook your own lunch."

She didn't walk into the valet's room until she said hello twice in the kitchen and gave instructions to a few more children.

"Miss Yin, I don't know, but there is news from Beijing?"

Yin Ziying nodded, took out a letter from her bosom and handed it to her, "This is a letter from Wei Lingyi to you, maybe you will gain something after reading it."

In fact, she didn't know why Wei Lingyi took A Xing and A Tao to the capital. Wei Lingyi didn't name them in the letter to her, but he wrote a separate letter to A Xing.

A Xing thanked her, and then she took the letter and looked at it, but after a while, she looked up at Yin Ziying, "Okay, I understand, I have to trouble Miss Yin to take care of me this way."

After speaking, she quickly folded the letter paper.

Yin Ziying didn't miss the slight change on her face just now, but after all, it was his private matter, so she didn't ask any more questions, and left after only a few words of time.

Yin Ziying didn't plan to bring anyone with her on this trip to Beijing, of course, except for the two A Xing sisters Wei Lingyi asked to bring along.

She entrusted the affairs of the family to Uncle Gu directly, and Yin Ruilin and Gu Yunxuan also lived in Yin's house as usual, and she even went to Yin's village and county within three days, the purpose was to explain clearly to them so that they don't need to worry.

Gu Yunliu and Gao Shi and others in the county were not worried about her, and Gao Shi even had a smile on her face, thinking that Yin Ziying was finally going to see Wu Ling, so she was as happy as a flower .

If Yin Ziying hadn't told her seriously not to tell anyone about this matter, and only said she was going to the county, maybe she would really go out and show off!
On the third day, Yin Ziying saw Guanyun sent by Wei Lingyi again, and got into the carriage he brought.

But since she said she was going to the county, she did enough tricks and really brought a lot of things, mainly the bacon and sausages she made years ago, and she brought a lot of everything.

Then, in front of everyone in Baijia Village, several carriages drove out of the village entrance, and only the rest of the village were envious.

"Ah Xing and the others are so lucky to be able to go to the county with Mrs. Yin. I heard that the business in the county can make money."

"Yeah, yeah! I heard that Sister Liu and the others sell something valuable in the county. I thought they would add people from the village, but I didn't expect it to be Ah Xing and the others."

Someone said disdainfully: "What do you know? Ah Xing and the others are not from our village. They are originally subordinates of Wu Dong's family. Now that Mrs. Yin is engaged to Wu Dong's family, of course he will be used first."

"That's right, they are all a family now. Well, from this point of view, when Mrs. Yin gets married in the future, I'm afraid the business in the county will not be our turn."

At that moment, someone who was close to Yin Ziying on weekdays snorted, "The business in this county is run by them themselves, why do you think it's yours with such an embarrassing face?"

There was a lot of discussion in the crowd. Hearing these more and more outrageous comments, the old village chief snorted coldly with his hands behind his back: "What time is it and you don't go home to cook? Why don't you go to the fields when you are so free? But Don't let the precious rice seedlings be eaten by snails."

As soon as the old village chief spoke, the rest of the people didn't dare to discuss anything, and they all laughed and hurried home.

It's the time for spring plowing, and the village just planted rice a few days ago, but now they haven't started planting wheat yet.Not to mention that besides wheat, they still have a lot of land. After the wheat is planted, beans and corn will be planted.


The spring plowing season is extremely important in the eyes of farmers, but there is no sense of solemnity in the capital. Many young masters and young ladies take advantage of the spring season when everything is recovering and come out for an outing.

In an elegant garden on Jingjiao Avenue, a poetry meeting is being held. The participants are not only scholars from various families, but also many young ladies.

In an octagonal pavilion, several graceful scholars gathered to discuss political affairs.

"Have you heard that Uncle Geng Guo has encountered a hard problem this time, not to mention that he didn't bite off a piece of the Zhennan Palace, and he was even found out for many previous crimes, and his reputation in the court was greatly lost."

Some students curled their lips and said, "What a big loss of reputation? Counting the reputation of this uncle Guo, it's..."

Speaking of this, many people smiled tacitly. Uncle Guo's reputation has been greatly lost?When did the uncle of the country, Geng Shan, become famous again?
If this uncle of the country hadn't relied on his younger sister's favor in the harem to be promoted to an official position, he might not know where to make a living now!

Although the Geng family used to be considered a small family, but the old man and wife of the Geng family had an accident in the early years, so the life of the Geng Shan brothers and sisters has been harder than that of ordinary families.

It is also for this reason that Geng Shan was so extravagant after Concubine Geng was seen by the visiting sage in Weifu. Many people in Beijing thought he was a nouveau riche.

At the beginning, it was just extravagant, but then Geng Shan intensified after Concubine Geng was favored and earned him the title of uncle of the country.Forcibly occupying farmland and bullying men and women have caused a lot of trouble just in the suburbs of Beijing, which is a headache for Jingzhaofu Yin.

Later, the courtiers impeached him harshly, so His Majesty put Geng Shan in the army, thinking that Geng Shan could gain real power in the army.

After all, for capable people, even if they have committed such evil deeds as bullying men and women, some people will turn a blind eye. After all, if they have real power in the army, they may be able to lead the army to fight Yes, he is a rare general.

It's a pity that Geng Shan was restrained by Zhennan King in the army, not only did not show his strength, but was sent back to Beijing in despair.

Unexpectedly, many years later, he would be tricked by Wei Lingyi, the son of Zhennan Prince, which made many students feel good about Zhennan Prince's Mansion.

After all, who doesn't study for the sake of justice one day and punish those criminals one by one?
(End of this chapter)

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