Chapter 384 Marrying a Peasant Girl
Cui Bo'an said: "Some time ago, that is, when the eldest son was on the jade plate, did you hear the rumors in Beijing?"

"Is that the news that the eldest son came back from the palace, and then the Zhennan Palace went around seeking medical treatment?"

Cui Boan smiled and said, "That's right, that's exactly what happened."

Seeing everyone's curious eyes, he hurriedly said: "According to what I know, His Majesty invited the eldest son to Beijing that day for the purpose of marrying the eldest son and the seventh princess, but the eldest son was stubborn and directly refused.

By the way, the reason for his refusal was that the Wu family had arranged a marriage for him, and I heard about that woman.Not only is Mrs. Wu valued, but also the son of the world. "

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, but some were puzzled.

"Since the eldest son bluntly refused, then His Majesty should be angry. Why did he give the eldest son the jade plate that day? Could it be that His Majesty does not want the eldest son to be the princess?"

Cui Bo'an shook his folding fan and smiled, but looked at the handsome man beside him, "I've already said so much, let Ziyang talk about the key part with you!"

Hearing the words, everyone turned their eyes to Wang Ziyang again, and seeing his calm appearance, they couldn't help asking: "Brother Ziyang, tell me quickly!"

"Yeah, we want to know about such things too!"

Wang Ziyang smiled and shook his head at Cui Boan, then sat up straight and looked at the crowd.

Everyone saw Wang Ziyang like this, but they were even more curious. Speaking of which, Wang Ziyang was born in the Wang family of Taiyuan, and many members of his family served in the court.

And he even had a cousin who was married to the Tian family, if he had heard the news from the palace, that would be nothing more than normal.

Wang Ziyang took a look at the crowd, then shook his head and smiled: "After Zhennan Wang Shizi refused His Majesty that day, the Seventh Princess heard the news from somewhere, and rushed in with a whip, so Wei Shizi's whip... "

Everyone suddenly realized, it turned out to be the case, no wonder Wei Ling Yigui was punished in the palace as the eldest son, that was the reason.

Even if His Majesty grants a marriage, the courtiers don't necessarily have to agree to it. How can there be a saying that if you don't agree to the marriage, you will be whipped?It turns out that His Majesty did not do this, but the Seventh Princess...

Thinking of this, everyone stared at Wang Ziyang with piercing eyes, wanting him to tell the next thing quickly.

Wang Ziyang rubbed his nose, and finally felt the situation of Cui Boan just now, then lowered his voice and said: "When Princess Seven was whipping, Princess Changyue just entered the palace..."

This is the case, and everyone will understand.

Although Princess Changyue has been in charge for many years and has not been a regent, she has great prestige in the court. Many veterans still like to ask Princess Changyue to listen to them when discussing matters. This is a kind of value.

And Princess Changyue's temper has always been ruthless, not to mention ordinary members of the royal family, even today's His Majesty is often reminded by Princess Changyue to be a role model for the world.

What will happen once you enter the palace and see such a thing?I'm afraid the seventh princess will suffer a lot, and now His Majesty is even being advised. As for the innocent Prince Wei, he must be appeased.

This is why Wei Shizi's invitation to seal the jade plate came down so quickly. It turned out to be the royal hush money.

Someone asked: "Since this is the case, what punishment did the Seventh Princess get in the end?"

Wang Ziyang shook his head and sighed: "I don't know about it. After all, it's a private matter of the Tian family. It's not bad to get such news."

Immediately, some people were dissatisfied and said: "The Seventh Princess is magnificent, yet she is so savage and self-willed. The Crown Prince Wei did not want to be married to her, but he was murdered like this. It is really the most poisonous madam."

"That's right. It's a good thing Wei Shizi didn't agree to her, otherwise Wei Shizi will suffer in the future."

"Hush! Brother Pang, Brother Fang, speak carefully!"

"Yeah, let's not mention this matter, after all, it is a private matter of the Tian family."

Contrary to the righteous indignation of everyone, Cui Boan, who first raised the topic, looked at Wang Ziyang with a smile, "Brother Ziyang, it seems that the news we are waiting for is consistent, and I thought Princess Changyue would give you an answer. A letter has been sent from the family!"

The smile on Wang Ziyang's face faded: "Brother Bo'an's words are fine for me to talk about, but don't spread them to the outside world. Princess Changyue has no contact with our clan now."

Hearing this, the smile on Cui Bo'an's face also faded, but he sighed in his heart. It was rumored outside that the relationship between Taiyuan Wang's family and Princess Changyue was weakened, but it turned out to be true.

This is so astonishing, after all, no one knows that Wei Shihao, the third son of Yongningbo, the ex-husband of Princess Changyue, whose mother family is the Wang family of Taiyuan.

Because Wei Shihao was raised by his mother's Taiyuan Wang family most of the time since he was a child, so compared to Yongningbo Mansion, Princess Changyuechang and his wife are closer to Taiyuan Wang's family than Yongningbo Mansion, a serious in-law's family.

Although it was rumored at the beginning that Princess Changyue and the son-in-law did not agree with each other and did not get along well, this matter could fool most people in the world, but it could not fool Cui Boan, who also came from a wealthy family.

It was rumored in the world that Princess Changyue and her ex-consort were at odds, and they often had a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days.

But if this is the case, why would Princess Changyue, who is so arrogant and arrogant, condescend and give birth to two daughters with Wei Shihao?
It's a pity... If it wasn't for some accidents later, Princess Changyuechang's former son-in-law Wei Shihao was injured for some reason, and Princess Changyuechang's two young daughters also disappeared for no reason, which worsened the relationship between Princess Changyuechang and the Taiyuan Wang family .

Otherwise, no matter what, such a disciplined person as Princess Changyue would not return to Beijing to open a mansion alone without being a widow.

If there were no such prerequisites, Princess Changyue would not have married Master Xu Fangxu, the Imperial College Jijiu, in order to strengthen the courtiers for His Majesty.

Fortunately, someone soon broke the peace between Wang Ziyang and Cui Boan. Some students asked curiously: "In this case, have you heard of Wei Shizi's fiancée? I heard that this fiancée was appointed by the Wu family." Yes, I don’t know what’s so special about it.”

"Although the Wu family is a family of merchants, they have taught such outstanding people as Wei Shizi, so I think that the vision of the old man of the Wu family must not be too bad."

Some students wondered: "But how did I hear that the girl Mrs. Wu appointed for Prince Wei is a peasant girl?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"how is this possible?"

"Brother Pang, where did you hear the news? Although the Wu family is a merchant's family, it is not necessary to assign a farmer's family to the grandson, right?"

"That's right. Although the Wu family is a merchant's family, the Wu family can be regarded as a tyrant in Qinan Prefecture. Even if you can't marry a lady from an official family, it is still easy for a girl from a scholar's family or a merchant's family. , how could you marry a peasant girl?"

The man shook his head when he heard the words: "I don't know, I just heard someone mention it in school that day. Haven't you heard the news?"

Hearing this, some people nodded and some shook their heads.

Seeing this, everyone was a little dumbfounded, and some people couldn't help looking at Cui Boan and the others, "Brother Cui, is this true or false?"

Some people also reacted, and smiled at Cui Boan and Wang Ziyang: "Yes, brother Cui, brother Wang, although we don't know, but the family background of the two of you is here. If you want to come to the identity of Wei Shizi's fiancee, you should know right?"

(End of this chapter)

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