Chapter 446 You are not as good as her
Sitting in the yard, Mr. Chen looked at Yin Ziying who was smiling on the other side, and suddenly said, "What do you plan to do with this paddy field this year? Can you really grow peppers? Will it affect the rice planting next year?"

"How come, I tried it last year, don't you see that my field is producing as usual this year?"

Old Chen stroked his beard, "When will we plant peppers?"

This was the first time he had seen pepper growing in the rice field, and he really wanted to see it. Of course, it was not only this matter that supported him to stay in Baijia Village, but also the yield of rice per mu.

In a few days, when the villagers' rice has been threshed and dried, they will know the yield per mu this year. Although it has not been weighed yet, based on his experience, it is quite a lot.

Perhaps, it can really reach [-] catties per mu.

Mr. Chen didn't wait long, because in only two or three days, all the rice in each household had been threshed and dried, and every household took turns to take the windmill fan and put them into sacks.

But this time it was beyond everyone's expectations. The yield of rice in the whole village was more than 600 catties per mu, and the rice in the best growing area even reached [-] catties per mu.

On the day when he heard the news, Mr. Chen hugged a family's rice and wiped away his tears, causing everyone to look at each other in shock.

Yin Ziying was naturally there too, but instead of stepping forward to stop Mr. Chen, she raised her hand to signal the villagers not to go up to persuade him.For such an old man who has been busy with farming all his life, it is indeed gratifying to see the yield of rice per mu reach such a high level in his lifetime.

Not to mention others, even she herself was a little surprised.

After all, this year's rice seeds were planted by herself in the field last year without watering the Lingquan water, so she did not expect the harvest to be so good.

Seeing Mr. Chen being so emotional, the old village chief's eyes turned red, and he said to Yin Ziying, "Ziying, I thought the rice didn't grow as well as what you planted last year, but I didn't expect the yield per mu to be better than what you planted last year." It's a great thing to be tall!"

Others didn't know Yin Ziying's own yield per mu last year, but Uncle Gu knew a little bit about it, so when he heard this, Uncle Gu stepped forward and said with a smile: "I think last year we thought that Ziying's rice grew well because there was only that one piece of rice. This year, the whole village has planted brown palms and can't help but compare."

Of course Yin Ziying knew that Uncle Gu was trying to save her, so she immediately smiled at her, but the old village chief over there said solemnly: "No matter what, we should all thank Ziying, if it wasn't for Ziying, where would we get the seeds to grow rice? "

Among the crowd, there was an old man who had just been helped by his nephew in the next generation. Hearing this, he immediately said loudly: "Yes, we can have such a day today, thanks to Mrs. Yin!"

There was also an old man who said: "The yield per mu is more than 600 catties, which is almost twice the harvest of our wheat. I am so happy to see such a prosperous world in my lifetime."

"Yes, this is all due to Mrs. Yin, we want to thank Mrs. Yin!"

All of a sudden, everyone in the village looked at Yin Ziying. The old village chief stood at the front and bowed deeply to Yin Ziying immediately. After him, countless villagers followed suit.

Yin Ziying hurriedly avoided, she couldn't bear such a heavy ceremony.

"Folks, don't do this, this will be a division. Since I am a member of Baijia Village, I naturally want to contribute my own strength. I hope that the people in our village will have enough to eat in the future, and there will be no more to sell. The tragedy of selling girls happened.”

"Thank you Mrs. Yin, you are the one who founded the workshop, and now the rice is also you, it is you who feed us..."

On the other side, Zhou Hui supported Mr. Chen and watched all this quietly, both of them had complex expressions in their eyes.

They didn't expect that just a teenage girl would have such a great ability to make everyone believe in her and make everyone full of food.

After watching for a while, Mr. Chen sighed, and then reached out and patted Zhou Hui on the shoulder, "Did you see it? This is hope. This is the hope of my Great Yan Dynasty. What we, the Ministry of Agriculture, have to do is to let everyone The people are full of food."

Zhou Hui nodded, and his heart was very excited. Ever since he joined the Ministry of Agriculture, why didn't he have such a great ideal!

Unexpectedly, what so many people in the Ministry of Agriculture failed to do, was accomplished by this teenage girl in just two years.

Old Chen: "Since this girl allows you to stay here, then you should study hard and apply what you have learned when the time comes, do you hear me?"

He has already inquired in the village these days. This little girl is very powerful. I heard that even the vegetables she grows are sweeter than other people's Shuiling.

It's a pity that such a person is a girl, and it's a pity that she doesn't know it, otherwise he would definitely gather people into the Ministry of Agriculture.

Zhou Hui nodded, but wondered: "Old Chen, the things that Miss Yin planted are indeed good, but judging from the fact that I have been with her for so long, it seems that there is nothing special about what she is planting. It's like... like..."

It's as if this girl is very lucky, no matter what is in her hands, the same way, but she always gains more than others.

Old Chen shook his head and sighed: "It's fine if you can't learn other things. Some people are indeed born with good luck, but there is no doubt that although this little girl is young, she has a sense of proportion in dealing with people. When you look up, you are not as good as her."

Seeing Zhou Hui's surprise, Mr. Chen pointed to Yin Ziying who was talking happily to the old and young people in the village and said: "If you can get along with people like this one day, then you will be successful."

Zhou Hui was stunned: "Old Chen, how is that possible? Miss Yin is originally from here."

"Why is it impossible?" Old Chen said seriously, "Zhou Hui, do you know the identity of this girl's fiancé?"

The identity of Miss Yin's fiancé... Zhou Hui's heart shuddered. Others didn't know, but he knew that he was the eldest son of the Zhennan Palace, the future heir of the Zhennan Palace.

It was also because of this that he felt from the bottom of his heart that Miss Yin's luck was better than the average person's. It was fine to plant things and harvest better than others, but a businessman he knew casually had that status.

Mr. Chen said slowly: "The elder son was raised in Qinan Mansion. Since the Wu family has taken root in Qinan Mansion, do you really think that no one in the area knows about it?"

Thinking back to Zhou, even if he knew, it must be known by those big families, right?What does it have to do with these people?
"So you are really only suitable for the Ministry of Agriculture, and you may not be able to change the position next to you."

Zhou Hui: ...

Is there such a thing as detrimental?
Old Chen: "Since the elder son values ​​this little girl, the Wu family will naturally value it too. Since the Wu family values ​​it, she has always been in this village."

Zhou Hui said: "Impossible, Mr. Chen, I don't know anything else, but I have been here for the past few months..."

There was a cold snort, and Mr. Chen said slowly: "If you don't believe me, just ask any villager to see if they know about this. Are you lying to you like a little old man?"

(End of this chapter)

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