Chapter 388 Wronged
Naturally, Yin Ziying didn't know about the turmoil in the capital, because after entering the city gate, the horse started running happily.

Yin Ziying felt that a quarter of an hour had passed, and she saw the carriage outside stopped, and Guanyun's voice sounded from outside, "Miss Yin, we are ready to arrive."

Then she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. The carriage seemed to have entered somewhere. She was just thinking that she might have already arrived, when she heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice, "Is the person here?"

Guan Yun hurriedly saluted: "Returning to my son, Miss Yin has arrived."

Yin Ziying's hand that was stretched out to open the curtain froze, but she quickly realized that she lifted the curtain lightly, stood on the front of the carriage, and saw the person walking up to her with just one glance. man.

Wei Lingyi is wearing a simple silver-white robe today, with a jade pendant on his waist and a jade crown on his head. His dress and clothes don't look gorgeous, but they also give people a sense of simplicity .

He hasn't changed much, but he looks almost the same as last year, Yin Ziying thought to herself.

Yin Ziying was thinking like this in her heart, but she didn't show anything on her face, but Wei Lingyi was stunned the first time he saw Yin Ziying. He frowned and looked at Guan Yun who was waiting at the side, and said in a deep voice: "what happened?"

Guan Yunzhi raised his eyes and took a peek at Yin Ziying, and he knew why his master asked him this, after all, Yin Ziying's eye sockets were still red right now!It looked like he had suffered a big grievance.

Just as he was about to say something, Yin Ziying reached out her hand to stop him. "Where do we want to live when we come to Beijing this time? Why don't we rent a separate courtyard?"

Wei Lingyi could naturally hear Yin Ziying's evasion. Although he was anxious to know what happened, he didn't want to start it in front of Yin Ziying.

He nodded slightly, and while helping Yin Ziying to get off the carriage, he said to her, "Since you've already come, you should naturally live in the mansion."

This time, he asked someone to bring her here, and he didn't hide his whereabouts. On the contrary, he asked someone to spread it out on purpose. This is a family member of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion. He thought that if other people knew, they would definitely not dare to bully her.

At least, no one dared to touch her under his nose, but if she lived outside this time, that might not be the case.

The capital is mixed with good and bad people, and there are people who are more powerful than their Zhennan Prince's Mansion. Since he brought her to the capital, he naturally wants to protect her safety.

Yin Ziying said: "Then Ah Xing and the others..."

She knew that A Tao and A Xing came here this time to be used by Wei Lingyi, perhaps for an old case.

Hearing this, Wei Lingyi turned his head and glanced at the two young girls who had gotten off the carriage over there and nodded, "Don't worry, there are many vacant rooms in the mansion, you just need to stay together."

Hearing Wei Lingyi's answer, Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, and A Xing and A Tao couldn't help but salute Wei Lingyi, "If that's the case, then thank you, son."

During this journey, the two sisters had already known Wei Lingyi's identity from Yin Ziying, and had also vaguely guessed why Wei Lingyi brought them to the capital.

Therefore, they are actually ready to take risks.After all, they are just tool people, either for testifying or for other things.

From Yin Ziying's words, they could guess that the capital might not be safe, at least for the two of them.

But now that Wei Lingyi said that they could live in the Zhennan Palace, they were still happy, and their safety would be guaranteed by doing so.

Wei Lingyi waved his hand, and didn't ask Yin Ziying any more questions, but said to a few people: "Since we've already arrived in the capital, let's go back to the yard to freshen up and rest! Other things are not in a hurry for now."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the young maid standing in the corridor, then turned to Axing and Atao and said, "Shall I arrange a courtyard for you? It's more convenient."

A Xing nodded again and again: "I can't ask for it, thank you son."

It wasn't until the maid brought the two sisters A Xing and A Tao down that Wei Lingyi looked at Yin Ziying, and there was some concern in his voice, "Are you tired? Do you want to go wash up first?"

His eyes were different from before, as if filled with unknown emotions, Yin Ziying immediately avoided his sight, "Yes, I have been exhausted all the way, I should go wash up."

Wei Lingyi was not annoyed either, he smiled and said to the corridor: "Knowing books, showing pictures."

Under the corridor, two pretty little girls walked over quickly, and when they reached Wei Lingyi and Yin Ziying, they bowed their knees and saluted: "My maidservant has seen the eldest son, and Miss Yin."

Wei Lingyi nodded to the two of them, and then softly told Yin Ziying who was stunned to the side:
"I know you're not used to being served by your side, but the capital is not like Qinan Mansion, so it may be more dangerous. The two of them know how to do some kung fu, so let them follow you, and they can also do some chores for you on weekdays."

Yin Ziying accepted without much hesitation. The reason why she didn't buy anyone last year was indeed because she felt uncomfortable with the buyer.

But she is not stupid, and she has long known that she may encounter danger in the capital, so of course she doesn't mind if Wei Lingyi wants to give her someone at this time, after all, her current status is also very conspicuous.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of Guan Yun, who did not expect the master to give Zhishu and Yinghua to Yin Ziying, and at the same time, he respected Yin Ziying even more in his heart.

Yin Ziying didn't feel shy at all, and responded generously to Wei Lingyi, "Okay."

Wei Lingyi nodded in satisfaction, and took another look at Zhishu and Yinghua. They were caught by his eyes, and they immediately took a step forward, and then saluted Yin Ziying.

"Miss Yin, this servant is a knowledgeable book."

"Miss Yin, this servant is Ying Hua."

Yin Ziying looked at the two of them calmly, and from Wei Lingyi's point of view, they knew kung fu, but she couldn't see it at all, she just thought that these two were ordinary pretty girls of fourteen or five years old.

Yes, these two girls looked to be only fourteen or fifteen years old, even a few years younger than Yin Ziying.

It wasn't until Zhishu and Yinghua lured Yin Ziying away that Wei Lingyi looked at Guanyun with a gloomy expression.

"Come with me!" After saying that, he turned and left.


It wasn't until he reached his study that Wei Lingyi stopped and looked at Guan Yun, "What's going on? What happened just now?"

He couldn't figure out why Yin Ziying's eye sockets were red, even though he seldom touched women, he knew that the red eye sockets were from crying.

Reminiscing that she just arrived in Beijing, there are only two possibilities, one is that she shed tears because she missed her hometown, and the other is because she was wronged outside.

Based on what he knew about the woman, she was obviously not a girl who would cry because of leaving her hometown, and the only one who could make her eyes blush was the latter.

Only then did Guanyun tell the whole story of what had just happened at the gate of the city. After speaking, he took a step back and lowered his head to wait for his master to punish him.

(End of this chapter)

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