Chapter 392 The Rootless Woman

This evening, some aristocratic families in Beijing were also very lively.

Cui's family, after Cui Boan returned home, he told his grandfather Cui Lao about this matter, when he finished talking about what happened at the gate of the city, his grandfather looked at him excitedly and said: "Really? "

Cui Boan nodded and smiled, "Grandfather, of course it's true, what happened right under my nose!"

"Then you can find out clearly, whose family's little lady is that?"

Cui Boan's smile remained unchanged: "Since it is said that it is a family member of Zhennan Prince's Mansion, I think it should be the Yin girl from Qinan Mansion."

"Miss Yin?" Old Master Cui was a little puzzled. When did Zhennan Wangfu have a family member who was Miss Yin?Could it be Wei Ting's new concubine?
Cui Bo'an said: "Grandfather, Wei Shizi's grandfather arranged a marriage for him, and I heard that the other party's surname is Yin."

"What kind of family does that girl come from? Let's go and find out. Such a woman is not a mortal, and our Cui family can make friends."

Cui Boan was a little surprised at how much his grandfather valued that woman, but after thinking about it, he said, "Grandfather, I heard that Miss Yin was only from a farming family..."

Before he finished speaking, he was beaten up by Mr. Cui, "You boy, if you are told to investigate, you can go, you don't care what family she comes from?"

The servant at the side stepped forward to hold Cui Bo'an, and persuaded him: "My lord, it's better to go and find out the news before you talk to the old man!"

Cui Bo'an was puzzled: "Grandfather, since that girl Yin has already been betrothed to Prince Wei, why should we go around again?"

No matter how you walk around, she is the daughter-in-law of Wei Shizi, so what does it have to do with their Cui family?
Old Man Cui stretched out his hand to hit his grandson again, "I thought you were a progressive, but now I see you are so stupid."

The servant at the side hurriedly came over to persuade him to go away. He sent it to the old man before he found out about it. Young master, this is still No.1, so he will be taught a lesson by the old man.

It wasn't until the servant brought Cui Bo'an down that old man Cui said to the servant: "You need to find someone to investigate this matter and find out who the Yin family girl is."

Servant: "Yes."

Old Mrs. Cui smiled and said: "This little lady has a sharp tongue, she can be said to have a brilliant tongue, and she said such a thing in such a small matter, I'm afraid Master Yin will have a headache tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he said: "When the time comes to find out, remember to tell me. If it is really Miss Yin, let the little lady at home get closer to her."

The servant hesitated: "Master, is this against the rules?"

They are the Boling Cui family, and the young lady in the family can be handed over even by the royal family, so why should they associate with a woman who has no foundation?

The smile on Old Master Cui's face paused, and he pointed at the old servant and said, "Look, you have committed the same leftist behavior as Liu Lang, making judgments about people when you are not sure about them."

"Regardless of whether she is the future imperial concubine of the Zhennan Palace or not, no matter what her background is, the little ladies in our clan can't compare to her current opinion. You don't want the little ladies in the clan to learn from others, or Why do you want to stop the little lady at home?"

The old servant bowed his head at what he said.

Old Master Cui smiled and shook his head.

At the same time, in Wang's courtyard, Wang Ziyang was also a little uneasy.

This made the maid who had been taking care of him couldn't help asking: "Master, why are you so restless today?"

Wang Ziyang was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "It's nothing, it's just that there are a few poems in today's poetry meeting that really catch my heart."

"Really? But I see that the young master is restless. Did something happen?"

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Ziyang to tell her that although this maid belonged to him, not all of them belonged to him. She was drawn to him by the clan.

Seeing that Wang Ziyang refused to speak, the maid did not force her, but only called the little girl after serving him to sleep.

"Let someone go and find out what happened to the young master today outside."

The little girl withdrew in response, and she took a pen to write down today's events. After the ink was completely dry, she put it in the envelope and sealed it carefully with wax paint.

"Please send this letter back to the clan."


In the room, Wang Ziyang opened his eyes and listened to the movement outside, and finally sighed in his heart.

Forget it, check it out!There are also people in the family who want to know, sooner or later.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, Yin Ziying didn't go out much in Beijing, and sat idle in Zhennan Palace every day.

On weekdays, she would go to chat with A Xing and A Tao, and spend most of the rest of her time in the study of the Zhennan Palace. Although it was a bit boring, she didn't mind.

During the few days when Yin Ziying did not leave the Zhennan Palace, the fiancée of the Zhennan Prince's son's fiancée at the gate of the city had already spread all over the capital.

Let’s not talk about the attitudes of the Korean, Chinese, military officials and His Majesty the Emperor towards this matter, let’s just say that it was April that year offline, and the students who came to participate in the Spring Festival hadn’t returned yet. The circle exploded.

In a restaurant in the outer city, countless scholars were discussing this matter.

"This Yin girl is really wise and brave. Her words actually made the deputy leader of the Imperial Army lose his position."

"Not only that, Miss Yin's remarks also made many gentlemen of the Imperial College comment and admire. After I heard that Xu Jijiu knew about it, I still sighed that it's a pity that Miss Yin is a daughter!"

"In this way, Miss Yin's talent may be higher than mine. After all, this is the comment of Lord Jijiu."

A student said with a smile: "Whether Miss Yin's talent is superior to ours or not, Miss Yin's quick wit must be superior to mine. No wonder such a talented woman is favored by Prince Wei even though she is from a humble background."

As soon as these words came out, more people echoed: "Yes, Wei Shizi is extremely talented, plus this Yin girl, how smart will the two of them be in the future?"

Suddenly, someone turned his head to look at Gu Yunyan who was sitting in the corner and said with a smile: "Brother Gu, I remember that you are from Qinan Mansion. Since Prince Wei and Miss Yin of Zhennan Prince's Mansion are both from Qinan Mansion, I don't know you Have you ever met the two of them when you were in your hometown?"

As soon as these words came out, all the students turned their heads to look at Gu Yunyan who was sitting in the corner, with unconcealable curiosity in their eyes.

Gu Yunyan didn't expect that someone would think of his hometown, he suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart and smiled lightly, "It's a coincidence, when I was in my hometown, I was not only fortunate to meet Prince Wei a few times, but also with him. This Miss Yin is in the same village."



Hearing this, many scholars walked towards Gu Yunyan's direction with curiosity in their eyes.

Someone glanced at the table where Gu Yunyan and the others were sitting and said, "How about this, since we are all students going to Beijing to rush for the exam, then let's all share the table and communicate together."

All the people in this restaurant today are students who are rushing for the exam, and now it happens to be the time when the exam is over and the results are released, so there are especially many students.

Some people felt a little dissatisfied when they heard the words, but more people agreed. After all, this is a student from Qinan Mansion, and he even threatened to come out of the same village with Miss Yin. This is the news from Miss Yin and Prince Wei. good opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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