Chapter 383 Unruly and Willful Clan Wife
It can be said that Gengshan is hated by all scholars, but as the Zhennanwang family standing on the opposite side of Gengshan, they deserve the admiration of the students.

The first is Zhennan Wang Weiting's illustrious military exploits. He has guarded the frontier for many years, so that the frontier has been safe and stable, and the life of the people in the frontier has become better and better.

Then there is the miserable life experience of Princess Xiao Yi of Zhennan. Back then, the Xiao family was a well-known family in Fengzhou Prefecture. The sky is full of peaches and plums.

It's a pity that a war turned the prosperous Xiao's family into a dilapidated mansion. Fortunately, King Zhennan rescued Xiao Yi in time.It is also because of this that many people in the court who did not like King Zhennan felt grateful to him.

Xiao Yi was originally a descendant of a famous family. Not only did she study poetry and books with Mr. Liu and her father since she was a child, but she was also a famous talented woman. Her miserable life experience made countless talented people disgusted.

Finally, there is Wei Lingyi, the son of King Zhennan who was just found this year.

Originally, his disappearance was an accident. It is said that he was stolen by the enemy as a threat. At that time, King Zhennan ordered to attack the enemy city for the sake of a fighter. It can be said that this child was lost for the Yan Dynasty.

Now after many years, I finally found someone. Originally, everyone thought it was a fake, but Xiao Xiao, who had seen Zhennan Wang and his wife, could tell at a glance that Wei Lingyi was definitely their child.

Moreover, although Wei Lingyi was raised in a merchant since he was a child, his intelligence and bearing are outstanding, which is not inferior to his background, which makes more people feel good about him.

Not to mention the dispute between Geng Shan and Wei Lingyi in the court from last year to now?
Although there is no actual evidence to point out that Wei Lingyi did these things, everyone feels that Wei Lingyi did it.

After all, Geng Shan has made many enemies over the years, but no one has ever dared to fight against him, but since Geng Shan impeached King Zhennan, the affairs of Geng Shan have not stopped.

At first everyone thought it was the work of King Zhennan, but when these students met Wei Lingyi in the Imperial College, everything became clear.

Wei Lingyi, the son of Zhennan Prince, never concealed what he did, and he also had the same thoughts and achievements as them. He was indeed a role model for their contemporaries.

Some students sighed: "My son not only knows people well, but also employs people very well. He is really a descendant of a famous family."

"My son, this is the true character of a scholar, who is not afraid of power, and does not form cliques for personal gain."

Speaking of this, someone frowned and asked, "Have you heard anything?"

"Come and tell us what it is."

The man said: "Do you know why Uncle Guo didn't mention Zhennan King leaving the fief in the first place, but it took a long time to impeach him instead?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and a little puzzled, but someone from the other side said: "I heard from my family members, it is said that the marriage of the eldest son was involved during this period."

"What? This matter is related to the marriage of the son of the world? What's going on?"

The man smiled, pointed to the one who spoke first and said, "You might as well ask Boan to talk to you and see if our news is consistent."

The student named Bo'an smiled when he heard the words, and immediately said: "Brother Ziyang's family often goes in and out of the harem, and the news I want to know is the same as mine."

The rest of the people laughed and said: "Okay, Boan, Ziyang, you two don't want to be fooled, what's going on, tell us quickly and let us know."

Cui Boan smiled and said: "We have heard about the loss of the son of Zhennan Wang since we were young. I heard from my grandfather a few days ago that in fact, for many years, Zhennan Wang and his wife have been running around in their spare time to find the eldest son. So Said, Your Majesty knows this matter well, and this is a clear path."

A student said: "In this way, the king of Zhennan is looking for a son this time, so it is not considered as leaving the fief privately, right? After all..." After all, this matter has been cleared by the emperor.

"Although this is the case, the King of Zhennan has a different surname after all. Except for changes in the army, under normal circumstances, he cannot leave the fief privately. The matter of King Zhennan is naturally illegal."

Another person also sighed: "Yes, although His Majesty knows about this matter and the courtiers know about it, as long as it doesn't break through, everyone can turn a blind eye to each other. After all, the battle achievements of King Zhennan are there! But this If someone is impeached, it will naturally be dealt with according to the law."

Some people couldn't help but become more and more curious, "In that case, Brother Bo An means..." How could this have something to do with the marriage of the Shizi?It doesn't matter!

Cui Bo'an glanced around, then lowered his voice and said: "It is said that Uncle Guo wanted to expose this matter from the very beginning, but it was because Concubine Geng stopped him, so Uncle Geng waited for a month to let him know." Impeach Zhennan King."

"Guess why Concubine Geng suppressed Uncle Geng to prevent him from impeaching King Zhennan?"

The eyes of the caring person lit up, and he immediately thought of the princess who was married at the right age in the palace, and immediately said: "Could it be that this matter is related to the marriage of the seventh princess?"

Cui Boan glanced at the man appreciatively, then smiled and said: "That's right, I heard that Concubine Geng originally intended to let the son be the princess, and even His Majesty called the son into the palace to give the marriage."

"What? How is that possible?"

"Bo'an, is it true?"

All the students were extremely surprised. They had never heard of such a thing. Although the eldest son Wei Lingyi had been famous in Beijing for a while, it was all because of his talent. They did not know such gossip.

Cui Bo'an was born in the Cui family in Boling. Although no one in the Cui family was a concubine in the harem, no one doubted Cui's news channels. You must know that the Cui family is one of the famous families in the world.

Cui Bo'an smiled and nodded: "I heard about this from the gossip, so I don't know if it's true or not. Today, I'm just talking about having fun with a few classmates."

When everyone heard the words, although they had a smile on their faces, they knew in their hearts that this matter was absolutely impossible to be false. Could the news Boling Cui heard could be false?

Is that true?Unexpectedly, Concubine Geng also thought of marrying the Seventh Princess to Wei Lingyi, but...

Thinking of this, some people couldn't help frowning, "Although the Seventh Princess is a noble daughter of the Tian family with golden branches and jade leaves, she is too willful and savage. Who would be willing to be his son-in-law?"

Even the students of Guozijian like them are unwilling, let alone Wei Lingyi who comes from a famous family. He is already the eldest son of Zhennan Wangfu, so why should he get glory through Princess Shang?

"Who says it's not? Seventh princess's temper, not to mention the eldest son, but we..." They are not willing to bear it.

Students like them who can enter the Imperial College are all the proud sons of the big families all over the country, so how could they be willing to marry such a savage and willful clan wife?
Someone asked: "If that's the case, why didn't things happen? I haven't seen anyone spread the word about this..."

(End of this chapter)

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