Chapter 430
At that time, in the yard where the two sisters lived, A Xing was sitting embroidering new doll samples, and A Tao was sitting at the table drawing pictures.

Hearing the report, both of them were a little surprised.

A Xing glanced at the excited younger sister, and then said to the servant: "Please, sister, please invite them in."

Several people entered the main room and sat down. Before A Xing could ask, Yin Ziying took the initiative to speak: "A Xing, A Tao, you must be wondering what we are doing here, right?"

The two sisters nodded. In fact, Yin Ziying was not very curious when they came here.

But Wei Lingyi... it was the first time for this distinguished eldest son to come to their place, so it was inevitable that the two of them would not think too much.

Yin Ziying glanced at Wei Lingyi with a smile, and Wei Lingyi said, "I wonder if Miss A Xing has any memories of what happened when she was a child?"

Hearing this, A Tao didn't respond, but A Xing's complexion turned pale, and she felt a little suspicious in her heart.

Seeing the words, Wei Ling felt more certain in his heart, and said directly: "I think the two girls look alike, so..."

Before he finished speaking, A Xing hurriedly interrupted: "My lord, I don't understand what you mean."

Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi looked at each other, both sure that Ah Xing must know something, but she didn't want to say it.

After thinking about it, Yin Ziying waved her hand to Wei Lingyi: "You go out first, I'll talk to A Xing and A Tao for a while here."

Naturally, Wei Lingyi would not refute her words, and after only one glance at Yin Ziying, he nodded and left.

It wasn't until this moment that A Tao realized what was wrong. She said to Yin Ziying in confusion: "Ziying, why are you here today? Why are you asking us these questions?"

Yin Ziying: "Let me tell you something that happened in Beijing recently." Then, she told the recent things in Beijing, and the two sisters listened very seriously.

After a while, A Xing said with a sullen face: "Miss Yin, do we know the person who is going to sue the court?"

It took a long time for Ah Xing to change her name from Miss Yin at the beginning to Miss Yin later, but now she is called Miss Yin again.

Yin Ziying didn't show any concern for this title, she just nodded her head: "You're right, the person who sued the court is Dahu."

"My big brother?" A Tao was surprised.

Yin Ziying nodded: "Yes! That's him."

"This matter is not such a coincidence, it was arranged by the son, right?" Compared to A Tao, A Xing was much calmer.

Yin Ziying nodded calmly: "That's right, it was indeed arranged by Wu Ling, including me, and I only found out today."

"The purpose of Miss Yin and Shizi coming today is..."

Yin Ziying: "I think, compared to the purpose of coming today, you want to know whether the incident that Duhu sued is the incident that happened to your villagers back then?"

Seeing A Xing's slightly changed expression, Yin Ziying nodded secretly in her heart.She knew that both A Xing and A Tao had affection for the people in that village, even though A Xing might know that she was not from there.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't have participated in the doll shop back then, because they wanted to take care of the people in the village.

"When I was in your village, I guessed why your village was hostile to the government. Now that I think about it, it was because your village had an enmity with the government back then?"

"Ah Xing, if this matter is done well, not only will Wu Ling and I benefit, but those people in the village will also be able to return to a peaceful life. Are you willing to let them live in fear for the rest of their lives?"

These words really touched A Xing's nerves, she raised her head and looked at Yin Ziying rather complicatedly, then nodded.

"Grandpa told me that there are iron mines in the mountains, and that's why my father and the others were controlled by the government, and grandpa took everyone to the mountains."

At this time, A Tao's face was also a little sad, but when she heard Yin Ziying asked about this matter, she also raised some hope: "Ziying, can you help my father reverse the case?"

She also knew about this matter, she knew that the people in her village had offended the government, and she also knew that her father was arrested by the government back then.

Of course, she only found out about the iron mine in the mountain when Wei Lingyi was about to send their sisters to Yin Ziying.

Yin Ziying said: "As long as this case is completed now, I think it should be possible, and everything will be rectified."

A Xing said with a complicated expression: "If it's really that simple, Miss Yin and Shizi shouldn't come to our sisters, right? I just heard from you that Geng Shan is the mastermind behind this matter? I remember you said Guo Gengshan not only holds a lot of power, but also his wife is the princess, and his sister has a high status in the palace, and, you said that the empress has two princes, right?"

At this time, even Yin Ziying couldn't help sighing at A Xing's sensitivity. She just said a few casual words to them, and she didn't even explain clearly, but A Xing had already explained her interests clearly.

As expected, dragon begets dragon and phoenix begets phoenix, it seems that Ah Xing followed Princess Changyue's mind.

"Yes, logically, the crime of iron mines is enough to convict Geng Shan, but now His Majesty loves Concubine Geng, and Concubine Geng has given birth to two of His Majesty's favorite princes."

A Xing raised her eyes to Yin Ziying, her eyes were a little cold: "So, so Miss Yin is going to stage a show of confessing relatives for us, so that we can help the prince?"

By this time, she had already guessed that Yin Ziying and Wei Lingyi probably knew their real identities a long time ago, and the real identities of their sisters were still very high.

Otherwise, it would not be enough for Wei Lingyi to worry so much.

When her plan was thwarted, Yin Ziying was not at all embarrassed. She stretched out her hand to stroke her hair, and then she looked at A Xing and A Tao, "You guys already knew this, didn't you? It's just what you thought before." The hostages are just letting you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors."

Ah Xing's face suddenly became ugly.

A Tao looked at her sister and Yin Ziying with puzzled eyes, "Sister, Ziying, what are you talking about? What does it mean to recognize relatives, what does it mean to recognize ancestors and return to one's ancestors? Aren't we my father's children?"

She still feels a little confused when she hears it. What's going on?Why can't she keep up with the two of them?

Yin Ziying sighed, and then said: "I admit that Shizi and I have some intentions to take advantage of you, but the reason why you listened to Wu Ling in the first place was not because you were controlled by others?"

Ignoring Ah Xing's ugly face, she continued: "We were not sure about your background at first, but we did it because of your performance just now."

The room was silent for a moment, only A Tao looked at her sister and Yin Ziying with a pair of confused eyes.

A Xing: "You continue."

Yin Ziying breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, which meant that Ah Xing was willing to cooperate.

Although there is nothing that can be done even if A Xing sisters are unhappy, it will be much more convenient if the two of them take the initiative to cooperate.

She didn't hold back, she just talked about the matter of Princess Changyue, and finally said: "Princess Changyue, you also know that I went to the Princess Chang's mansion to attend a banquet last time. This one looks very similar to the eldest princess."

(End of this chapter)

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