Chapter 441

Before Yin Ziying could speak, Elder Chen's eyes lit up: "Is the rice ripe? Has it been harvested? How much is the yield per mu?"

It was also at this time that the group of old men and women noticed that there was an old man who was about their age standing next to Yin Ziying, and everyone was a little curious now.

"Miss Yin, this is..."

Yin Ziying introduced with a smile: "This is Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen heard that we have grown rice in the north, so he came here to see it." She did not intend to tell these people about Mr. Chen's life experience.

Firstly, Mr. Chen has already retired, and secondly, Mr. Chen himself came here just to see if the rice is really grown. As for other things, it is related to the future grain planting, so let’s talk about it later.

She knew what kind of impact an extra "adult" in the village would have on the villagers. When that lord Zhou came, many people in the village were tied up.Therefore, it is better to get along as an ordinary person.

Mr. Chen was obviously very satisfied with Yin Ziying's introduction, he nodded, and greeted everyone familiarly: "Hi, fellow villagers, I heard that you have grown rice here, which is incredible. Rice is coming out, let me take a look."

Hearing what Mr. Chen said, a group of old men and women were very happy, but someone praised them!
"That's right, thanks to our lady Yin, the rice is so heavy that it can be weighed down."

"You came just in time. In a few days, our village will have rice harvesting. Our village chief said that when the time comes, the village will pay to go to the town to buy some rice and come back. The family will share two catties, and we will also try steaming rice. The taste of rice."

Old Chen was surprised: "Why, you grow rice, why do you go to the town to buy it?"

Immediately, an old man cast a contemptuous glance at Old Chen: "What do you know? Our rice is the seed of grain, do you know the seed of grain? It's not cheap, it's more expensive than the rice in the town!"

"That's right, it seems that you are quite smart, but I didn't expect you to be a fool."

Old Chen: ...

Yin Ziying smiled and watched Mr. Chen communicate with a group of old men and women, without interrupting, just talking to Gu Yunxuan in a low voice.

Everyone was talking enthusiastically, and after a while, people came out of the village one after another. This time, the people who came out to greet them were not just Uncle Gu and the old village chief, because it was the time when the workshop was off work, many workers came out with them. .

Rao Yin Ziying was a little surprised to see so many people coming out, especially because there were many foreigners among them.

After meeting with the old village head and Uncle Gu, the old village head took the initiative and said: "Ziying, don't pay attention to them, they are all here for food."

Uncle Gu also nodded at the side, with a look of joy on his face, this time listening to Ziying's words, planting rice is indeed right, when they planted wheat before, where did they see such heavy ears of wheat?The ears of rice are different, heavy and heavy, and each plant is full of multiple grains.

Yin Ziying greeted everyone politely, and then walked back with the old village head and others. It was noon, and the weather was such that she couldn't just stand at the entrance of the village all the time.

"Ziying, come to my house for dinner today, your aunt isn't here, she's gone to the county."

Yin Ziying didn't refuse, she just looked around before asking someone: "Where does Master Zhou live these days? Is it at the village chief's grandfather's house or..."

Zhou Hui lived at her house when she was here before, but now that she has gone to the capital, she doesn't know where Zhou Hui went back to. Now that Mr. Chen is here, he always wants to see him.

Uncle Gu patted his chest, "You are not here, now brother and the others live with you in order to take care of brother Lin, so Lord Zhou still lives with you, but now brother and they don't come back for lunch, so Lord Zhou is with us Home food."

Elder Chen on the side asked, "Where did you go back that week? Why didn't you see him?"

The old village chief and Uncle Gu had just learned the real identity of the old man from Yin Ziying, and now they saw him say Zhou Hui's name again, so they immediately reacted.

Although they usually called Mr. Zhou Hui and Mr. Zhou, the name seemed familiar, so the old village head said naturally: "Mr. Zhou and Brother Li are in the field. Today they went to see the geology of the field. Be back in a while."

Yin Ziying smiled and said, "Brother Li is my uncle's son, sister Xuan's cousin, and he is also a good farmer."

Hearing this, Uncle Gu smiled and nodded: "Speaking of which, Ziying, Mr. Zhou has been talking about you all the time recently, if he knows you're back, he will be happy."

A few people were chatting and laughing and had already greeted Yin's house. Yin Ziying said to the old village chief and Uncle Gu: "Uncle, village chief, let's go in and clean up first. How many people have we brought back here? It's not good. Many people have passed, we must resettle them first."

Uncle Gu naturally noticed the two coachmen, and just now in the carriage he saw Sister Xuan go in and get something to eat, and said it was given by the sister inside.

So he agreed without thinking too much, besides, if Ziying is really going to eat, then of course two dishes need to be added, and it takes time to prepare.

Therefore, Yin Ziying led her directly into her house.

Because there are too many people in the family now, there are not enough rooms, so she directly arranged for Zhishu and Yinghua to live in the same room. As for Mr. Chen, they directly arranged for Zhou Hui's room.

The rest of Guanyun Tingyu lived in another room. Just like that, the room of Yin’s house was already crowded. Originally, Yin Ziying planned to let Gu Yunxuan come over to sleep with her, but thinking that all these children are quite sensitive, And this room was originally said to be for them, so let's just let it go.

Fortunately, whether it is Zhishuyinghua, or watching the clouds and listening to the rain, there is no objection to this matter.As for Mr. Chen, although he used to be the highest agricultural official, he often lived in ordinary people's homes. Of course he knew that the environment of Yin Ziying's home was considered good.

After all the things on the carriage were unloaded, Yin Ziying picked out some presents by herself, which were brought to some friends in the village, and then taught Zhishu and the others to make a fire and cook.

But without her doing anything, Zhishu and Yinghua were already busy, "Don't worry, girl, we will do these things, you and Mr. Chen can go get busy."

Just now Yin Ziying had ordered them to eat this meal here, and the master and Mr. Chen were going to eat at the house of Uncle Gu just now, so they would naturally not refute what the master meant.

Seeing everyone's orderliness, Yin Ziying took Gu Yunxuan's hand and said with a smile, "In this case, you should get busy first. I'm going to eat with Mr. Chen, and I'll be over in a while."

Seeing this, Ying Hua has to take a step forward to keep up: "Girl, let me go with you."

As a slave, she is naturally where the master is.

Yin Ziying waved her hand: "No need, there is no danger in this village, besides, now the middle of Beijing doesn't know the news of my leaving Beijing, who will harm me?"

Gu Yunxuan also said: "Don't worry, my sister Ziying is very important, everyone in the village should say hello to me, sister Ziying!"

This is true, just now when they were in the carriage they heard a lot of compliments, Zhishu and Yinghua looked at each other, but if this is the case, wouldn't the prince let them come back with them...

(End of this chapter)

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