Chapter 410 Who dares to despise you?
The second wife of Anning Hou's family didn't notice Yin Ziying just now, but when Mrs. Dingyuan Hou mentioned it, she pretended to be surprised and said: "Mrs. Hou, is this your natal niece?"

Even though she said so, the expression on her face was disbelief. Everyone knew that although Mrs. Dingyuan Hou came from the Xie family in Chenjun, she was only a collateral line, and she didn't go around much with her natal family.

This pretty girl doesn't look like Madam Dingyuanhou's niece, but if not, who could it be?

The circle in Beijing is so big, this person looks like a real face.

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou took Yin Ziying's hand affectionately and smiled at the second wife of Anning Hou's mansion: "I forgot to introduce to the second lady. This is Miss Yin, who is also the fiancee of Wei Shizi."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the second wife of the Marquis of Anning, even the two little girls behind her and the people not far away who were listening attentively to the commotion were startled.

Here Yin Ziying greeted the second wife of the Anning Hou Mansion with a smile, but the second lady of the Anning Hou Mansion reacted and hurriedly stepped aside.

Just kidding, who doesn't know that this girl Yin is a powerful character despite her humble background?Who would dare to underestimate her if she lost her official position with just a few words?
"Miss Yin is serious, I can't accept this gift from you."

Yin Ziying said: "Ma'am, you are serious. You are my elder. It is right for juniors to salute elders."

What are you kidding?Ask the future concubine of Zhennan Palace to salute her?From now on, when she becomes a regular, I still don't know how to give her a break!

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou smiled and took Yin Ziying's hand: "Ziying, what the second lady said is right, we all salute according to official positions in the capital, and although the second lady is older than you, it is yours to speak of." same generation."

Hearing this, Yin Ziying almost didn't laugh out loud. Although the second wife of the Anning Hou Mansion seemed to be in good condition, she was at least four years old, right?

A person who is on the verge of four is actually the same generation as her, so that would be too bullying.

The second wife of the Anning Hou's Mansion was a little embarrassed when she heard this, but she only forced a smile a few times, and then asked the two daughters behind her to greet Yin Ziying.

"What are you still doing in a daze, you haven't greeted Miss Yin yet."

These two are decent official ladies, besides, Yin Ziying knew who she was, and also knew that Mrs. Dingyuanhou's words just now were just to squeeze the second Mrs. Anninghou, so she also gave a peer salute to the two of them.

The two girls looked at her curiously. They had heard of Yin Ziying's name before, but this was the first time they saw her.

At this time, a lot of new people came in from outside, Mrs. Dingyuan Hou glanced over there, and immediately said to Yin Ziying with a smile: "There are some ladies over there that you want to meet, let's go, I lead you there."

Seeing this, the second lady of Anninghou's mansion was immediately ashamed and annoyed, only thinking that Mrs. Dingyuanhou was deliberately trying to save her face.

But when she saw the ladies over there, she didn't care about being ashamed, so she hurried over with her daughter.

The ones who just came in were a few old ladies, followed by many beautiful girls, and the person who brought in was also the wen mother of the eldest princess' mansion.

Madam Dingyuan Hou smiled when she came close: "I said that the princess will definitely see the two dukes and wives at the banquet here. Look, it really is waiting."

The leader, a silver-haired old lady, said with a smile: "I just said that there is someone in Beijing who is so reckless. It turned out to be you, the thirteenth mother of the Xie family."

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou stomped her feet and scolded: "Aunt and grandma despise me, I don't agree with that."

The old woman smiled and stretched out her finger to touch Mrs. Dingyuanhou's forehead, then said with a smile: "How can that be! Who dares to despise you? Your family, Dingyuanhou, is not a vegetarian."

All of a sudden, the ladies nearby covered their mouths and giggled.

Mrs. Dingyuan Hou was not annoyed when she was teased, she directly pulled Yin Ziying who was standing aside and introduced: "Grandma, Mrs. Yi Guogong, let me introduce you, this is Ziying, the fiancee of Prince Wei."

After finishing speaking, she said to Yin Ziying: "This one is Mrs. Jingguo, and this one is Mrs. Yiguo. Both ladies are real elders. Come and see me."

Jing Guogong is from the family of the former empress dowager, and Yi Guogong is from the family of the former empress dowager. Yin Ziying of these two great families naturally knew about it, so at this moment, Madam Dingyuan Hou introduced her, and she immediately bowed to the two old ladies obediently. .

"Junior Yin Ziying, I have met Mrs. Yi Guogong and Mrs. Jingguo Gong."

Mrs. Jing Guo heard the words, and said to Yin Ziying with a smile: "Good boy, really a good boy, get up quickly, you don't have to be polite."

Mrs. Yi Guogong also asked Yin Ziying to get up with a smile. The two distinguished old ladies were so polite to Yin Ziying for a while, which surprised everyone in the hall who paid attention to this area.

Who doesn't know that Yin Ziying's real identity is just a peasant girl?It's not unusual for an ordinary peasant girl to make two old ladies so polite.

Yin Ziying also thought this was the beginning, but she was wrong, it was just the beginning.

Two old ladies walked up to her smiling, one pulled out a beautiful ruby ​​hairpin from her head to reward her, and the other grabbed her hand and wanted to put on her a jade bracelet that had just come off her hand.

Yin Ziying hastily declined: "You two old ladies, you can't do this, it's too precious."

Mrs. Yasukuni had already inserted the hairpin into her bun, and when she saw her saying this, she just shook her head with a smile: "You are a junior, and I am an elder. I will give you a greeting gift. Don't be surprised."

Mrs. Yi Guogong at the side also smiled and said: "Well, such a pleasing little lady, I can only meet one after many years, so don't give me something to play with."

Yin Ziying still wanted to speak, but Mrs. Dingyuanhou at the side spoke in a timely manner: "Ziying, you can accept what the two old ladies reward you. The gift from the elders is irresistible."

She had said so, but Yin Ziying had no choice but to accept it, and she solemnly thanked the two old ladies.

In this way, Yin Ziying, who was already attracting attention, was even more attractive in this hall.

Not long after, an old nun walked into the hall and announced to the guests: "Ladies and gentlemen, please move to the garden. Our princess will have a banquet there today."

Saying so, there were a few pretty maidservants leading the way ahead, of course the lower ranks were assigned first in the hall, and a few noble ladies left first, followed by Mrs. Dingyuanhou.

And Mrs. Dingyuanhou kept holding Yin Ziying's hand, so Yin Ziying could be regarded as the first group of people to follow after the old ladies left.

Behind them, many ladies and ladies looked at the girl who was holding hands with Mrs. Dingyuanhou, with complex expressions flashing in their eyes.

Soon, everyone followed the maid to an open garden, and the rockery and carved corridors they passed were all exquisite and beautiful.

Yin Ziying thought that the scenery of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion was already very good, but she didn't expect that it was much worse than the scenery here in the Princess's Mansion.

She sighed in her heart, as expected of ancient times, there are so many ingenious craftsmen.

These aesthetics are equally respected by future generations thousands of years later. Compared with the imitation gardens she has visited in modern times, they are really inferior by several grades.

(End of this chapter)

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