Chapter 387
The city guard was stunned for a moment, speechless and didn't know what to say, but many people around were staring at the city guard with piercing eyes.

Without him, although they live in the capital now, their household registrations are not from the capital, but from their respective state capitals. If what the little girl said is true...

Yin Ziying looked at the soldiers guarding the city with tears in her eyes: "If Your Majesty really can't understand people in remote prefectures like me, then I'll just go back, Guanyun, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she took a deep look at the tall and majestic city wall, then turned around and was about to walk into the carriage.

At this time, the onlookers had already started talking.

"It turns out that His Majesty is actually planning one country, two systems! No wonder we are living so hard even though we are also in the capital."

"Even the family members of Zhennan Prince's Mansion are not allowed to come to the capital. No wonder we foreigners have no future in the capital for so long. It turns out that His Majesty the Emperor doesn't like us!"

"Hey, if you want me to say that even the people in the capital are not from the capital before. Before the capital was moved, His Majesty the Emperor was not from the capital either!"

It was just late at night, besides ordinary people, there were some students like Wang Ziyang who had just come back from a banquet in the outskirts of the city, and some government ladies at the city gate, and there were also some who had just left the yamen but lived outside. A small official of the city.

Therefore, as soon as the common people said this, many people started talking about it. The guard guarding the gate had already turned pale with fright. No matter how stupid he was, he now knew that something had happened.

How about letting these people spread these words?Don't talk about whether his position as a little guard soldier can be kept, maybe even the position of their immediate boss can't be kept, right?
He hurriedly shouted to the young woman in front of him: "Don't talk nonsense, Your Majesty never said that!"

Yin Ziying stopped, still looking at the soldiers guarding the city with tears in her eyes, "My lord, didn't you mean just now that you thought we were from Qinan Mansion? Although we are from Qinan Mansion, but Mansion is the territory of the Great Yan Dynasty.

I am a citizen of Qi Nan Prefecture, and naturally I am also a citizen of the Great Yan Dynasty. Since I am a citizen of the Great Yan Dynasty, why can't I enter the capital?Could it be because His Majesty does not recognize the people of my Qi Nan Mansion? "

The soldiers guarding the city were stunned, and just as they were about to say something, a clear voice came from behind, "Miss, you think too much, Qinan Mansion is the territory of the Dayan Dynasty, since the girl is from Qinan Mansion , naturally the people of the Great Yan Dynasty."

Yin Ziying searched for the sound and saw that it was a young man dressed as a scholar. At this moment, the man was standing behind the soldiers guarding the city, and he could be seen to have an extraordinary bearing. I don't know which family he is from.

She frowned slightly, and looked at the young man in bewilderment, "Since the young master said so, then I have the same identity as you people from the capital, right? Then I can enter the capital, right?"

Cui Bo'an nodded and said, "Of course, girl, we are all citizens of the Great Yan Dynasty. There is no ban in the capital recently, so you can naturally enter the capital."

He looked at Yin Ziying's clothes with great interest, and saw that although she was not wearing gorgeous clothes, she was only wearing muslin clothes, but she couldn't hide her demeanor.

The woman looked at her with tears in her eyes, very pitiful, but Cui Boan didn't dare to be careless in his heart, after all, the woman's wit was very good when she spoke just now, not to mention a guarding soldier, but a parent official from all over the place Hearing these questions from her, he would probably turn pale with fright.

Thinking of what the guard who stood in front of the woman said just now, he became suspicious. He had heard that the fiancée of Prince Zhennan's son was a peasant girl. Could it be her?
If it was her, it would be suitable just by age; just by looking at clothing and attire, although there are some discrepancies, it can be called suitable; in addition, what the woman said just now.

With this woman's intelligence and quick-wittedness, it's no wonder that even the old lady of the witch family who was born in a peasant family made such a marriage for Wei Shizi.

Such a woman, with such a bearing, even among his Boling Cui family, he couldn't find a few people who are more outstanding than her.

Seeing that the man nodded, it should be fine, and then the soldiers guarding the city had to back down even though they looked unwilling. Yin Ziying knew that this man's status was indeed extraordinary.

However, I don't know if he is an enemy or a friend.

She lowered her eyes, then turned to look at Guan Yun, her eyes were full of exploration, seeing her thoughts, Guan Yun quickly lowered her head and respectfully said: "Miss Yin, you should get in the car first, we will enter the city immediately."

Guanyun never expected that the people in the capital would be so bold that they would even block the frame of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, and he never expected that the future imperial concubine would have the courage to let the city guard The soldiers retreated steadily.

He cupped his hands and bowed to Cui Bo'an in front of him, "I don't know which family the young master is from. When I go back, I will tell the truth to my elder son."

Cui Bo'an laughed and said: "At home, Cui Bo'an, speaking of it, I once discussed the Dao with your family's son in the Imperial Academy."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, even those ordinary people were very curious, they didn't expect this person to be the famous Cui Bo'an.

Guan Yun was also taken aback, then he came to his senses, saluted the other party again, and then continued to lead the team forward.

This time, no one stopped the carriages anymore, instead they let the carriages swagger in, and the soldiers guarding the city stood aside with pale faces.

Cui Boan glanced at the soldier, shook his head and smiled, and then raised his voice: "I don't know how Mr. Yin will explain the news today. I'm afraid Mr. Yin will be impeached by Yushitai tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he shook the fan in his hand, went to the carriage beside him and knocked, "Brother Ziyang, I didn't expect that we would run into each other here again."

The voice of the book boy came from inside the carriage, "Master Cui, our young master is overworked and has fallen asleep now."

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Cui Boan believed it or not, the Wang family's carriage started to move forward.

Seeing this, Cui Bo'an also walked back to his carriage. He didn't think about the identity of the woman Qi until he got into the carriage. He didn't expect to be able to watch such a big show today.

As soon as the several carriages that were congested here left, the road was immediately cleared. Everyone in the crowd rushed to their homes, but some small officials in official uniforms walked away stroking their beards.

But at this time, inside the carriage of the Wang family, Wang Ziyang didn't close his eyes, but was thoughtful instead.

The book boy watched from the side and couldn't help worrying, "My lord, what's wrong with you."

Wang Ziyang shook his head and chuckled: "It's nothing, now I kind of believe what Wei Shizi said."

Judging from the woman's age, she is very likely to be the fiancée that the old man of the Wu family made for Wei Lingyi according to the rumors.

At this time, the events at the gate of the city had already been spread back by the eyes and ears of each family.

Such a thing happened in the capital, even if it was only at the city gate, just these remarks were enough to make people publicize it.

Therefore, the capital city was particularly lively on this day, and many people knew that the woman who was defending the soldiers at the gate of the city was a family member of the Zhennan Palace.

In particular, Yin Ziying has made an appearance before. Such a young family member of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, thinking of the rumors in Beijing during this period that the Zhennan Prince's Wei Shizi had a fiancée, many people secretly guessed that Yin Ziying was Wei Lingyi's. fiancée.

(End of this chapter)

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