Chapter 393

Someone stepped forward to comfort the few students who did not want to sit at the same table, "Brother, although there are a lot of people today, it is a rare opportunity. It is a kind of fate that we have so many students gathered together for the same period. what!"

"Yes, we have so many students, no matter whether they are in the middle school or not, if they pass in the future, they will be colleagues in the same period, and they can support each other. If they fail by chance, they will also be in the same period, right?"

The few students who didn't want to join the table also relaxed a little after hearing the words. In this way, the tables on the second floor of the entire restaurant were combined into several rectangles, and Gu Yunyan sat in the middle.

After everyone sat down, the waiter in the restaurant took the food off the table and replaced it with refreshments, and the students started chatting.

Someone looked at Gu Yunyan and asked, "Brother Gu, I don't know if what you just said is true or not. Is that girl Yin really from your village?"

"Yes, have you really met Mr. Wei? How did Mr. Wei and Miss Yin meet?"

"You said that you and Miss Yin came from the same village. Could it be that Miss Yin is really a farmer as said outside?"

Everyone looked at Gu Yunyan with piercing eyes, Gu Yunyan smiled slightly, and then nodded, "To tell you the truth, what I just said is true, not only I have met Wei Shizi, but there are better people in our village. Everyone has seen Wei Shizi."

"Miss Yin is indeed a farmer, but even in our ten miles and eight villages, Miss Yin's intelligence is well known. You don't know it. The reason why Miss Yin met Prince Wei is because Yin What a girl can do."

Everyone heard that, some people were heartbroken that Yin Ziying was really a peasant girl, and felt that such an intelligent woman should not be a peasant girl.

However, Xiao Yi has students from the same poor family who admire Yin Ziying immensely.Because from their point of view, Yin Ziying is the same as them, they both came from a poor family, and they have come to this day step by step.

Like these poor students, it took more time and effort than those clan children to get to this point since they were young, and Yin Ziying was their kind in their eyes.

Someone asked: "Brother Gu, you said that the reason Wei Shizi went to your village was because of Miss Yin's ability. I don't know what kind of ability it is?"

"That's right. Didn't the old man of the Wu family know Miss Yin's talent and name to make a marriage for Prince Wei? Could it be that the two of them knew each other?"

Gu Yunyan nodded and chuckled lightly: "That's right, it was the marriage between Prince Wei and Miss Yin that they made after they got to know each other first. You all don't know that Prince Wei had already become friends with Miss Yin before he got engaged to Miss Yin."

Seeing everyone's eagerness to listen, he continued: "Everyone knows the identity of Wei Shizi before he was found by the Zhennan Palace, right?"

"Who doesn't know this, the son of the Wu family, the merchant's family in Qinan Prefecture."

"I heard that at that time, Wei Shizi was already the most outstanding heir of the Wu family. This shows Wei Shizi's talent."

"That's right, it is said that the Cuixian Tower that has been opened all over the Great Yan Dynasty was founded by Wei Shizi."

Gu Yunyan smiled and said: "That's right, that's exactly the case. Cuixian Tower was founded by Wei Shizi, and it was because of Cuixianlou that Wei Shizi became attached to Miss Yin in the first place."

"I don't know if you have ever eaten in Cuixianlou before?"

When everyone heard the words, some shook their heads and some nodded.Cuixian Tower has now been opened all over the land of the Great Yan Dynasty, and the prices are also divided.

Whether you want to eat delicious delicacies or home-cooked side dishes, you can satisfy them in Cuixianlou. Therefore, Cuixianlou's customer base is extremely wide.

Among them, those who have never been to the Cuixian Tower are naturally those students from extremely poor families. Like today, if someone suggested that they come to the restaurant to have a meal and discuss some articles, they would not be able to spend money.

Gu Yunyan: "Cuixianlou's signature dishes, such as fish with pickled cabbage and pork stewed vermicelli, are all recipes provided by Miss Yin. Among them, everyone knows the sweet potato vermicelli and starch, right? To tell you the truth, these two things The birth of the girl has something to do with Miss Yin."

"What? What Brother Gu means is that Miss Yin made the sweet potato starch and sweet potato vermicelli?"

Gu Yunyan smiled and said: "I don't know about this, because I usually devote myself to reading at home. But there is a vermicelli workshop in our village, and many restaurants in the entire Dayan Dynasty go to the workshop in our village to order."

Someone said: "Is this workshop related to Miss Yin?"

"That's right. The old head of our village and Ms. Yin took the lead in this workshop at the beginning. Because of the opening of the workshop, people in several nearby villages have found jobs, so Ms. Yin is very famous in our area."

"It's so, I didn't expect Miss Yin to be so powerful!"

Some people sighed: "No wonder Mrs. Wu has been in business all his life and is willing to marry a peasant girl to Wei Shizi. It turns out that Miss Yin is so extraordinary."

"Yes, yes, such a woman should only exist in the sky!"

Next, everyone looked at Gu Yunyan with even more enthusiasm. They all wanted to know from him what Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi were like before. Gu Yunyan even told the truth.

After this student gathering, many people value Gu Yunyan very much. Some people think that he is very talented and learned. He has dabbled in all the topics and articles he mentioned and has his own unique insights.

Some people think that Gu Yunyan is very smooth. After all, in a place where so many people are present and so many people are talking to him, he can take care of everyone and answer everyone's questions, making people feel at home.

Many people think that if Gu Yunyan is really admitted to Jinshi in the future, it will be a step ahead of them.

After this gathering, many people were deeply impressed by Gu Yunyan.

Everyone started talking about Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi and ended up talking about strategies and articles during the exam.

Until the end of the party, a guy from the restaurant came up and asked, "Which one is Mr. Gu Yunyan?"

Gu Yunyan, who was surrounded by everyone, immediately stood up, "I am, what's the matter?"

The waiter in the restaurant smiled and said: "A beautiful young lady came to look for Mr. Gu, she said she was Mrs. Gu's wife."

Gu Yunyan glanced at the sky outside the window, and immediately bowed his hands to everyone, "Everyone, let's come here today, my wife is here to find, I'll go back now."

Someone jokingly said, "It's just that Brother Gu is too good. My sister-in-law even went to the restaurant to find him. Obviously she loves Brother Gu very much."

"Yeah, I didn't expect Brother Gu to bring his wife with him when he went to Beijing for the exam. I'm so envious."

"Shall we go see off Brother Gu together?"

Gu Yunyan hurriedly stopped, and then smiled at everyone and made an appointment to come back another day, then got up and went downstairs.

Although Gu Yunyan prevented everyone from giving them away, Gu Yunyan's performance in the restaurant today was too outstanding, so many people still sent them out.

When everyone saw Lu Xiuyu with delicate features like Xiaojiabiyu, they all teased Gu Yunyan in a friendly way.

"No wonder Brother Gu is willing to bring the respected wife to Beijing. It turns out that the respected wife is born so well."

"That's right, Mrs. Sister-in-law's appearance is not much different from Miss Yin who is famous all over the capital. This Qi Nan Mansion is really outstanding. Not only is there a lady as beautiful as Mrs. Yin, but she is also as beautiful as Mrs. Sister-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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