Chapter 440 Husband's Future

"I don't let you touch Yin Ziying, not because I have anything to her, but because she is now the fiancee of Zhennan Wang's son, we can't offend Zhennan Wang's lineage, you know?"

Lu Xiuyu: "Yin Ziying is just a peasant girl, can she really marry into Zhennan Prince's Mansion? She is just something for entertainment."

Gu Yunjie shook his head: "If it's another heir from the Marquis Mansion, maybe it's just for fun, but if it's Wei Lingyi, then it's serious."

In his previous life, he had never heard of the marriage of the eldest son, and there was not even a trace of bad rumors about him.Later, when the king of Zhennan forced him to marry him, he was also very chic, without any intention of compromising. How could such a person be a pastime for Yin Ziying?

What's more, that woman is really talented if she can say such a thing, and now there is an uproar all over the world, I'm afraid the Zhennan Prince's Mansion won't welcome her in.

Lu Xiuyu pursed her lips, a little unwilling, but she couldn't say anything.

In order to let her settle down in the future, Gu Yunyan told her directly, "I told you before that there is someone behind me, do you remember this?"

Lu Xiuyu nodded, of course she remembered, this was what he told her emotionally, how could she not remember?It was also because of this that she dared to spend all the money, because she knew that he didn't need to be in the officialdom.

"The person behind me is King Zhennan."

Lu Xiuyu was struck by lightning when she heard the words, what did she hear just now?Who is the person behind him?Zhennan King?Isn't that Yin Ziying's future father-in-law?And she has been complacent that she has a big shot behind her?
Such a contrast was really uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but look at her man.

Gu Yunyan nodded: "It's the king of Zhennan, so, no matter what, we can't fight among ourselves, Xiuyu, do you understand me?"

If the King of Zhennan knew that his wife was plotting against his prospective daughter-in-law secretly, I don't know what he would do!
Rao, Lu Xiuyu knew that there was someone behind her before, and she didn't know that the person behind him had such an identity. If she had known about this before, she would be crazy happy.

But now that she knew that King Zhennan was standing behind her man, she felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on her heart. King Zhennan was indeed a high-ranking and powerful king, and he was the only king with a different surname in the dynasty.

However, compared to her family's relationship with Zhennan Wang, Yin Ziying's relationship with Zhennan Wang is obviously closer, and that is the future relationship between father-in-law and daughter-in-law.

King Zhennan, that is King Zhennan. Why is such a person the future father-in-law of that woman Yin Ziying?
All of a sudden, Lu Xiuyu felt mixed emotions in her heart, and she couldn't even be happy with a relationship like climbing up to King Zhennan.

It's really tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to discard it.

She tried her best to suppress the bitterness in her heart and looked at Gu Yunyan with tears in her eyelashes, and said with difficulty in her throat: "Husband, why, why."

Why did he still seek refuge in Zhennan Prince's Mansion when he knew that she had a bad relationship with Yin Ziying, and knew about Yin Ziying's past relationship with him?

There are so many powerful people in the entire Great Yan Dynasty, why did they choose the Zhennan Palace?
However, Gu Yunyan ignored Lu Xiuyu's thoughts. Since he had already told her about the person behind it, he naturally stopped hiding it from her and said solemnly: "Xiuyu, the power of the Zhennan Palace is greater than we imagined. , do you understand?"

In the previous life, the Zhennan Prince's Mansion had already reached that point. What they did was obviously rebellious, but no one in the world called that lineage a rebellious minister and traitor, and even many people applauded.

For such a person, Gu Yunyan did not regret at all that he took the team early.

Seemingly never expecting Gu Yunyan to say that, Lu Xiuyu was startled, then lowered her head dejectedly: "Yes, I understand."

She is not a fool, since she has already said this, of course she knows what he means, isn't it just to let her never trouble Yin Ziying again?
To be honest, if Gu Yunyan hadn't said this, she would still have the guts to deal with Yin Ziying, but now that she knew who was behind them, Lu Xiuyu naturally wouldn't dare to act rashly.

After all, an accident in this matter will affect her husband's future, and her husband's future will also affect her future.

Gu Yunyan was still very satisfied with his wife's attitude. He decided to treat his wife in a different way, so as to prevent her from being so shallow.

Transparency is transparency, but Lu Xiuyu was even more disappointed with Gu Yunyan.


Qinan Mansion, Baijia Village.

The two carriages drove into the village, and the old people and children sitting under the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village were not surprised. There were many horses and horses coming and going in the village every day, and they were no strangers to seeing these carriages.

Yin Ziying lifted the curtain of the car and glanced under the big banyan tree. Seeing that there was no old village chief, she didn't stop, and was about to direct the carriage to move on, when she heard a familiar voice from under the big banyan tree over there: "Purple Miss Ying!"

Could this voice be sister Xuan?Yin Ziying hurriedly opened the curtain of the car again, and she saw a little girl in a pink skirt standing among the children over there.

"It's really my sister Ziying who's back!" Gu Yunxuan was overwhelmed with surprise, and immediately rushed over with her skirt in her hand. She hadn't seen her for a few months, and she missed her sister Ziying.

"Sister Xuan!"

Yin Ziying got out of the carriage, and firmly caught the little girl who rushed forward. The little girl hugged her softly, and she had grown a little flesh compared to before.

"Sister Ziying, you are back, I miss you so much!" Gu Yunxuan hugged Yin Ziying's neck and snuggled into her arms intimately. She hadn't hugged Sister Ziying for a long time.

Yin Ziying felt soft in her heart, she has always treated Sister Xuan as her daughter since she crossed over, and of course she misses her after not seeing her for so long.

When she was going to the capital, it wasn't that she didn't want to take Sister Xuan with her, but she was worried that someone would attack them after entering the capital. Now that she finally saw them, she naturally wanted to comfort them.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere didn't last long. Mr. Chen over there put his hands behind his back when he got out of the carriage, and looked at all this with a smile, "Whose family's milk doll is this, it's so cute."

Hearing a stranger's voice, Gu Yunxuan turned her head and saw an old man. She blinked her eyes, but her hands were still tightly hugging Yin Ziying's neck.

"Little girl, isn't this your daughter?"

Yin Ziying smiled and nodded: "This is Sister Xuan. Although she is not my daughter, I really love her as my own daughter."

Originally, it was just for fun, Mr. Chen: ...

At this time, the people under the big banyan tree over there also realized, "Oh, is that lady Yin back?"

"Didn't it say that Mrs. Yin has gone to the capital?"

"Lady Yin is Lady Yin, look, she feels even more beautiful after entering the capital."

The crowd came in twos and threes, and someone saw that it was really Yin Ziying, and immediately slapped his own child on the forehead: "Go to the village chief Zuzu and Grandpa Gu, and they say that Mrs. Yin is back, do you hear me?"

"I heard it!" The children ran away in a hurry, and Yin Ziying and Chen Lao were also surrounded by a group of old men and women.

"Hey, it's really Lady Yin!"

"Miss Yin, you are back! Some time ago, the village head was still talking about whether you would come back or not!"

"Yes, Mrs. Yin, not only the village chief and Changqing's family miss you, but we all miss you too."

"Mistress Yin, the rice harvest looks good this year! The ears of rice have bent the stalks."

(End of this chapter)

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