Chapter 396 After the Hero
After a while, Princess Changyue sighed softly: "Yeah, I hate that your Majesty still can't figure out what the mother knows, and what will happen if the disaster of Gengshan is left behind in the court?" !"

"Your Highness, speak carefully."

Even in the mansion of the eldest princess, it may not be guaranteed that there will be no eyes and ears of others, not to mention that the hearts of the people in this mansion are already floating in all directions.

Princess Changyue smiled coldly: "So what if my imperial brother hears about it? Geng Shan has committed a lot of evil these years, so he should never be considered an uncle. Your Majesty has protected him a lot.

But now that Gengshan is actually attacking the Zhennan Palace, does he really think that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers on my frontier are nothing but mud?So what if he really took back the military power in the hands of King Zhennan?Could it be that my royal family of Dayan can be worthy of the people of Liming in the world?
His Majesty thought that he would be able to rest easy if he took back the military power in the hands of King Zhennan, but he never thought that taking back the military power in the hands of King Zhennan would actually be the beginning of chaos.

The ancestors of the Wei family have guarded the borders and closed the country for my Dayan for generations. Let’s not say that we treat people well, but now they are plotting against others. Is your majesty really afraid that my Dayan will not be messed up? "

Hearing Princess Changyue's rebellious words, Madam Zhang said anxiously, "Your Highness!"

Even if Princess Changyue is the direct elder sister of the current Holy Majesty, and she has shown great kindness to him, if word like this spreads out, it may cause suspicion between the siblings.

What's more, other interested people hear it?

Princess Changyue said: "Among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the frontier, at least [-] are locals in the frontier. In the eyes of those people, Wei Ting is their sky. So what if you take back the tiger talisman? Even holding the tiger talisman can't summon these soldiers.

Of course I know that King Zhennan has too much power, but the correct approach is to take it slowly, instead of being so ignorant of the so-called opening and closing. Your Majesty is betting on his reputation. "

Nanny Zhang was stunned, and then sighed after a while, "Since your Highness knows, why don't you persuade Your Majesty? The only one who can persuade His Majesty is you, a sister."

Although the Tian family is ruthless, after all, it is their own master who supports the throne of God, and they have always been brothers and sisters of their own blood, so the intimacy is naturally needless to be mentioned.

To say that since the first emperor and the first queen mother left, there are not many people in the civil and military circles of the Manchu Dynasty who can advise today, and my master, who is the older sister, can definitely occupy one of the positions.

Princess Changyue shook her head and sighed: "I haven't meddled in political affairs for ten years, and it's not a good time to speak up now, and now he only let Geng Shan do it, and he didn't show such intentions in a big way, so naturally I can't say anything."

No matter how reluctant she was when she said she would no longer participate in government affairs, now that time has passed so many years, anyone will change, let alone such things as rights?

She used the name of eldest sister to beat and raise points, which would only make the other party feel rebellious, and instead, she would avoid her step by step. If this is the case, why should she intervene?

Nanny Zhang smiled and said, "Since that's the case, why should His Highness care? Just ignore it as usual?"

Seeing that Princess Changyue frowned slightly, she comforted her and said, "Your Majesty was brought up by you, and His Majesty always listens to you at any time. I know that you are worried about Dayan fighting again, but think about it, Could it be that Zhennan Wang is such a man who can be manipulated by others?

I haven't come into contact with others, but as for the delicate and soft wife of Princess Zhennan, she is also more thoughtful than lotus root, and her scheming methods are not much less than the one in the harem.

Now that the eldest son of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion has also been found, the one who can lead the Wu family to a higher level in the merchant's family, what are you worried about?According to the servants, Your Highness, you can just watch with peace of mind. Although Geng Shan has a holy family and a high position and authority, he may not be the opponent of that family of foxes. "

Princess Changyue shook her head when she heard the words, "Of course I know Xiao Yi and Wei Ting's methods, but they are not in the capital right now, and they are so far away from the capital. It’s beyond my reach.”

"Although Wei Lingyi's resume looks very exciting, the things in the mall are different from those in Beijing, so I'm still a little worried."

Nanny Zhang smiled and said, "Shizi Wei may be inexperienced, but he has a pair of eyes, doesn't he?"

Seeing Princess Changyue looking at her in a daze, Madam Zhang's face remained unchanged, and she continued to smile and said:

"Your Highness, even though you helped him casually because he was a hero, it cannot be denied that Wei Shizi's ability to control people is excellent. I also heard that the whole Yushitai was repeated a while ago. What a grand occasion!"

Years ago, there was a picture of everyone impeaching Geng Shan in the entire Yushitai in the court hall. It was the first time since the founding of the Great Yan Dynasty that the Yushitai was so orderly.

And just a few days ago, this scene happened again in the court. All the censors in the entire Yushitai jointly impeached Yin Hang, the leader of the Forbidden Army, and even directly made Yin Hang lose the position of the leader of the Forbidden Army.

Of course she knew about the first incident, it must have been written by her own master, but many of the censors were also moved by the little master of the Zhennan Palace.

But she was clear about this matter a few days ago. Her master didn't even move a finger. The little master of the Zhennan Palace easily changed the leader of the imperial army. Isn't this enough to prove that he ability?
Princess Changyue said: "It's just borrowing some of my previous momentum."

She can guarantee that if she hadn't invited those old men from Yushitai years ago, so many people would not have participated in the impeachment of Yin Hang a few days ago.

Aunt Zhang smiled and poured the boiled tea into a cup and handed it to Princess Changyue, then she said without changing her face: "Whether it is or not, it is also a kind of ability of Wei Shizi, can His Highness deny all this? ?"

If there were any other servants here who heard Madam Zhang speak so rebelliously to Princess Changyue, they would have knelt down to plead guilty.

Because Zhang Nanny didn't have the slightest sense of being a slave at the moment, not only refuted the master's words in front of the master, but also said that someone else controlled his master.

Strangely, Princess Changyue was not angry at all, and still respected her very much.

Princess Changyue smiled slightly: "Ma'am is right, if it really looks like this, then Wei Lingyi is very smart."

"However..." She changed the subject, but the smile disappeared from her face: "So what? Although Wei Lingyi is capable, he can't resist the Sacred Heart. Geng Shan's frequent actions recently have already provoked The princes in the court are very dissatisfied, if they continue to let it go, not to mention the frontiers, even the court will be in chaos."

She secretly thought in her heart, especially that guy Geng Shan, if Geng Shan is allowed to gain power again, the people in the court will sooner or later become the kind of people who follow the power.

If this is the case, the Great Yan Dynasty's country may be over, which is why she made an exception to meet the princes of the court.

The trend of Gengshan must be stopped, and if it is left unchecked, it will cause serious trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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