Chapter 397

Nanny Zhang smiled and pushed the tea towards Princess Changyue again, "Your Highness, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. According to my slaves, although Gengshan is powerful, but in front of Wei Shizi It doesn't have to be a sure win, let alone Wei Shizi recently got an extra help?"

"Help?" Princess Changyue raised her eyebrows.

Mother Zhang smiled and said, "That Miss Yin is probably not an ordinary person, otherwise how could she cut off Geng Shan's left and right arms with just a few words?"

Although Yin Hang, the leader of the imperial army, is a pure official today, everyone knows that the relationship between Yin Hang and Geng Shan is even better, and the two call each other brothers in private.

It's just because Concubine Geng is deeply loved by the present, so there is no defense against Gengshan now, but in the mainland, who doesn't know who?

Princess Changyuechang said: "So what if that girl is nice? One day the Sacred Heart is on Geng Shan, and Geng Shan is better than Wei Lingyi."

It is precisely because the younger brother she single-handedly supported has changed so much now that she hesitates in her heart. She doesn't know whether she should step into this situation.

Nanny Zhang glanced around, then lowered her voice and said, "Why do you need to worry, Your Highness? In the eyes of all the princes in the court, His Highness's heart is no worse than the Sacred Heart."

"Mother Zhang!"

Princess Changyue looked at the old nanny who was pouring tea in astonishment, as if she couldn't believe what she said just now.

But this was the first time she had heard such outrageous words spit out of her mouth. The reason for the outrageous words was not because she was talking about her, but because she was talking about the present.

Nanny Zhang hurriedly got up, then knelt down to plead guilty.

Seeing her movements, Princess Changyue sighed slightly: "Nurse Zhang, why are you bothering?"

Nanny Zhang looked at Princess Changyue with a solemn expression, and she said: "Your Highness, I watched you and Your Majesty grow up. If the country of the Great Yan Dynasty makes a mistake, it cannot be changed."

Princess Changyue straightened her expression, then nodded, "I see."

Seeing Princess Changyue closing her eyes and pinching her brows, Nanny Zhang also breathed a sigh of relief, then she got up quickly and went out.

It is not so easy to persuade the master, even if she bears the secret order of the first emperor, she is just a servant, fortunately the master is not angry this time.

When Princess Ning Le, who lives in the Yilan Courtyard, learned that the main court had just received several princes from the imperial court, and summoned Madam Zhang, her complexion changed.

She glanced at the sky and asked the serving servant, "How long has it been since the princess called Madam Zhang in?"

The servant glanced at the hourglass in the corner, and hurriedly replied, "Go back to Princess, it's been a quarter of an hour now."

"It's been a quarter of an hour? Well, maybe I haven't gone to say hello to my sister for a long time, so let's go and talk to my sister today!"

The servant at the side said: "It happens that the red dates and white fungus soup has just been cooked in the small kitchen, the princess, why don't you bring some to Her Royal Highness to have a taste?"

Princess Ning Le nodded with a smile: "It's better for you to be thoughtful, go ahead and serve more, my sister is not in good health, so I should drink more warming things."

When the group of people walked to the main courtyard of the Princess Mansion, they happened to see the servants coming and going in and out of the main courtyard, Princess Ning Le was stunned.

The servant at the side cleverly grabbed a little girl from the main courtyard and said, "Is Your Highness the Princess in there? Our princess is here."

Seeing them, the little girl saluted Princess Ningle with a smile, and then said: "The princess doesn't know anything, our son-in-law is back, and we are in the yard now!"

Xu Fang is here?

Princess Ning Le's complexion changed slightly, she only felt a gloom in her chest, neither up nor down.

The eldest princess's maid came out and just saw Princess Ning Le and the others, she immediately smiled and said: "The princess is here? Please wait here, I will go in and report to the princess."

After finishing speaking, the maid glared at the little girl before rushing into the main courtyard.

When he heard that Princess Ningle was coming, Xu Fang straightened his collar immediately, and said in a deep voice, "Since Princess Ningle is here, you two sisters should have a good talk, and I'll go to the study to read."

Princess Changyue said to the maid without changing her expression: "Just tell Princess Ning Le that it's inconvenient for me to entertain her when the son-in-law is back. Let her come back another day!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand and pulled Xu Fang's arm, and Xu Fang stopped.

Outside, Princess Ning Le, who heard the maid's reply, had a slight smile on her face, "Let me just say, the son-in-law finally came back, so I naturally don't want to disturb you."

She waved her hand to signal the servant behind her to reveal the tray she was carrying, and smiled at the maid, "I know my sister is not in good health, and she always needs to eat something warm and nourishing. I just cooked a soup of red dates and white fungus in the small kitchen over there." , and please bring it in for my sister."

The maid hurriedly reached out to take it, and thanked her solemnly.

Princess Ning Le waved her hand to indicate that nothing was wrong, then waved her hand and walked back quickly, and she did not look down until she was out of the main courtyard and there was no one around.

hateful!How did it happen that Xu Fang came back after summoning Madam Zhang?Is this a coincidence or an accident?

The servant at the side hurriedly whispered: "Master, this is the eldest princess' mansion after all."

The servant was very worried, obviously he lived in his princess's mansion, why is this master still so incapable of putting on a face?If this is seen by the princess's servants, I don't know what the princess thinks!

Princess Ning Le immediately put on a gentle and harmless smile when she heard the words, and even smiled and nodded to the servant.

Only the servant sighed in his heart when he saw that smile. It seemed that today was going to be marked down, but what could she do?

Princess Ning Le returned to her Yilan Courtyard, and after confirming that the courtyard was full of her own people, she kicked over the small stool placed on the porch.

An aunt in charge at the side came up to persuade: "Oh, my good princess, didn't you go to the princess's side? What's the matter?"

County Master Ning Le pushed away the aunt in charge who stepped forward, and continued on her feet, the aunt in charge hurriedly said in a low voice: "My good princess, although this side is not close to the main courtyard, the partition wall has ears..."

Although her voice was low, Princess Ning Le could hear it clearly, she restrained her expression, and then got up and entered the room.

The aunt in charge didn't follow immediately, but reprimanded the people in the yard, "Keep your mouth shut, if you say something wrong outside and damage the princess' reputation..."

"The servant dare not."

"The slaves dare not."

The aunt in charge snorted coldly, and called a few confidant maids around her to whisper a few words in their ears, and then entered the room after giving her orders.

I saw Princess Ningle sitting on the soft couch in the room, holding a silver needle in her hand to prick the pillow in her hand, although she didn't make any noise, it made the aunt in charge feel a chill in her heart.

But in a short period of time, I don't know what happened, why did my princess commit left sex again?
The aunt in charge: "Princess, be careful."

Princess Ning Le stopped what she was doing when she heard the words and looked up at her, "Is everyone outside beating?"

"Don't worry, princess, I won't spread a single word."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to take the pillow and silver needle from Princess Ningle, "Princess, this thing is vulgar, be careful if you hurt your hand, give it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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