Chapter 391
Yin Ziying stood up from his arms lightly, and said while arranging her hair: "Although my reputation is not obvious, I have a lot to ask for, don't regret it."

The corners of Wei Lingyi's lips twitched slightly, he watched the girl's every move solemnly, and then said seriously: "I will treat you like my father treats my mother, like a treasure."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying looked at him while grabbing her hair. She knew that Zhennan Wang Weiting had only one wife, Xiao Yi, in the backyard for many years, which was Wei Lingyi's mother.

Even if the two of them did not have any children in the past ten years, Wei Ting did not add another concubine to the backyard. On the contrary, he loved Zhennan Princess Zhenzhi.

Wei Lingyi's move was to tell her that since he chose her, there would only be one, and he would never take a concubine.

If it were another person, Yin Ziying would not necessarily believe it, but if this person was Wei Lingyi, Yin Ziying felt that she could be trusted.

Seeing the surprise flashing in her bright eyes, Wei Lingyi stood up, he reached out to take the wooden hairpin in her hand, walked behind her and brushed her hair while whispering:

"I know you don't like to enter the court, and I don't like it either. After finishing these things in Beijing, I will go back to Baijia Village with you to farm. Do you agree?"

Yin Ziying was stunned, she was really stunned, she was not surprised by what Wei Lingyi said just now, but she was indeed a little surprised by what Wei Lingyi said just now.

Wei Lingyi actually said... that he wants to go home with her to farm?

For a moment, her mood was complicated, she only felt that her heart was swollen, she was a little happy, but also a little overwhelmed.

The man's low voice came from behind his ears, with a solemn meaning, "Don't worry, these things in Beijing will not last long, I have already prepared my back."

Yin Ziying's throat felt astringent, she paused before saying, "I'm afraid your identity is inappropriate."

Wei Lingyi chuckled lightly: "There is nothing inappropriate."

His hands moved quickly, helping her to tie her hair, and then turned her body around, looking at her quietly with a pair of deep eyes.

Just when Yin Ziying was staring at him uncomfortable and wanted to say something, he said casually: "I mean the truth."

He took her hand and sat on the armchair, and then said: "I have known about my life experience for a long time, and I don't want to recognize them..."

When the door of the study room was opened again, it was already late at night, Zhishu and Pingan stared at the hands of the two masters in disbelief.

Zhishu just glanced at her and then lowered her head silently. Sure enough, this Miss Yin is very popular with the eldest son, and she has already valued and intimated her so much before marriage.

But Ping An, who had known Yin Ziying for a long time, stared at the master and Miss Yin's hands with wide eyes, and his eyes flashed unbelievable. As the person who has been with the master for the longest time, he certainly knows the difference between the master and Miss Yin. .

He even discovered it a long time ago, for example, his master would suddenly look at something in a daze, for example, his master would eat an extra bowl of rice after eating what Miss Yin brought, and for example, his master would toss and turn in the middle of the night When I got up, I went to the study to paint.

Of course, for another example, only Miss Yin was painted in those paintings.

But no matter what, he thought that his master had made a bold decision, which was to fabricate his marriage with Miss Yin.

Unexpectedly, he met a more daring master now...

Sensing the fiery gaze behind her, Yin Ziying felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to withdraw her hand. Wei Lingyi finally got in touch with her, so how could he allow her to withdraw his hand?
He tightly clasped her slender and slender fingers, grasped the strength so that she would not feel pain and would not allow her to withdraw, and then he glanced back inadvertently.

"Ping An, Zhuangzi's affairs have not been arranged yet, you can go there again tomorrow."

Pingan was confused: "Master, Zhuangzi has already made arrangements." I just came back today!

"No, I have a new mission."

Pingan said: "Master, who will take care of you if I am not by your side! Let me come back! Let Guanyun go to Zhuangzi, didn't he just come back?"

"Let Mochizuki and Tingyu come over to serve tomorrow, and you and Yaoxing go to Zhuangzi."

Ping An: "...Yes."

Ping An was puzzled, why was he sent out when he finally came back?One must know that today he received news that because he was familiar with Miss Yin, the master specially called him back!

Zhishu glanced at him gloatingly when he passed by him, this stupid big guy was really dumb, if it wasn't for the fact that he had been by Shizi's side since he was a child, he might have been replaced long ago, right?

That night, Yin Ziying was lying on the bed staring at the curtain in a daze, she was reviewing everything between her and Wei Lingyi.

In fact, she was not indifferent to Wei Lingyi.

Since last year, it should be said, since the time he suddenly left Baijia Village, her heart may have been caught by him.

For such a long time, they seemed to be friends, but they were more than friends. It was a good thing for her that the two of them finally opened the window paper tonight.

She is not worried about her future with him in the future, at least she is not worried at the moment, she has always been a character who thinks about it, as long as she finds a way, she will not be afraid even if she goes to the dark.

And in her opinion, he is also such a person.

As for whether Wei Lingyi will keep his word and she will be the only one in the future, Yin Ziying is not worried at all. She can fall in love with him openly, and of course she can accept the risk of losing him.

After all, she has lived a lifetime and has her own principles and concepts. Of course, she is not willing to obey the ancient rules of three wives and four concubines.

And the reason why she is attracted to Wei Lingyi is also because everything that Wei Lingyi has shown before is different from the men in ancient times.

If one day Wei Lingyi wants to follow the pandemic and get involved with the three wives and four concubines, she will naturally not continue with him.

You can't choose to go this way because you are afraid that he will be unfaithful?If there was no trust at the beginning, she didn't feel the need to continue this matter.

Therefore, Yin Ziying, who had thought about these things clearly, was much more at ease than before, and her heart was much clearer.

But this night, someone else was tossing and turning in Zhennan Palace.

In the main courtyard, Wei Lingyi tossed and turned without falling asleep, until now, he was still very excited.

What happened tonight was an accident for him. He didn't expect such a thing to happen, and at the same time he was very glad that such a thing happened.

As long as he closes his eyes, he can see the girl's sparkling eyes, and the affection surging in them...

Thinking of the girl's soft lips, delicate waist, and what she said with a light smile that he would be responsible, his heart overflowed with infinite joy.

He made up his mind that he must deal with the affairs of the capital as soon as possible, and he must take her back to do what she wanted to do.

The sky outside the window was gradually brightening, so he didn't sleep at all, he got up and went to the yard to fight, and the servants in the yard were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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