chapter 394
Lu Xiuyu was taken aback when she saw so many people coming down with Gu Yunyan, but she heard that these people were familiar with Gu Yunyan and were praising her, so she greeted them with a smile, and then bowed her head.

But when she heard that someone compared her with a Yin girl, and said that she was from the Qi Nan Mansion, she was stunned.

She didn't always feel that these people were referring to the Yin Ziying she knew, she just felt that there must be another very powerful and beautiful girl Yin Xing from Qi Nan Mansion in the capital.

Seeing her looking up with ignorant eyes, the students around immediately understood why Gu Yunyan married Lu Xiuyu, a woman who could only be called beautiful.

This woman's eyes seem to be able to speak, and her whole body has a lovely and pitiful posture. If they were them, I'm afraid they couldn't help but feel the desire to protect.

Some people felt that they had a good relationship with Gu Yunyan. Seeing this, they smiled at Lu Xiuyu and said, "Sister-in-law, don't you know? Miss Yin from your village has also come to the capital. Not only has she come, but she has also become famous in the capital!"

Lu Xiuyu's complexion changed slightly when she heard the words, Miss Yin from their village?Who else has the surname Yin in their village?Isn't there only one outsider, Yin Ziying?

For a moment, she couldn't believe her ears, but she didn't dare to change her expression in front of so many people, she just looked at the crowd pretending to be surprised and said, "Oh? Miss Yin from our village? I don't know what you are talking about. yes……"

"It's Miss Yin who took the lead in running the sweet potato workshop! Could it be that Mrs. Sister-in-law doesn't know Miss Yin well?"

"Oh, so it's her!" Lu Xiuyu forced a smile on her face, looked at several people and said, "I don't know what Miss Yin did to become famous in Beijing? Did she offend someone? If that's the case , then I have to discuss it with my husband and ask for mercy."

Hearing this, Gu Yunyan frowned slightly, reached out and took her hand, not wanting her to continue talking.

At this time, some enthusiastic students praised: "Sister-in-law is really kind-hearted, she actually wanted to ask for mercy. But there is no need, because Miss Yin did not offend anyone this time, and she is famous because of her talent."

"Talent name?" Lu Xiuyu was surprised on the face, but the silver teeth in her mouth were almost crushed. What kind of talent could Yin Ziying have?But it's just a little clever.

Seeing that Lu Xiuyu was really ignorant of this matter, several students immediately started popularizing science for Lu Xiuyu enthusiastically.

"Sister-in-law, don't you know that the fiancé of the lady Yin in your village is the only son Wei Shizi, the only son of King Zhennan, and the reason why Miss Yin became famous is when she entered the city gate a few days..."

Some students praised: "Is there any king in the world? Although I am a citizen of Qinan Prefecture, I am also a citizen of Great Yan Kingdom. Does Your Majesty want one dynasty and two systems? Miss Yin is really talented and quick-witted." Even if it were me who would be embarrassed, I'm afraid I can't think of a better answer than this."

"Yes, yes! Miss Yin is really talented!"

But at this time, Lu Xiuyu, who heard what had happened, felt cold all over. She didn't expect that Yin Ziying would follow her to the capital, let alone that Yin Ziying would make such a big splash in the capital.

What she couldn't accept even more was, isn't Wu Ling just the owner of Cuixian Tower?Why did he suddenly become the eldest son of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion?
Lu Xiuyu felt a surge of gloom in her heart, and she almost couldn't stand up.

Gu Yunyan on the side supported her arms with quick eyes and quick hands, and nodded to the students with a smile: "It's getting late, then my wife and I will say goodbye first, and see you again."

After they came out to see Gu Yunyan off, they chatted about Yin Ziying again. They had already been delayed at the entrance of the restaurant for half a quarter of an hour. Naturally, they couldn't force them to stay at this time, so they all smiled and said goodbye to Gu Yunyan and his wife.

It wasn't until Gu Yunyan and Lu Xiuyu walked away that some students touched their chins and said, "Although this sister-in-law has a special flavor, she looks like a sick beauty."

The scene where Lu Xiuyu almost collapsed and was supported by Gu Yunyan just now turned into the fact that Lu Xiuyu was in poor health in the eyes of everyone. Therefore, when these words came out, many people nodded in agreement.

"Although it has a special flavor, we are not blessed to enjoy it."

"Yeah, we still like women who are healthier and plump. Speaking of which, have you ever seen that girl Yin? She is really beautiful and beautiful?"

Among the crowd was someone who happened to meet Yin Ziying at the gate of the city that night, so he immediately took a step forward, "It was my honor to meet Miss Yin that day."

"Oh? How?"

"But is it really as beautiful as in the legend?"

The student said: "I don't dare to say Zhong Lingyuxiu, I just took a look at her from a distance, and I only felt that she had an aura of neither humbleness nor overbearing, her words were well-founded, and her voice was like a jewel. I think the word "beautiful woman" is deserved."

"Compared to my sister-in-law just now?"

The student said solemnly: "It's not the same type, so of course they can't be compared, but if I were to say it, it would be better for a woman like Miss Yin."

All the students burst into laughter when they heard the words, and when the students had finished laughing, one of them came out and said to the crowd: "No matter what, this Brother Gu is a powerful person, you should make friends with him!"

If Gu Yunyan knows that you are secretly comparing Miss Yin with his wife, I'm afraid you will not look good on your face.

As soon as the words fell, the other person also stepped forward and said: "Yes, yes, the Qi Nan Mansion is really outstanding, not only there are people like Wei Shizi and Miss Yin, but I think Brother Gu is also very talented."

The person who spoke was the person who was unwilling to share the table at the beginning. Although he was not visible in the capital, he was also a person from a small family.

Seeing that he said so, all the students fell silent.

The student who had just said that he had seen Yin Ziying originally wanted to say that he seemed to see Miss Yin's hair curled up like a woman's temples that day, but he didn't dare to say it again after seeing this.

He is not afraid to offend a Gu Yunyan, but if he accidentally offends the Zhennan Palace, it will be terrible.

The lively atmosphere here cannot be synchronized with Gu Yunyan and Lu Xiuyu.

At this moment, in a small courtyard in the outer city, Lu Xiuyu looked at Gu Yunyan with a pale face, with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

If she hadn't realized it just now, but after walking all the way, she had already realized it, even if Yin Ziying was really famous at the gate of the city, so what?

These students came from various state capitals of the Great Yan Dynasty, how could they know that Yin Ziying also took the lead in opening a sweet potato workshop?Did you know they belong to the same village?

Based on her understanding of Yin Ziying, Yin Ziying didn't bother to greet them when she saw them, so how could she take the initiative to say that they belonged to the same village?Then there is only one possibility, the person who told those students that they are in the same village is Gu Yunyan.

She looked at Gu Yunyan in confusion, her eyes filled with heartbreak, "Husband, why...why did you help her like this?"

After thinking all the way, she has come to understand that Yin Ziying just had a small quarrel with someone at the city gate, how could it be spread to everyone?

So the person who spread the news must be Gu Yunyan. Her husband is actually making his ex-wife famous, which made her feel even more bitter.

(End of this chapter)

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