Chapter 429 Good Time

"because I?"

Yin Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "I've met the person who sued this time?"

Wei Lingyi thought for a while, and finally nodded.

"Is it someone from that village?"

Wei Lingyi didn't answer, but just looking at his face, Yin Ziying also understood what he meant, she guessed right.

"Who is here?"

"It's Dahu now, but soon others will come."

Tiger?The name Yin Ziying is still familiar, and I still remember that when she and Sister Xuan were first kidnapped, among those men, the one named Da Hu was the friendliest to Sister Xuan.

Unexpectedly, it was he who came to the capital to sue the imperial court, which is no wonder, after all, although the imperial court can be heard by the heavens, it actually has to suffer a lot.

Perhaps only a young man with a strong physique like Dahu can stand it.

Seeing Yin Ziying's complexion changed, Wei Ling said, "Why, do you really remember him?"

"Of course I remember what you said. Speaking of which, Duhu is not a bad person, and he took good care of Sister Xuan back then."

Thinking of this, Yin Ziying said again: "Does A Xing and A Tao know what happened this time?"

Wei Lingyi shook his head: "You don't even know, let alone them?" It can be said that even the Zhennan Wang couple who are far away in the frontier don't know about this matter.

Thinking of the identities of A Xing and A Tao, although Yin Ziying knew clearly, she also reminded: "You still have to tell the sisters about this matter, although their identities may not necessarily come from that village, but that village treats them well." No, they also regard the people in the village as their relatives."

Now that she knew that the identities of A Xing and A Tao were not simple, of course she would not let Wei Lingyi offend the two sisters.

To be honest, if A Xing and A Tao really returned to the Princess's Mansion in the future, she would not want them to quarrel with Wei Lingyi.

Wei Lingyi reached out and squeezed her hand: "Don't worry about this, I know it well."

Yin Ziying said again: "Although the capital is troubled now, the rice is the first batch after all. I am still worried about the situation there. I want to go back and see for myself."

Although she planted the rice seeds, it was the first time to plant them in the north after all, and peppers would be planted next, so she still wanted to go back and have a look.

Wei Lingyi also knew what kind of existence rice was to her, and nodded immediately: "I understand what you mean, so let me think about it."

Originally, he thought that once such a thing happened, relying on several important ministers and the eldest princess, going to Qi Nan Mansion to collect evidence would go very smoothly.

But these days, according to the news from there, although the two adults are diligent and conscientious, they are too conscientious, because his arrangement makes them think that it is a flag that others set up to harm Gengshan.

It is also because of this that the people from Qi Nan Mansion have never come back, if it wasn't for the subordinates taking the opportunity to act...

Yin Ziying said, "This matter has become such a big mess, how do you think it will be dealt with later?"

Although Geng Shan was usually favored, with Concubine Geng standing behind him, the emperor naturally doted on them.But when things like iron mines happened, in Yin Ziying's opinion, the emperor would no longer pamper them as before.

After all, iron ore is related to armor and weapons. As long as the emperor doesn't lose his mind, he should know how to deal with this matter.

Wei Lingyi shook his head: "According to common sense, His Majesty will of course deal with it strictly, but now only the fourth and fifth princes are available, and Concubine Geng is blowing pillow wind by the side. What kind of regulations are there in the end? Know."

Yin Ziying was surprised: "Because of the age of the fourth and fifth princes, Geng Shan is the family of the two princes after all, so it's more embarrassing to be involved in such a thing?"

At least according to the TV dramas she watched in her previous life, this matter is very difficult. It is difficult for ordinary people to get involved with such things, especially for relatives.

Wei Lingyi shook his head, with a sarcasm on his face: "You underestimate Concubine Geng too much. She has been crowned the harem for so many years, even when the former queen was here, she did not have the limelight. Although our majesty is not a fool , but she also goes out of her way with Concubine Geng Gui.”

"That's why you've kept A-Xing and A-Tao so far?"

Wei Lingyi turned his head and looked at Yin Ziying in surprise, as if he hadn't expected her to say that, seeing her slightly raised eyebrows, he nodded and smiled.

"Yes, His Majesty will be blinded by beauty, but Princess Changyue is not. When the late emperor was alive, he once said that it is a pity that Princess Changyue is a woman."

Yin Ziying had heard about this matter before, so she nodded, she just didn't expect His Majesty the emperor to be so beautiful and stupid.

If you know that even such a big matter can't pull Geng Shan down, what else can you use to bring him down next?

Unless they were involved in the fight for the succession, of course, Yin Ziying didn't realize at the moment that she herself had already fallen into the fight for the succession.

Seeing her serious face, Wei Lingyi thought for a while and said: "Well, you can go back if you want. Recently, there has been a lot of fighting between the courts and no one has noticed Baijia Village."

Yin Ziying said: "Then how about it, I will go to the Princess's mansion tomorrow, what do you think?"

Wei Lingyi looked up at her, and seeing the deep meaning in her eyes, he couldn't help saying: "Do you think now is a good time?"

In all fairness, whether it is the pot of orchids raised by Yin Ziying from the princess's mansion or the two girls, A Xing and A Tao, it is more appropriate for the girl Yin Ziying to send them.

But the rice harvest in Baijia Village is imminent, and Yin Ziying definitely can't wait, that is, to reveal the hole card in advance, or else he will wait for Yin Ziying to leave and visit the eldest princess by himself.

But let's not talk about gender, just talk about identity. It is very inappropriate for the two of them to let him, the heir of Zhennan Prince, get in touch with Princess Changyue.

Yin Ziying: "Although no one knows that this matter was done by you, how long do you think you can keep it a secret?"

The implication is that this matter was promoted by Wei Lingyi, and no one knows now, but it may not be so in the later period.

After all, everything is traceable.

Of course Wei Lingyi understood what he meant, and while he was still talking, he heard Yin Ziying say, "Don't you believe it? Do you believe it as soon as you say they are the eldest princess? It must be investigated. This time, wait for someone to escort those people from the village over here." , it just happened to be an opportunity."

"What you said is also reasonable. In fact, I didn't intend to keep them for a long time. I originally waited for those people to come back from Qi Nan Mansion to meet the eldest princess."

Yin Ziying: "Now is a good opportunity! Didn't you say that the Qi Nan Mansion is not progressing fast now? If the eldest princess puts pressure on it..."

Wei Lingyi's eyes lit up, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

After deciding on this matter, Wei Lingyi went into the study and took a pen to clarify the matter, and then the two walked hand in hand to the courtyard where sisters A Xing and A Tao lived.

Neither of them wanted to have a bad relationship with A Xing and A Tao, so naturally they wanted to be open and honest with the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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