Chapter 409: For Revenge
Hearing this, Wei Lingyi was overjoyed, and hurriedly sat close to her and helped her tidy up her hair.

There are much more hair temples in the capital city than those in Qi Nan Mansion, and there is no such rigid and rigid rule that unmarried girls must hang all their hair down. It seems that Feixian Temple, which has been very popular in the past two years, has many boudoir daughters. Follow the plate.

Today Zhishu arranged Yin Ziying's temples like this. Wei Lingyi would simply make a hairpin, but not comb her hair.

"Ahem... Wei Lingyi said unnaturally: "Why don't you let someone come over? "

Upon hearing this, Yin Ziying stretched out her hand to touch the back of her head, found a mess of hair, and immediately glared at him.

Wei Lingyi felt that he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to talk to her, so he went out to discuss with the people outside. Not long after, the carriage stopped and Zhishu got into the carriage.

It was clear what had happened with just a glance at the book, the two masters had only been alone for a short while, and their hair was already messed up like this, she would not believe that nothing happened.However, as a servant, she didn't dare to ask any questions, she just knelt behind Yin Ziying and curled her hair silently.

Zhishu's hands are very skillful, and it didn't take long to re-coil her hair. Yin Ziying stretched out her hand to touch it, and then looked at Zhishu, "Zhishu's hands are really skillful, he knows everything."

At first, when Wei Lingyi gave her Zhishu and Yinghua, she thought that these two maids were just good at kung fu, but she didn't expect them to be so good at cooking and living.

Wei Lingyi glanced at Zhishu, and then said to Yin Ziying: "Zhishu and Yinghua were specially trained by my father in the army at the beginning, and there are still several of them in the army."

Yin Ziying asked curiously, "Is it for the cultivation of Princess Zhennan?"

I heard that Zhennan Wang Weiting loves his wife Xiao Yi very much, and has not taken concubines in the backyard for many years. I don't know if this is the reason.

Unexpectedly, Wei Lingyi shook his head.


Wei Lingyi glanced at Zhishu, and said after a while: "No, they were originally sent to the enemy's country."

Yin Ziying was stunned for a moment, then realized immediately, sending her into the enemy country, then this is an undercover agent!
She turned her head and glanced at Zhishu, who was kneeling behind her, and thought that she was good at martial arts, combing her hair, and housekeeper. As for Yinghua, although she couldn't comb her hair, she was good at fragrance.

At first, she wondered why the two of them learned everything as domestic slaves. If they were undercover agents, then everything would be explained clearly.

Seeing her react, Wei Lingyi nodded and said nothing.

It took Yin Ziying a long time before she sighed: "They are only in their teens, and they know martial arts and these other things. Isn't it very hard?"

What she didn't notice was that when she said this, the Zhishu behind her was stunned for a moment.

Wei Lingyi saw the other party's reaction in his eyes, and then took Yin Ziying's hand and said in a low voice: "It's for revenge. Their family members and relatives died at the hands of the enemy army, and this is also their own will."

My father said that every undercover agent was recruited before being trained.

Although cruel, but also for revenge.

Just when Yin Ziying was about to say something more, the coachman's voice came from outside.

"My lord, girl, the eldest princess mansion is here."

Wei Lingyi shook her hand: "Don't think too much, today you will be with Mrs. Dingyuan Hou. With her here, other wives dare not say anything about you."

Yin Ziying responded, and was then supported by Zhishu to get out of the car. Madam Dingyuan Hou had already got out of the car, and she smiled when she saw her get down.

"Come on, Ziying, come and walk by my side."

Yin Ziying knew that this was Mrs. Dingyuanhou's care for her, so she walked up immediately, and Mrs. Dingyuanhou immediately held her hand.

The two passed by the carriage, and heard Wei Lingyi's hoarse voice from inside the carriage: "Madam, I am sorry for your trouble."

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou replied, and then she smiled narrowly at Yin Ziying who was beside her: "I never thought that Ziying would be so charming in a golden house."

Yin Ziying blushed, "Ma'am, what are you talking about?"

"Hahaha, what I mean is that some people love their daughter-in-law. If only my kid could find a wife soon. I've already wanted to have a grandson when I'm old."

The two walked to the eldest princess's mansion talking and laughing, and their own servants stepped forward to hand over the post.

At this time, there were a few big maidservants and an old nanny standing at the gate of the Princess's mansion. When they saw Mrs. Dingyuan Hou, they all came forward to salute with smiles:
"Mrs. Dingyuan Hou, long time no see, the princess is thinking of you!"

A big servant girl said: "This is the future princess of Zhennan Wang Shifei, right? She really is like a delicate flower, and this servant girl will lead you in."

Hearing this, the smile on Madam Dingyuanhou's face faded, and she said: "No need, I am also familiar with the Princess's mansion, I will lead Ziying in by myself."

Hearing this, the old mother at the side gave the big maid a dark look, then she smiled and stepped forward to Mrs. Dingyuan Hou and said:
"Madam was joking, leading the way is my duty as a servant, if Madam doesn't dislike it, how about I lead Madam and Miss Yin in?"

The expression on Madam Dingyuan Hou's face became better now, and she nodded, and when she walked in behind the old nanny, she whispered to Yin Ziying: "This is the Nanny Wen next to the eldest princess. , who came out of the palace, and is considered a relatively respectable figure in the Princess's residence."

Even though she had never participated in such an occasion again, Yin Ziying also understood why Mrs. Dingyuan Hou's face suddenly appeared outside the gate of the eldest princess's mansion just now. This was Mrs. Dingyuanhou making a face for her!

She was moved in her heart, and she listened carefully to Madam Dingyuan Hou's exhortation on her face.

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou looked more and more satisfied, look, this obedient child, if only she had such a daughter?Even such an obedient daughter-in-law is not bad.

Not long after, Nanny Wen led the two of them into a long hall, where many ladies and ladies in luxurious clothes were sitting together talking in twos and threes.

Nanny Wen led the two of them to a chair and then said with a smile: "Mrs. Hou, you and Miss Yin sit here and have a sip of tea first, and I will tell our princess right away."

People have already come in, and it is a place like the Princess's Mansion. Of course, Mrs. Dingyuanhou can't be as shameless as she was outside the door just now, so she immediately responded with a smile.

After that Nanny Wen left, she dragged Yin Ziying to sit down, and she had no intention of going up to greet those noble ladies.

With Mrs. Dingyuan Hou taking her with her, Yin Ziying didn't think much about it, and sat down with peace of mind.

The maid hadn't served tea yet, someone had already glanced over there. Seeing Madam Dingyuan Hou with a strange woman, she was a little curious.

After a while, a luxuriously dressed lady brought two fourteen or fifteen-year-old girls over to greet Mrs. Dingyuanhou.

"I thought it was someone who was so old after sitting down. It turned out to be Mrs. Hou, Huanying, Huanxuan, why don't you two hurry up and greet Mrs. Hou."

Two fourteen or fifteen-year-old girls hurriedly stepped forward to salute Mrs. Dingyuanhou. Mrs. Dingyuanhou praised a few words, and then said to Yin Ziying who was at the side: "This is the second wife of the Anning Hou family. They are the two daughters under the second lady's knees, Sister Ying and Sister Xuan."

(End of this chapter)

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